
package module
v0.0.0-...-870baf4 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Dec 11, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 19 Imported by: 0




Golang API wrapper for Gravity.

go get

⚠️ This project is currently under construction. ⚠️


Import the package into your project.

import ""

Construct a new Gravity client.

g, err := gravity.New("your_email", "your_password")

See Documentation and Examples below for more detailed information.


Fetching feed contents after logging in with your email.

package main

import ""

func main() {
  g, err := gravity.New("your_email", "your_password")
  if err != nil {

  // Home timeline
  feed, err := g.Feed.Popular()

  // Add comment to a feed
  resp, err := g.Feed.AddComment(&gravity.AddCommentParams{
    SID: ""
    Content: ""


Coming soon!





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const (
	KEY      = "baisimeji9262019"
	IV       = "qrstuvwxyz123456"
	T_SECRET = 999983
View Source
const VERSION = "0.0.0"

VERSION of Go Gravity


View Source
var (
	EndpointRoot = ""

	EndpointCommon = EndpointRoot + "common/"
	EndpointFeed   = EndpointRoot + "feed/"
	EndpointUser   = EndpointRoot + "user/"

	EndpointCommonRegisterType                       = EndpointCommon + "registerFaq"
	EndpointCommonSendMessage                        = EndpointCommon + "sendMessage"
	EndpointCommonSystemUpgrade                      = EndpointCommon + "systemUpgrade"
	EndpointCommonGetImpornWord                      = EndpointCommon + "getimpornword"
	EndpointCommonUploadVoiceChatInfo                = EndpointCommon + "uploadVoiceChatInfo"
	EndpointCommonUploadLog                          = EndpointCommon + "uploadLog"
	EndpointCommonUploadCheck                        = EndpointCommon + "uploadCheck"
	EndpointCommonUploadChunk                        = EndpointCommon + "uploadChunk"
	EndpointCommonNewUploadV2                        = EndpointCommon + "newUploadV2"
	EndpointCommonAppeal                             = EndpointCommon + "appeal"
	EndpointCommonQrcode                             = EndpointCommon + "qrcode"
	EndpointCommonGetUserCountryFunctionSwitchConfig = EndpointCommon + "getUserCountryFunctionSwitchConfig"

