Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources.
Development Status aws-nuke is stable, but currently not all AWS resources are covered by it. Feel free to add missing resources and create a Pull Request.
Be aware that aws-nuke is a very descructive tool, hence you have to be very careful while using it. Otherwise you might delete production data.
To reduce the blast radius of accidents, there are some safety precautions:
- By default aws-nuke only lists all nukeable resources. You need to add
to actually delete resources. - aws-nuke asks you twice to confirm the deletion by entering the account alias. The first time is directly after the start and the second time after listing all nukeable resources.
- To avoid just displaying a account ID, which might gladly be ignored by humans, it is required to actually set an Account Alias for your account. Otherwise aws-nuke will abort.
- The Account Alias must not contain the string
. This string is hardcoded and it is recommended to add it to every actual production account (egmycompany-production-ecr
). - The config file contains a blacklist field. If the Account ID of the account you want to nuke is part of this blacklist, aws-nuke will abort. It is recommended, that you add every production account to this blacklist.
- To ensure you just ignore the blacklisting feature, the blacklist must contains at least one Account ID.
- The config file contains account specific settings (eg. filters). The account you want to nuke must be explicitly listed there.
- To ensure to not accidentally delete a random account, it is required to specify a config file. It is recommended to have only a single config file and add it to a central repository. This way the account blacklist is way easier to manage and keep up to date.
Feel free to create an issue, if you have any ideas to improve the safety procedures.
At first you need to create a config file for aws-nuke. This is a minimal one:
- eu-west-1
- "999999999999" # production
"000000000000": {} # aws-nuke-example
With this config we can run aws-nuke:
$ aws-nuke -c config/nuke-config.yml --profile aws-nuke-example
aws-nuke version v1.0.39.gc2f318f - Fri Jul 28 16:26:41 CEST 2017 - c2f318f37b7d2dec0e646da3d4d05ab5296d5bce
Do you really want to nuke the account with the ID 000000000000 and the alias 'aws-nuke-example'?
Do you want to continue? Enter account alias to continue.
> aws-nuke-example
eu-west-1 - EC2DhcpOption - 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Instance - 'i-01b489457a60298dd' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2KeyPair - 'test' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2NetworkACL - 'acl-6482a303' - cannot delete default VPC
eu-west-1 - EC2RouteTable - 'rtb-ffe91e99' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-220e945a' - cannot delete group 'default'
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-f20f958a' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Subnet - 'subnet-154d844e' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Volume - 'vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Vpc - 'vpc-c6159fa1' - would remove
eu-west-1 - IamUserAccessKeys - 'my-user -> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST' - would remove
eu-west-1 - IamUserPolicyAttachement - 'my-user -> AdministratorAccess' - would remove
eu-west-1 - IamUser - 'my-user' - would remove
Scan complete: 13 total, 11 nukeable, 2 filtered.
Would delete these resources. Provide --no-dry-run to actually destroy resources.
As we see, aws-nuke only lists all found resources and exits. This is because
the --no-dry-run
flag is missing. Also it wants to delete the
admininistrator. We don't want to do this, because we use this user to access
our account. Therefore we have to extend the config so it ignores this user:
- eu-west-1
- "999999999999" # production
"000000000000": # aws-nuke-example
- "my-user"
- "my-user -> AdministratorAccess"
$ aws-nuke -c config/nuke-config.yml --profile aws-nuke-example --no-dry-run
aws-nuke version v1.0.39.gc2f318f - Fri Jul 28 16:26:41 CEST 2017 - c2f318f37b7d2dec0e646da3d4d05ab5296d5bce
Do you really want to nuke the account with the ID 000000000000 and the alias 'aws-nuke-example'?
Do you want to continue? Enter account alias to continue.
> aws-nuke-example
eu-west-1 - EC2DhcpOption - 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Instance - 'i-01b489457a60298dd' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2KeyPair - 'test' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2NetworkACL - 'acl-6482a303' - cannot delete default VPC
eu-west-1 - EC2RouteTable - 'rtb-ffe91e99' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-220e945a' - cannot delete group 'default'
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-f20f958a' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Subnet - 'subnet-154d844e' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Volume - 'vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2' - would remove
eu-west-1 - EC2Vpc - 'vpc-c6159fa1' - would remove
eu-west-1 - IamUserAccessKeys - 'my-user -> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST' - filtered by config
eu-west-1 - IamUserPolicyAttachement - 'my-user -> AdministratorAccess' - filtered by config
eu-west-1 - IamUser - 'my-user' - filtered by config
Scan complete: 13 total, 8 nukeable, 5 filtered.
