Climber Count
This is a Telegram bot that scrapes the climber count gauge for a given gym and returns the latest people count to a channel when asked.
How it works
- Periodically pulls HTML from for a given
and fId
- Parses the HTML file and extracts
var data
as JSON.
- Retrieves the counter for a given gym and stores it along with the update time in SQLite.
- When the bot is asked for
, it returns the latest count from the storage.
You can either download the binary from the release tab, use Homebrew with brew tap eiri/tap
and brew install climber-count
, or use Docker with docker pull
Export the following environment variables:
PGK - A UID. This is usually an MD5-like string in the URL path set right after "public".
FID - Another ID, organization-specific.
GYM - A gym abbreviation. The response can contain multiple gyms' counters.
SCHEDULE - Key=crontab pairs separated by |. For example: weekdays=4 */5 8-22 * * MON-FRI|weekends=2 */5 8-20 * * SAT,SUN. This pulls the counter every five minutes during the gym's working hours. Theoretically, it can go down to seconds, but there is no need to spam Be nice.
STORAGE - A path to the SQLite file.
BOT_TOKEN - A Telegram bot token from @BotFather.
For Docker, it is probably more convenient to use docker-compose.