	EndpointFeedFollowRecommendList      = EndpointFeed + "followRecommendList"
	EndpointFeedRecommendForStar         = EndpointFeed + "recommendForStar"
	EndpointFeedNewFeedListForStar       = EndpointFeed + "newFeedListForStar"
	EndpointFeedListCommentReply         = EndpointFeed + "listCommentReply"
	EndpointFeedAddCommentReply          = EndpointFeed + "addCommentReply"
	EndpointFeedVoteOption               = EndpointFeed + "voteOption"
	EndpointFeedVote                     = EndpointFeed + "vote"
	EndpointFeedAddComment               = EndpointFeed + "addComment"
	EndpointFeedHashtagUserRank          = EndpointFeed + "hashtagUserRank"
	EndpointFeedCloseFollowRecommendCard = EndpointFeed + "closeFollowRecommendCard"
	EndpointFeedGetHashtagDetail         = EndpointFeed + "getHashtagDetail"
	EndpointFeedCollect                  = EndpointFeed + "collect"
	EndpointFeedFollowHighLightTag       = EndpointFeed + "followHighLightTag"
	EndpointFeedSetCommentTop            = EndpointFeed + "setCommentTop"
	EndpointFeedDeleteComment            = EndpointFeed + "deleteComment"
	EndpointFeedGetFollowHighLightTag    = EndpointFeed + "getFollowHighLightTag"
	EndpointFeedDeleteFeed               = EndpointFeed + "deleteFeed"
	EndpointFeedListComment              = EndpointFeed + "listComment"
	EndpointFeedShieldFeed               = EndpointFeed + "shieldFeed"
	EndpointFeedShieldReason             = EndpointFeed + "shieldReason"
	EndpointFeedShieldTag                = EndpointFeed + "shieldTag"
	EndpointFeedGetFeedById              = EndpointFeed + "getFeedById"
	EndpointFeedListHotComment           = EndpointFeed + "listHotComment"
	EndpointFeedRecommendFeedListV2      = EndpointFeed + "recommendFeedListV2"
	EndpointFeedNewFeedListV2            = EndpointFeed + "newFeedListV2"
	EndpointFeedPalFeedListV3            = EndpointFeed + "palFeedListV3"
	EndpointFeedGetDefaultText           = EndpointFeed + "getDefaultText"
	EndpointFeedActivityList             = EndpointFeed + "activityList"
	EndpointFeedActivitySummary          = EndpointFeed + "activitySummary"
	EndpointFeedGuide                    = EndpointFeed + "guide"
	EndpointFeedHashtagDel               = EndpointFeed + "hashtagDel"
	EndpointFeedHashtag                  = EndpointFeed + "hashtag"
	EndpointFeedPredictTagv2             = EndpointFeed + "predictTagv2"
	EndpointFeedUploadFeed               = EndpointFeed + "uploadFeed"
	EndpointFeedDelHashAndInterestTagHis = EndpointFeed + "delHashAndInterestTagHis"
	EndpointFeedHashAndInterestTagHis    = EndpointFeed + "hashAndInterestTagHis"
	EndpointFeedHashAndInterestTag       = EndpointFeed + "hashAndInterestTag"
	EndpointFeedSearchHis                = EndpointFeed + "searchHis"
	EndpointFeedAddHashAndInterestTagHis = EndpointFeed + "addHashAndInterestTagHis"
	EndpointFeedAddShieldKeyword         = EndpointFeed + "addShieldKeyword"
	EndpointFeedDelShieldKeyword         = EndpointFeed + "delShieldKeyword"
	EndpointFeedListShieldKeyword        = EndpointFeed + "listShieldKeyword"
	EndpointFeedSetTop                   = EndpointFeed + "setTop"
	EndpointFeedPersonalFeedList         = EndpointFeed + "personalFeedList"