Do you really want to nuke these resources on the account with the ID 000000000000 and the alias 'aws-nuke-example'?
Do you want to continue? Enter account alias to continue.
> aws-nuke-example
eu-west-1 - EC2DhcpOption - 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' - DependencyViolation: The dhcpOptions 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: 9665c066-6bb1-4643-9071-f03481f80d4e
eu-west-1 - EC2Instance - 'i-01b489457a60298dd' - triggered remove
eu-west-1 - EC2KeyPair - 'test' - triggered remove
eu-west-1 - EC2RouteTable - 'rtb-ffe91e99' - DependencyViolation: The routeTable 'rtb-ffe91e99' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: 3f667620-3207-4576-ae68-0b75261c0504
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-f20f958a' - DependencyViolation: resource sg-f20f958a has a dependent object
status code: 400, request id: 5da5819d-8df5-4ced-b88f-9028e93d3cee
eu-west-1 - EC2Subnet - 'subnet-154d844e' - DependencyViolation: The subnet 'subnet-154d844e' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: 237186aa-b035-4f64-a6e3-518bed64e240
eu-west-1 - EC2Volume - 'vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2' - VolumeInUse: Volume vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2 is currently attached to i-01b489457a60298dd
status code: 400, request id: f88ff792-a17f-4fdd-9219-78a937a8d058
eu-west-1 - EC2Vpc - 'vpc-c6159fa1' - DependencyViolation: The vpc 'vpc-c6159fa1' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
eu-west-1 - S3Object - 's3://rebuy-terraform-state-138758637120/run-terraform.lock' - triggered remove
Removal requested: 2 waiting, 6 failed, 5 skipped, 0 finished
eu-west-1 - EC2DhcpOption - 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' - DependencyViolation: The dhcpOptions 'dopt-bf2ec3d8' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: d85d26e8-9f6f-42f0-811a-3b05471b0254
eu-west-1 - EC2Instance - 'i-01b489457a60298dd' - waiting
eu-west-1 - EC2KeyPair - 'test' - removed
eu-west-1 - EC2RouteTable - 'rtb-ffe91e99' - DependencyViolation: The routeTable 'rtb-ffe91e99' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: adb44c0e-3f5b-4977-b2ae-7582f57fb4b7
eu-west-1 - EC2SecurityGroup - 'sg-f20f958a' - DependencyViolation: resource sg-f20f958a has a dependent object
status code: 400, request id: c4149482-0cd2-40e0-8fa0-84a61d55a158
eu-west-1 - EC2Subnet - 'subnet-154d844e' - DependencyViolation: The subnet 'subnet-154d844e' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: ba0649ba-3be8-41ee-ae0f-6b74a1f0a873
eu-west-1 - EC2Volume - 'vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2' - VolumeInUse: Volume vol-0ddfb15461a00c3e2 is currently attached to i-01b489457a60298dd
status code: 400, request id: 9ac3eac5-f1ef-4337-a780-228295a7ebc7
eu-west-1 - EC2Vpc - 'vpc-c6159fa1' - DependencyViolation: The vpc 'vpc-c6159fa1' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
status code: 400, request id: 89f870e9-1ffa-42be-9f73-76c29f088e1a
Removal requested: 1 waiting, 6 failed, 5 skipped, 1 finished
--- truncating long output ---
As you see aws-nuke now tries to delete all resources which aren't filted, without caring about the dependendies between them. This results in API errors which can be ignored. They are displayed anyway, because it might be helpful for debugging, if the error is not about dependencies.
aws-nuke retries deleting all resources until all specified ones are deleted or until there are only resources with errors left.
Use Released Binaries
The easiest way of installing it, is to download the latest release from GitHub.
Compile from Source
To compile aws-nuke from source you need a working
Golang development environment. The sources
must be cloned to $GOPATH/src/
Also you need to install Glide, golint and GNU Make.
Then you just need to run make build
to compile a binary into the project
directory or make install
go install aws-nuke into $GOPATH/bin
. With
make xc
you can cross compile aws-nuke for other platforms.
Contact Channels
Feel free to create a GitHub Issue for any questions, bug reports or feature requests.
You can contribute to aws-nuke by forking this repository, making your changes and creating a Pull Request against our repository. If you are unsure how to solve a problem or have other questions about a contributions, please create a GitHub issue.
There is no documentation for this package.