Generate test suites for protobuf services implementing
standard AIP methods.
The generated test suites are based on guidance for standard methods, and
experience from implementing these methods in practice. See Suites
for a list of the generated tests.
Experimental: This plugin is experimental, and breaking changes with regard
to the generated tests suites should be expected.
Step 1: Declare a service with AIP standard methods
service FreightService {
// Get a shipper.
// See: (Standard methods: Get).
rpc GetShipper(GetShipperRequest) returns (Shipper) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/{name=shippers/*}"
option (google.api.method_signature) = "name";
// ...
Step 2: Install the generator
Download a prebuilt binary from releases and put it in your PATH.
The generator can also be built from source using Go.
Step 3: Generate test suites
Include the plugin in protoc
--go-aip-test_out=[OUTPUT DIR] \
--go-aip-test_opt=module=[OUTPUT MODULE] \
[.proto files ...]
This can also be done via a
buf generate template. See
buf.gen.yaml for an example.
Step 4: Run tests
The generated test suites must be provided with some input data.
package example
func Test_FreightService(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("this is just an example, the service is not implemented.")
// setup server before test
server := examplefreightv1.UnimplementedFreightServiceServer{}
// setup test suite
suite := examplefreightv1.FreightServiceTestSuite{
T: t,
Server: server,
// run tests for each resource in the service
ctx := context.Background()
suite.TestShipper(ctx, examplefreightv1.ShipperTestSuiteConfig{
// Create should return a resource which is valid to create, i.e.
// all required fields set.
Create: func() *examplefreightv1.Shipper {
return &examplefreightv1.Shipper{
DisplayName: "Example shipper",
BillingAccount: "billingAccounts/12345",
// Update should return a resource which is valid to update, i.e.
// all required fields set.
Update: func() *examplefreightv1.Shipper {
return &examplefreightv1.Shipper{
DisplayName: "Updated example shipper",
BillingAccount: "billingAccounts/54321",
Skipping tests
There may be multiple reasons for an API to deviate from the guidance for
standard methods (for examples see AIP-200). This
plugin supports skipping individual or groups of tests using the Skip
generated for each test suite config.
Each test are compared, using strings.Contains
, against a list of skipped test
patterns. The full name of each test will follow the format
[resource]/[method type]/[test_name]
Sample skips:
skips the "invalid name" test for Get standard method.
skips all tests for a Get standard method.
Name |
Description |
Only if |
missing parent |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if no parent is provided. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- resource has a parent
invalid parent |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if provided parent is invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- resource has a parent
create time |
Field create_time should be populated when the resource is created. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has field 'create_time'
persisted |
The created resource should be persisted and reachable with Get. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has Get method
user settable id |
If method support user settable IDs, when set the resource should be returned with the provided ID. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has user settable ID
already exists |
If method support user settable IDs and the same ID is reused the method should return AlreadyExists. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has user settable ID
required fields |
The method should fail with InvalidArgument if the resource has any required fields and they are not provided. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- resource has any required fields
resource references |
The method should fail with InvalidArgument if the resource has any resource references and they are invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- resource has any mutable resource references
etag populated |
Field etag should be populated when the resource is created. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has field 'etag'
Name |
Description |
Only if |
missing name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if no name is provided. |
Generated only if all are true: |
invalid name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if the provided name is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: |
exists |
Resource should be returned without errors if it exists. |
Generated only if all are true: |
not found |
Method should fail with NotFound if the resource does not exist. |
Generated only if all are true: |
only wildcards |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if the provided name only contains wildcards ('-') |
Generated only if all are true: |
Name |
Description |
Only if |
invalid parent |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if provided parent is invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
names missing |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if no names are provided. |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
invalid names |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if a provided name is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
wildcard name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if a provided name only contains wildcards (-) |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
all exists |
Resources should be returned without errors if they exist. |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
atomic |
The method must be atomic; it must fail for all resources or succeed for all resources (no partial success). |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
parent mismatch |
If a caller sets the "parent", and the parent collection in the name of any resource being retrieved does not match, the request must fail. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
ordered |
The order of resources in the response must be the same as the names in the request. |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
duplicate names |
If a caller provides duplicate names, the service should return duplicate resources. |
Generated only if all are true: - has BatchGet method
- is not alternative batch request message
Name |
Description |
Only if |
missing name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if no name is provided. |
Generated only if all are true: |
invalid name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if provided name is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: |
update time |
Field update_time should be updated when the resource is updated. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Create method
- Create method does not return long-running operation
- has Update method
- Update method does not return long-running operation
- has field 'update_time'
persisted |
The updated resource should be persisted and reachable with Get. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- Update method does not return long-running operation
- has Get method
preserve create_time |
The field create_time should be preserved when a '*'-update mask is used. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- Update method does not return long-running operation
- has field 'create_time'
- resource has any required fields
etag mismatch |
Method should fail with Aborted if the supplied etag doesnt match the current etag value. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- request has etag field
- has field 'etag'
etag updated |
Field etag should have a new value when the resource is successfully updated. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- request has etag field
- has field 'etag'
not found |
Method should fail with NotFound if the resource does not exist. |
Generated only if all are true: |
invalid update mask |
The method should fail with InvalidArgument if the update_mask is invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- Update method has update_mask
required fields |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if any required field is missing when called with '*' update_mask. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Update method
- resource has any required fields
Name |
Description |
Only if |
invalid parent |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if provided parent is invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has List method
- resource has a parent
invalid page token |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument is provided page token is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: |
negative page size |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument is provided page size is negative. |
Generated only if all are true: |
isolation |
If parent is provided the method must only return resources under that parent. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has List method
- resource has a parent
last page |
If there are no more resources, next_page_token should not be set. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has List method
- resource has a parent
more pages |
If there are more resources, next_page_token should be set. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has List method
- resource has a parent
one by one |
Listing resource one by one should eventually return all resources. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has List method
- resource has a parent
deleted |
Method should not return deleted resources. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has List method
- has Delete method
- resource has a parent
Name |
Description |
Only if |
invalid parent |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if provided parent is invalid. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Search method
- resource has a parent
invalid page token |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument is provided page token is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: |
negative page size |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument is provided page size is negative. |
Generated only if all are true: |
isolation |
If parent is provided the method must only return resources under that parent. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has Search method
- resource has a parent
last page |
If there are no more resources, next_page_token should not be set. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has Search method
- resource has a parent
more pages |
If there are more resources, next_page_token should be set. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has Search method
- resource has a parent
one by one |
Searching resource one by one should eventually return all resources. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has Search method
- resource has a parent
deleted |
Method should not return deleted resources. |
Generated only if all are true: - resource has a parent
- has Search method
- has Delete method
- resource has a parent
Name |
Description |
Only if |
missing name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if no name is provided. |
Generated only if all are true: |
invalid name |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if the provided name is not valid. |
Generated only if all are true: |
exists |
Resource should be deleted without errors if it exists. |
Generated only if all are true: |
not found |
Method should fail with NotFound if the resource does not exist. |
Generated only if all are true: |
already deleted |
Method should fail with NotFound if the resource was already deleted. This also applies to soft-deletion. |
Generated only if all are true: |
only wildcards |
Method should fail with InvalidArgument if the provided name only contains wildcards ('-') |
Generated only if all are true: |
etag mismatch |
Method should fail with Aborted if the supplied etag doesnt match the current etag value. |
Generated only if all are true: - has Delete method
- request has etag field
- has field 'etag'