	EndpointUserVirtual3DStatusDiaryList     = EndpointUser + "virtual3DStatusDiaryList"
	EndpointUserVirtual3DEmojiConfigList     = EndpointUser + "virtual3DEmojiConfigList"
	EndpointUserVirtual3DPropStatusForSquare = EndpointUser + "virtual3DPropStatusForSquare"
	EndpointUserVirtual3DReceiveRewards      = EndpointUser + "virtual3DReceiveRewards"
	EndpointUserVirtual3DShortInfoList       = EndpointUser + "virtual3DShortInfoList"
	EndpointUserUserListInfo                 = EndpointUser + "userListInfo"
	EndpointUserUpdateSeeking                = EndpointUser + "updateSeeking"
	EndpointUserCheckCode                    = EndpointUser + "checkCode"
	EndpointUserGetSeeking                   = EndpointUser + "getSeeking"
	EndpointUserHofUserList                  = EndpointUser + "HofUserList"
	EndpointUserThirdLogin                   = EndpointUser + "third/login"
	EndpointUserBindEmail                    = EndpointUser + "email/bindEmail"
	EndpointUserBindCode                     = EndpointUser + "bindCode"
	EndpointUserCheckInstall                 = EndpointUser + "checkInstall"
	EndpointUserCheckRegister                = EndpointUser + "checkRegister"
	EndpointUserEmailIsBind                  = EndpointUser + "email/isbind"
	EndpointUserEmailIsRegistered            = EndpointUser + "email/isreg"
	EndpointUserInterestClassify             = EndpointUser + "interestClassify"
	EndpointUserEmailLogin                   = EndpointUser + "email/login"
	EndpointUserLoginWithCode                = EndpointUser + "loginWithCode"
	EndpointUserMobileIsRegistered           = EndpointUser + "mobile/isreg"
	EndpointUserEmailSendMsg                 = EndpointUser + "email/sendmsg"
	EndpointUserAccountLogOffMsg             = EndpointUser + "account/logOffMsg"
	EndpointUserAccountLogOff                = EndpointUser + "account/logOff"
	EndpointUserIsRaisePopup                 = EndpointUser + "isRaisePopup"
	EndpointUserUpdateDevice                 = EndpointUser + "updateDevice"
	EndpointUserUpdateSetting                = EndpointUser + "updateSetting"
	EndpointUserGetUserShareSetting          = EndpointUser + "getUserShareSetting"
	EndpointUserGetCenterBackground          = EndpointUser + "getCenterBackground"
	EndpointUserUpdateMicrophoneColor        = EndpointUser + "updateMicrophoneColor"
	EndpointUserGetMicrophoneColor           = EndpointUser + "getMicrophoneColor"
	EndpointUserGetEntryEffects              = EndpointUser + "getEntryEffects"
	EndpointUserGetProfileCardDecorationList = EndpointUser + "getProfileCardDecorationList"
	EndpointUserGetFeedPendantList           = EndpointUser + "getFeedPendantList"
	EndpointUserUpdateCenterBackground       = EndpointUser + "updateCenterBackground"
	EndpointUserUpdateEntryEffects           = EndpointUser + "updateEntryEffects"
	EndpointUserUpdateProfileCardDecoration  = EndpointUser + "updateProfileCardDecoration"
	EndpointUserUpdateFeedPendant            = EndpointUser + "updateFeedPendant"
	EndpointUserPortraitListCount            = EndpointUser + "portraitListCount"
	EndpointUserUpdateTag                    = EndpointUser + "updateTag"
	EndpointUserUpdateUserInfo               = EndpointUser + "updateUserInfo"
	EndpointUserSecondHomePage               = EndpointUser + "secondHomePage"
	EndpointUserUpdateSnsInfo                = EndpointUser + "updateSnsInfo"
	EndpointUserExtraInfo                    = EndpointUser + "extraInfo"
	EndpointUserGetInterestTag               = EndpointUser + "getInterestTag"
	EndpointUserDressUpCenter                = EndpointUser + "dressUpCenter"
	EndpointUserUserInfoCenter               = EndpointUser + "userInfoCenter"
	EndpointUserUserDetail                   = EndpointUser + "detail"
	EndpointUserSettingCenter                = EndpointUser + "settingCenter"
	EndpointUserWhiteListCheck               = EndpointUser + "whiteListCheck"
View Source
var (
	ErrInvalidIdentifier    = errors.New("not a valid identifier given")
	ErrStorageDoesNotMatch  = errors.New("storage does not match given credentials")
	ErrAuthenticationFailed = errors.New("authentication failed")
View Source
var (
	ErrNoInvalidParams             = -3
	ErrNoSignCheckFailed           = -4
	ErrNoSuccess                   = 0
	ErrNoEmailAddressOrPassword    = 50012
	ErrNoEmailAddressNotRegistered = 50014
View Source
var (
	// Marshal defines function used to encode JSON payloads
	Marshal func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) = json.Marshal
	// Unmarshal defines function used to decode JSON payloads
	Unmarshal func(src []byte, v interface{}) error = json.Unmarshal
View Source
var (
	LoginTypeInvalid = -1
	LoginTypeOther   = 0
	LoginTypePnum    = 1
	LoginTypeEmail   = 2
View Source
var (
	ErrJSONUnmarshal = errors.New("json unmarshal")

All error constants


This section is empty.


type AIExam

type AIExam struct {
	Character   string `json:"character"`
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	IsFinish    bool   `json:"is_finish"`

type APIErrorMessage

type APIErrorMessage struct {
	ErrNo  int         `json:"errno"`
	ErrMsg string      `json:"errmsg"`
	Data   interface{} `json:"data"`

type Badge

type Badge struct {
	BadgeType int    `json:"badge_type"`
	Desc      string `json:"desc"`
	DialogURL string `json:"dialog_url"`
	IntroURL  string `json:"intro_url"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	Status    int    `json:"status"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	IconURL   string `json:"icon_url"`

type CenterBackgroundData

type CenterBackgroundData struct {
	ActivityBeginTime int64  `json:"activity_begin_time"`
	ActivityEndTime   int64  `json:"activity_end_time"`
	AndroidUrl        string `json:"android_url"`
	Anim              string `json:"anim"`
	Count             int    `json:"count"`
	ExpireTime        int64  `json:"expire_time"`
	GetStatus         int    `json:"is_get"`
	GoodsType         int    `json:"goods_type"`
	ID                int    `json:"id"`
	Image             string `json:"image"`
	Level             string `json:"level"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Preview           string `json:"preview"`
	TagType           string `json:"tag_type"`
	ValidDays         int    `json:"valid_days"`
	VipLevel          int    `json:"vip_level"`

type Charm

type Charm struct {
	CanCharmLike int   `json:"can_charm_like"`
	Level        int   `json:"charm_level"`
	UpgradeNeed  int64 `json:"upgrade_need_value"`
	Value        int64 `json:"charm_value"`

type CommonService

type CommonService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CommonService) SaySomething

func (s *CommonService) SaySomething(msg string)

type ContentFeedBanner

type ContentFeedBanner struct{}

type ContentVoice

type ContentVoice struct{}

type Credentials

type Credentials struct {
	LoginType  int
	Identifier string
	Password   string
	GAID       string
	UUID       string
	Token      string

type DecorationPendantData

type DecorationPendantData struct {
	ActivityBeginTime int64  `json:"activity_begin_time"`
	ActivityEndTime   int64  `json:"activity_end_time"`
	ActivitySource    int64  `json:"activity_source"`
	AndroidURL        string `json:"android_url"`
	Count             int    `json:"count"`
	Desc              string `json:"desc"`
	ExpireTime        int64  `json:"expire_time"`
	GoodsType         int    `json:"goods_type"`
	ID                int    `json:"id"`
	IsGet             int    `json:"is_get"`
	Level             string `json:"level"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	PendantUrl        string `json:"pendant_url"`
	PreviewURL        string `json:"preview_url"`
	ValidDays         string `json:"valid_days"`
	VipLevel          int    `json:"vip_level"`

type DecorationProfileCardData

type DecorationProfileCardData struct{}

type Device

type Device struct {
	SimCountry     string `json:"sim_country"`
	Device         string `json:"device"`
	SystemVersion  string `json:"system_version"`
	Sign           string `json:"sign"`
	Referrer       string `json:"referrer"`
	Zone           string `json:"zone"`
	IDFA           string `json:"idfa"`
	AppVersionCode string `json:"app_version_code"`
	Timestamp      string `json:"ts"`
	SystemLanguage string `json:"sys_lang"`
	AppVersion     string `json:"app_version"`
	LanguageV2     string `json:"languageV2"`
	UWD            string `json:"uwd"`
	Country        string `json:"country"`
	Brand          string `json:"brand"`
	SDKVersion     string `json:"sdk_version"`
	UserCountry    string `json:"user_country"`
	Package        string `json:"pkg"`
	Product        string `json:"product"`
	Model          string `json:"model"`

type EntrySpecialEffectData

type EntrySpecialEffectData struct {
	ActivityBeginTime int64  `json:"activity_begin_time"`
	ActivityEndTime   int64  `json:"activity_end_time"`
	ActivitySource    string `json:"activity_source"`
	AndroidURL        string `json:"android_url"`
	ColorValue        string `json:"color_value"`
	Count             int    `json:"count"`
	EntryDesc         string `json:"entry_desc"`
	EntryURL          string `json:"entry_url"`
	ExpireTime        int64  `json:"expire_time"`
	GoodsType         int    `json:"goods_type"`
	ID                int    `json:"id"`
	IsGet             int    `json:"is_get"`
	Level             string `json:"level"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	PreviewURL        string `json:"preview_url"`
	ValidDays         string `json:"valid_days"`
	VideoURL          string `json:"video_url"`
	VipLevel          int    `json:"vip_level"`

type ExamBean

type ExamBean struct {
	AIExam   AIExam       `json:"ai_exam"`
	External ExternalBean `json:"external"`
	Internal InternalBean `json:"internal"`
	MBTIExam MBTIExam     `json:"mbti_exam"`

type ExternalBean

type ExternalBean struct {
	Character   string `json:"character"`
	Detail      string `json:"detail"`
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`

type ExtraInfo

type ExtraInfo struct {
	CenterBackground        CenterBackgroundData      `json:"center_background"`
	CharacterAttribute      string                    `json:"character_attribute"`
	Charm                   Charm                     `json:"charm_info"`
	CreatorStatus           int                       `json:"creator_status"`
	EntryEffects            EntrySpecialEffectData    `json:"entry_effects"`
	Exam                    ExamBean                  `json:"exam"`
	Family                  Family                    `json:"family"`
	Fans                    int                       `json:"fans"`
	Follow                  int                       `json:"follow"`
	Friends                 int                       `json:"friends"`
	GoodAnchorStatus        int                       `json:"voice_creator_status"`
	GuardStatus             int                       `json:"guard_status"`
	HasDeepFriend           int                       `json:"is_widget"`
	HaveVoiceUserTag        int                       `json:"have_voice_user_tag"`
	InterestTag             []InterestTag             `json:"interest_tag"`
	IsIn3D                  int                       `json:"is_in_3D"`
	IsPlato                 int                       `json:"is_plato"`
	MessageBubble           UserMessageBubble         `json:"message_bubble"`
	MicrophoneInfo          VoiceMicrophoneData       `json:"microphone_info"`
	Mute                    int                       `json:"behavior"`
	OnlineStatus            int                       `json:"online_status"`
	Pendant                 DecorationPendantData     `json:"feed_pendant"`
	PortraitFrame           PortraitFrame             `json:"portrait_frame"`
	PortraitInfo            PortraitData              `json:"portrait_info"`
	ProfileCard             DecorationProfileCardData `json:"profile_card_decoration"`
	RecallUser              int                       `json:"recall_user"`
	Relation                int                       `json:"relation"`
	RelationType            int                       `json:"relation_type"`
	Setting                 Setting                   `json:"setting"`
	ShowLotteryNewUserGuide int                       `json:"user_is_lottery_new"`
	SnsInfo                 SnsInfo                   `json:"sns_info"`
	SquareUpdateTime        int64                     `json:"square_update_time"`
	UserAuth                UserAuth                  `json:"user_authority"`
	UserTagData             []UserTagData             `json:"user_tag_list"`
	UserStatistic           UserFans                  `json:"user_statistic"`
	VIP                     VIPInfo                   `json:"vip"`
	VirtualBG               string                    `json:"virtual_bg"`
	VirtualBGImage          string                    `json:"bg_img"`
	VirtualImage            string                    `json:"virtualImage"`
	VoiceChannelId          string                    `json:"voice_channel_id"`
	VoiceOnline             int                       `json:"voice_online"`
	VoiceUserTag            UserTagData               `json:"voice_user_tag"`

type Family

type Family struct {
	BadgeText string `json:"badge_text"`
	BadgeURL  string `json:"badge_url"`
	FamilyID  int    `json:"family_id"`
	Level     int    `json:"level"`

type Feed

type Feed struct{}

type FeedRecommend

type FeedRecommend struct {
	ContentFeed       Feed              `json:"content_feed"`
	ContentFeedBanner ContentFeedBanner `json:"content_feed_banner"`
	ContentFeedGuide  map[string]string `json:"content_feed_guide"`
	RecommendUsers    RecommendUsers    `json:"content_user"`
	ContentVoice      ContentVoice      `json:"content_voice"`
	FollowRecommend   FollowRecommend   `json:"follow_recommend"`
	StarInfo          Star              `json:"star_info"`
	Type              string            `json:"type"`

type FeedRecommendList

type FeedRecommendList struct {
	HashtagList HashtagList     `json:"high_tag"`
	HcInfo      string          `json:"hc_info"`
	IsNew       int             `json:"is_new"`
	LastID      string          `json:"last_id"`
	List        []FeedRecommend `json:"list"`
	TagID       string          `json:"tag_id"`
	Type        string          `json:"type"`

type FeedService

type FeedService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FeedService) RecommendFeedList

func (s *FeedService) RecommendFeedList(params *RecommendFeedListParams) (st interface{}, err error)

type FollowRecommend

type FollowRecommend struct{}

type Gravity

type Gravity struct {
	Common  *CommonService
	Feed    *FeedService
	Storage *StorageService
	User    *UserService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(identifier, password string, options ...GravityOption) (g *Gravity, err error)

type GravityConfig

type GravityConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type GravityOption

type GravityOption func(cfg *GravityConfig)

func WithClient

func WithClient(client *http.Client) GravityOption

WithClient changes the HTTP client used for the request.

func WithStorageFilename

func WithStorageFilename(filename string) GravityOption

WithStorageFilename changes the filename used for the storage.

type HashtagList

type HashtagList struct {

type InterestTag

type InterestTag struct {
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Type  int    `json:"type"`

type InternalBean

type InternalBean struct {
	Character   string `json:"character"`
	Detail      string `json:"detail"`
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`

type IsEmailRegisteredParams

type IsEmailRegisteredParams struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`

type IsPhoneNumberRegisteredParams

type IsPhoneNumberRegisteredParams struct {
	Number string `json:"pnum"`

type LoginData

type LoginData struct {
	Pnum  string   `json:"pnum"`
	Token string   `json:"token"`
	User  UserInfo `json:"user"`

type LoginWithEmailParams

type LoginWithEmailParams struct {
	Address  string `json:"address"`
	Password string `json:"pwd"`

type MBTIExam

type MBTIExam struct {
	CharacterAttribute string `json:"character_attribute"`
	CompleteStatus     int    `json:"complete_status"`

type PortraitData

type PortraitData struct{}

type PortraitFrame

type PortraitFrame struct {
	ExpireTime         int64  `json:"expire_time"`
	FrameID            int    `json:"frame_id"`
	FrameImage         string `json:"frame_image"`
	FrameType          int    `json:"frame_type"`
	HideStyle          int    `json:"is_hide"`
	LimitNum           int    `json:"limit_num"`
	LimitSerialNum     int    `json:"limit_serial_num"`
	LimitStatus        int    `json:"limit_status"`
	PortraitFrameLevel string `json:"portrait_frame_level"`
	PortraitFrameName  string `json:"portrait_frame_name"`

type RESTError

type RESTError struct {
	Request      *http.Request
	Response     *http.Response
	ResponseBody []byte

	Message *APIErrorMessage // Message may be nil.

RESTError stores error information about a request with a bad response code. Message is not always present, there are cases where api calls can fail without returning a json message.

func (*RESTError) Error

func (e *RESTError) Error() string

type RecommendFeedListParams

type RecommendFeedListParams struct {
	SID    string `json:"session_id"`
	LastID string `json:"last_id"`
	LogID  int    `json:"log_id"`

type RecommendUsers

type RecommendUsers struct{}

type Setting

type Setting struct{}

type SnsInfo

type SnsInfo struct{}

type Star

type Star struct{}

type State

type State struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewState

func NewState(identifier string, password string, loginType int) *State

type StorageService

type StorageService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StorageService) CreateOneAndSave

func (s *StorageService) CreateOneAndSave() error

func (*StorageService) Load

func (s *StorageService) Load() (err error)

load() transports local storage data into Gravity.State. If Gravity.State doesn't match the local straage, returns an error.

func (*StorageService) Remove

func (s *StorageService) Remove() error

func (*StorageService) Save

func (s *StorageService) Save() error

save() exports current Gravity.State as local storage data

type UserAuth

type UserAuth struct{}

type UserFans

type UserFans struct {
	FansCount   int `json:"fans_count"`
	FollowCount int `json:"follow_count"`
	VoteCount   int `json:"vote_count"`

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	AnchorLevel         string    `json:"anchor_level"`
	AnchorLevelBadgeURL string    `json:"anchor_level_badge_url"`
	AnchorLevelURL      string    `json:"anchor_level_url"`
	BadgeList           []Badge   `json:"badge_list"`
	BadgeListWall       []Badge   `json:"badge_list_wall"`
	Birthdate           int       `json:"birthdate"`
	Center2DBackground  string    `json:"2d_bg_img"`
	CrownRank           int       `json:"crown_rank"`
	CustomID            string    `json:"custom_id"`
	EncrypUserID        string    `json:"encryp_user_id"`
	EncryptEmail        string    `json:"encrypt_email"`
	Ext                 ExtraInfo `json:"ext"`
	Gender              int       `json:"gender"`
	IsOld3D             int       `json:"is_3D"`
	LoginType           int       `json:"login_type"`
	Name                string    `json:"name"`
	PlatoGender         int       `json:"plato_gender"`
	Portrait            string    `json:"portrait"`
	PortraitFrame       string    `json:"portrait_frame"`
	Profile             string    `json:"profile"`
	RegisterTime        int       `json:"db_time"`
	RegisterVersion     string    `json:"app_version"`
	ShouldHidden        int       `json:"should_hidden"`
	UserCountry         string    `json:"user_country"`
	UserID              float64   `json:"user_id"`
	VirtualTypeV2       int       `json:"virtual_type_v2"`
	VoiceCreatorStatus  int       `json:"voice_creator_status"`

	BGImg               string `json:"bg_img"`
	CompressPortrait    string `json:"compress_portrait"`
	CreatorStatus       int    `json:"creator_status"`
	GroupLevel          int    `json:"group_level"`
	GuardStatus         int    `json:"guard_status"`
	IsMinor             int    `json:"is_minor"`
	LimitSerialNum      int    `json:"limit_serial_num"`
	LoginTime           int    `json:"login_time"`
	LowerCustomID       string `json:"lower_custom_id"`
	PortraitColor       string `json:"portrait_color"`
	PortraitFrameExpire int    `json:"portrait_frame_expire"`
	PortraitFrameID     int    `json:"portrait_frame_id"`
	PortraitImage       string `json:"portrait_image"`
	RefreshToken        string `json:"refres_token"`
	Status              int    `json:"status"`
	VirtualImage        string `json:"virtual_image"`

type UserMessageBubble

type UserMessageBubble struct {
	BubbleID   int   `json:"bubble_id"`
	ExpireTime int64 `json:"expire_time"`

type UserService

type UserService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type UserTagData

type UserTagData struct{}

type VIPInfo

type VIPInfo struct {
	ExpireDate string `json:"expire_date"`
	ExpireTime int64  `json:"expire_time"`
	IsVIP      int    `json:"is_vip"`
	VIPLevel   int    `json:"vip_level"`

type VoiceMicrophoneData

type VoiceMicrophoneData struct {
	Color     string `json:"color"`
	GetStatus int    `json:"is_get"`
	ID        int    `json:"id"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	VIPLevel  int    `json:"vip_level"`

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL