Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AutoMigrate(db *gorm.DB, tablePrefix string) error
- func ContextWithDB(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) context.Context
- func ContextWithScope(ctx context.Context, scope string) context.Context
- func DiffComponent(diffstr string, req *http.Request) h.HTMLComponent
- func FetchOld(db *gorm.DB, ref any) (any, error)
- func FetchOldWithSlug(db *gorm.DB, ref any, slug string) (any, error)
- func FirstUpperWord(name string) string
- func GetHasUnreadNotesHref(listingHref string) string
- func KeysValue(v any, keys []string, sep string) string
- func NotifiLastViewedAtUpdated(modelName string) string
- func ParseModelName(v any) string
- func ParsePrimaryKeys(v any, useBindName bool) []string
- func ParseSchema(v any) (*schema.Schema, error)
- func ParseSchemaWithDB(db *gorm.DB, v any) (*schema.Schema, error)
- func ScopeWithOwner(owner string) string
- func ScopeWithTablePrefix(tablePrefix string) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB
- type ActivityLog
- type ActivityUser
- type Builder
- func (b *Builder) AutoMigrate() (r *Builder)
- func (ab *Builder) FindLogsForTimelineFunc(...) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) FindUsersFunc(v func(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]*User, error)) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) GetLogModelBuilder(pb *presets.Builder) *presets.ModelBuilder
- func (ab *Builder) GetModelBuilder(v any) (*ModelBuilder, bool)
- func (ab *Builder) GetModelBuilders() []*ModelBuilder
- func (ab *Builder) GetNotesCounts(ctx context.Context, modelName string, modelKeyses []string, ...) ([]*NoteCount, error)
- func (ab *Builder) Install(b *presets.Builder) error
- func (ab *Builder) Log(ctx context.Context, action string, v any, detail any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) MarkAllNotesAsRead(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ab *Builder) MaxCountShowInTimeline(v int) *Builder
- func (b *Builder) ModelInstall(pb *presets.Builder, m *presets.ModelBuilder) error
- func (ab *Builder) MustGetModelBuilder(v any) *ModelBuilder
- func (ab *Builder) Note(ctx context.Context, v any, note *Note) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) OnCreate(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) OnDelete(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) OnEdit(ctx context.Context, old, new any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) OnView(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (ab *Builder) PermPolicy(v *perm.PolicyBuilder) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) RegisterModel(m any) (amb *ModelBuilder)
- func (ab *Builder) RegisterModels(models ...any) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) SkipResPermCheck(v bool) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) TablePrefix(prefix string) *Builder
- func (ab *Builder) WrapLogModelInstall(w func(presets.ModelInstallFunc) presets.ModelInstallFunc) *Builder
- type CreateNoteRequest
- type DeleteNoteRequest
- type Diff
- type DiffBuilder
- type Messages
- type ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddIgnoredFields(fields ...string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddKeys(keys ...string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddTypeHanders(v any, f TypeHandler) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) BeforeCreate(f func(ctx context.Context, log *ActivityLog) error) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) Diff(old, new any) ([]Diff, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) IgnoredFields(fields ...string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) Keys(keys ...string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) LabelFunc(f func() string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) LinkFunc(f func(any) string) *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) Log(ctx context.Context, action string, obj any, detail any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (amb *ModelBuilder) NewHasUnreadNotesFilterItem(ctx context.Context, columnPrefix string) (*vx.FilterItem, error)
- func (amb *ModelBuilder) NewHasUnreadNotesFilterTab(ctx context.Context) (*presets.FilterTab, error)
- func (amb *ModelBuilder) NewTimelineCompo(evCtx *web.EventContext, obj any, idSuffix string) h.HTMLComponent
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) Note(ctx context.Context, v any, note *Note) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnCreate(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnDelete(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnEdit(ctx context.Context, old any, new any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnView(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) ParseModelKeys(v any) string
- func (amb *ModelBuilder) SQLConditionHasUnreadNotes(ctx context.Context, columnPrefix string) (string, error)
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipCreate() *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipDelete() *ModelBuilder
- func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipEdit() *ModelBuilder
- func (amb *ModelBuilder) WrapperSaveFunc(in presets.SaveFunc) presets.SaveFunc
- type Note
- type NoteCount
- type PayloadLastViewedAtUpdated
- type StructField
- type TimelineCompo
- func (c *TimelineCompo) CompoID() string
- func (c *TimelineCompo) CreateNote(ctx context.Context, req CreateNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
- func (c *TimelineCompo) DeleteNote(ctx context.Context, req DeleteNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
- func (c *TimelineCompo) MarshalHTML(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *TimelineCompo) MustGetEventContext(ctx context.Context) (*web.EventContext, *Messages)
- func (c *TimelineCompo) UpdateNote(ctx context.Context, req UpdateNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
- func (c *TimelineCompo) VarCurrentActive() string
- type TypeHandler
- type UpdateNoteRequest
- type User
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( ActionView = "View" ActionEdit = "Edit" ActionCreate = "Create" ActionDelete = "Delete" ActionNote = "Note" ActionLastView = "LastView" // hidden and only for internal use )
View Source
const ( FieldTimeline string = "__ActivityTimeline__" ListFieldNotes string = "__ActivityNotes__" ListFieldLabelNotes string = "Notes" NopModelLabel = "-" )
View Source
const ( Create = 1 << iota Edit Delete )
View Source
const ( PermAll = "activity:*" PermListNotes = "activity:list_notes" PermAddNote = "activity:add_note" PermEditNote = "activity:edit_note" PermDeleteNote = "activity:delete_note" )
View Source
const DefaultMaxCountShowInTimeline = 10
View Source
const I18nActionLabelPrefix = "ActivityAction"
View Source
const (
I18nActivityKey i18n.ModuleKey = "I18nActivityKey"
View Source
const KeyHasUnreadNotes = "hasUnreadNotes"
View Source
const ModelKeysSeparator = ":"
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( // @snippet_begin(ActivityDefaultIgnoredFields) DefaultIgnoredFields = []string{"ID", "UpdatedAt", "DeletedAt", "CreatedAt"} // @snippet_begin(ActivityDefaultTypeHandles) DefaultTypeHandles = map[reflect.Type]TypeHandler{ reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): func(old, new any, prefixField string) []Diff { var oldString, newString string if !old.(time.Time).IsZero() { oldString = old.(time.Time).Format(timeFormat) } if !new.(time.Time).IsZero() { newString = new.(time.Time).Format(timeFormat) } if oldString != newString { return []Diff{ {Field: prefixField, Old: oldString, New: newString}, } } return []Diff{} }, reflect.TypeOf(media_library.MediaBox{}): func(old, new any, prefixField string) (diffs []Diff) { oldMediaBox := old.(media_library.MediaBox) newMediaBox := new.(media_library.MediaBox) if oldMediaBox.Url != newMediaBox.Url { diffs = append(diffs, Diff{Field: formatFieldByDot(prefixField, "Url"), Old: oldMediaBox.Url, New: newMediaBox.Url}) } if oldMediaBox.Description != newMediaBox.Description { diffs = append(diffs, Diff{Field: formatFieldByDot(prefixField, "Description"), Old: oldMediaBox.Description, New: newMediaBox.Description}) } if oldMediaBox.VideoLink != newMediaBox.VideoLink { diffs = append(diffs, Diff{Field: formatFieldByDot(prefixField, "VideoLink"), Old: oldMediaBox.VideoLink, New: newMediaBox.VideoLink}) } return diffs }, } )
View Source
var DefaultActions = []string{ActionCreate, ActionEdit, ActionDelete, ActionNote}
View Source
var Messages_en_US = &Messages{
Activities: "Activity",
ActionAll: "All",
ActionView: "View",
ActionEdit: "Edit",
ActionCreate: "Create",
ActionDelete: "Delete",
ActionNote: "Note",
ModelUserID: "Creator ID",
ModelCreatedAt: "Create Time",
ModelAction: "Action",
ModelUser: "Creator",
ModelKeys: "Model Keys",
ModelName: "Model Name",
ModelLabel: "Menu Name",
ModelLink: "Link",
ModelDiffs: "Diffs",
FilterAction: "Action",
FilterCreatedAt: "Create Time",
FilterUser: "Creator",
FilterModel: "Model Name",
FilterModelKeys: "Model Keys",
DiffDetail: "Detail",
DiffAdd: "New",
DiffDelete: "Delete",
DiffChanges: "Changes",
DiffField: "Field",
DiffOld: "Old",
DiffNew: "Now",
DiffValue: "Value",
AddedANote: "Added a note :",
LastEditedAtTemplate: "(edited at {desc})",
EditedNFieldsTemplate: "Edited {n} fields",
MoreInfo: "More Info",
Created: "Created",
Viewed: "Viewed",
Deleted: "Deleted",
PerformActionNoDetailTemplate: "Perform {action}",
PerformActionTemplate: "Perform {action} with {detail}",
AddNote: "Add Note",
UnknownUser: "Unknown",
NoteCannotBeEmpty: "Note cannot be empty",
FailedToCreateNote: "Failed to create note",
SuccessfullyCreatedNote: "Successfully created note",
FailedToGetCurrentUser: "Failed to get current user",
FailedToGetNote: "Failed to get note",
YouAreNotTheNoteUser: "You are not the creator of this note",
FailedToUpdateNote: "Failed to update note",
SuccessfullyUpdatedNote: "Successfully updated note",
FailedToDeleteNote: "Failed to delete note",
SuccessfullyDeletedNote: "Successfully deleted note",
DeleteNoteDialogTitle: "Delete Note",
DeleteNoteDialogText: "Are you sure you want to delete this note?",
Cancel: "Cancel",
Delete: "Delete",
NoActivitiesYet: "No activities yet",
ViewAll: "View All",
CannotShowMore: "Reached the display limit, unable to load more.",
HeaderNotes: "Notes",
ActivityLogs: "Activity Logs",
ActivityLog: "Activity Log",
FilterTabsHasUnreadNotes: "Has Unread Notes",
View Source
var Messages_ja_JP = &Messages{
Activities: "作業履歴",
ActionAll: "全て",
ActionView: "表示",
ActionEdit: "編集",
ActionCreate: "作成する",
ActionDelete: "削除",
ActionNote: "ノート",
ModelUserID: "作成者ID",
ModelCreatedAt: "日時",
ModelAction: "アクション",
ModelUser: "作成者",
ModelKeys: "キー",
ModelName: "モデル名",
ModelLabel: "メニュー名",
ModelLink: "リンク",
ModelDiffs: "差分",
FilterAction: "アクション",
FilterCreatedAt: "作成日時",
FilterUser: "作成者",
FilterModel: "モデル名",
FilterModelKeys: "キー",
DiffDetail: "詳細",
DiffAdd: "追加",
DiffDelete: "削除",
DiffChanges: "変更",
DiffField: "フィールド",
DiffOld: "以前",
DiffNew: "現在",
DiffValue: "値",
AddedANote: "ノートを追加しました:",
LastEditedAtTemplate: "{desc} に編集",
EditedNFieldsTemplate: "{n}つのフィールドを編集しました",
MoreInfo: "詳細情報",
Created: "作成する",
Viewed: "表示",
Deleted: "削除",
PerformActionNoDetailTemplate: "{action} を実行",
PerformActionTemplate: "{action} を実行し、{detail} を使用",
AddNote: "ノートを追加",
UnknownUser: "不明",
NoteCannotBeEmpty: "ノートは必須です",
FailedToCreateNote: "ノートの作成に失敗しました",
SuccessfullyCreatedNote: "ノートの作成に成功しました",
FailedToGetCurrentUser: "現在のユーザーの取得に失敗しました",
FailedToGetNote: "ノートの取得に失敗しました",
YouAreNotTheNoteUser: "このノートの作成者ではありません",
FailedToUpdateNote: "ノートの更新に失敗しました",
SuccessfullyUpdatedNote: "ノートの更新に成功しました",
FailedToDeleteNote: "ノートの削除に失敗しました",
SuccessfullyDeletedNote: "ノートの削除に成功しました",
DeleteNoteDialogTitle: "ノートを削除",
DeleteNoteDialogText: "このノートを削除してもよろしいですか?",
Cancel: "キャンセル",
Delete: "削除",
NoActivitiesYet: "まだアクティビティはありません",
ViewAll: "全て表示",
CannotShowMore: "表示上限に達しました。これ以上読み込むことができません。",
HeaderNotes: "ノート",
ActivityLogs: "作業履歴",
ActivityLog: "作業履歴",
FilterTabsHasUnreadNotes: "未読ノート",
View Source
var Messages_zh_CN = &Messages{
Activities: "活动",
ActionAll: "全部",
ActionView: "查看",
ActionEdit: "编辑",
ActionCreate: "创建",
ActionDelete: "删除",
ActionNote: "备注",
ModelUserID: "操作者ID",
ModelCreatedAt: "日期时间",
ModelAction: "操作",
ModelUser: "操作者",
ModelKeys: "主键",
ModelName: "对象",
ModelLabel: "菜单名",
ModelLink: "链接",
ModelDiffs: "差异",
FilterAction: "操作类型",
FilterCreatedAt: "操作时间",
FilterUser: "操作者",
FilterModel: "对象",
FilterModelKeys: "主键",
DiffDetail: "详情",
DiffAdd: "新加",
DiffDelete: "删除",
DiffChanges: "修改",
DiffField: "字段",
DiffOld: "之前的值",
DiffNew: "当前的值",
DiffValue: "值",
AddedANote: "添加了一个备注:",
LastEditedAtTemplate: "编辑于 {desc}",
EditedNFieldsTemplate: "编辑了 {n} 个字段",
MoreInfo: "更多信息",
Created: "创建",
Viewed: "查看",
Deleted: "删除",
PerformActionNoDetailTemplate: "执行 {action}",
PerformActionTemplate: "执行 {action} 操作,详情为 {detail}",
AddNote: "添加备注",
UnknownUser: "未知",
NoteCannotBeEmpty: "备注不能为空",
FailedToCreateNote: "创建备注失败",
SuccessfullyCreatedNote: "成功创建备注",
FailedToGetCurrentUser: "获取当前用户失败",
FailedToGetNote: "获取备注失败",
YouAreNotTheNoteUser: "您不是备注的创建者",
FailedToUpdateNote: "更新备注失败",
SuccessfullyUpdatedNote: "成功更新备注",
FailedToDeleteNote: "删除备注失败",
SuccessfullyDeletedNote: "成功删除备注",
DeleteNoteDialogTitle: "删除备注",
DeleteNoteDialogText: "确定要删除此备注吗?",
Cancel: "取消",
Delete: "删除",
NoActivitiesYet: "暂无活动",
ViewAll: "查看全部",
CannotShowMore: "已达到显示上限,无法加载更多。",
HeaderNotes: "备注",
ActivityLogs: "操作日志",
ActivityLog: "操作日志",
FilterTabsHasUnreadNotes: "未读备注",
Functions ¶
func DiffComponent ¶
func DiffComponent(diffstr string, req *http.Request) h.HTMLComponent
func FirstUpperWord ¶
func GetHasUnreadNotesHref ¶
func ParseModelName ¶
func ParsePrimaryKeys ¶
func ScopeWithOwner ¶
Types ¶
type ActivityLog ¶
type ActivityLog struct { gorm.Model UserID string `gorm:"index;not null;"` User User `gorm:"-"` Action string `gorm:"index;not null;"` Hidden bool `gorm:"index;default:false;not null;"` ModelName string `gorm:"index;not null;"` ModelKeys string `gorm:"index;not null;"` ModelLabel string `gorm:"not null;"` // IMPROVE: need named resource sign ModelLink string `gorm:"not null;"` Detail string `gorm:"not null;"` Scope string `gorm:"index;"` }
func (*ActivityLog) AfterMigrate ¶
func (v *ActivityLog) AfterMigrate(tx *gorm.DB, tablePrefix string) error
type ActivityUser ¶
type Builder ¶
type Builder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Builder) AutoMigrate ¶
func (*Builder) FindLogsForTimelineFunc ¶
func (*Builder) FindUsersFunc ¶
func (*Builder) GetLogModelBuilder ¶
func (ab *Builder) GetLogModelBuilder(pb *presets.Builder) *presets.ModelBuilder
func (*Builder) GetModelBuilder ¶
func (ab *Builder) GetModelBuilder(v any) (*ModelBuilder, bool)
func (*Builder) GetModelBuilders ¶
func (ab *Builder) GetModelBuilders() []*ModelBuilder
func (*Builder) GetNotesCounts ¶
func (*Builder) MarkAllNotesAsRead ¶
func (*Builder) MaxCountShowInTimeline ¶
func (*Builder) ModelInstall ¶
func (*Builder) MustGetModelBuilder ¶
func (ab *Builder) MustGetModelBuilder(v any) *ModelBuilder
func (*Builder) PermPolicy ¶
func (ab *Builder) PermPolicy(v *perm.PolicyBuilder) *Builder
func (*Builder) RegisterModel ¶
func (ab *Builder) RegisterModel(m any) (amb *ModelBuilder)
func (*Builder) RegisterModels ¶
func (*Builder) SkipResPermCheck ¶
func (*Builder) TablePrefix ¶
func (*Builder) WrapLogModelInstall ¶
func (ab *Builder) WrapLogModelInstall(w func(presets.ModelInstallFunc) presets.ModelInstallFunc) *Builder
type CreateNoteRequest ¶
type CreateNoteRequest struct {
Note string `json:"note"`
type DeleteNoteRequest ¶
type DeleteNoteRequest struct {
LogID uint `json:"log_id"`
type DiffBuilder ¶
type DiffBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDiffBuilder ¶
func NewDiffBuilder(mb *ModelBuilder) *DiffBuilder
type Messages ¶
type Messages struct { Activities string ActionAll string ActionView string ActionEdit string ActionCreate string ActionDelete string ActionNote string ModelUserID string ModelCreatedAt string ModelAction string ModelUser string ModelKeys string ModelName string ModelLabel string ModelLink string ModelDiffs string FilterAction string FilterCreatedAt string FilterUser string FilterModel string FilterModelKeys string DiffDetail string DiffAdd string DiffDelete string DiffChanges string DiffField string DiffOld string DiffNew string DiffValue string AddedANote string LastEditedAtTemplate string EditedNFieldsTemplate string MoreInfo string Created string Viewed string Deleted string PerformActionNoDetailTemplate string PerformActionTemplate string AddNote string UnknownUser string NoteCannotBeEmpty string FailedToCreateNote string SuccessfullyCreatedNote string FailedToGetCurrentUser string FailedToGetNote string YouAreNotTheNoteUser string FailedToUpdateNote string SuccessfullyUpdatedNote string FailedToDeleteNote string SuccessfullyDeletedNote string DeleteNoteDialogTitle string DeleteNoteDialogText string Cancel string Delete string NoActivitiesYet string ViewAll string CannotShowMore string HeaderNotes string ActivityLogs string ActivityLog string FilterTabsHasUnreadNotes string }
func (*Messages) EditedNFields ¶
func (*Messages) LastEditedAt ¶
type ModelBuilder ¶
type ModelBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ModelBuilder) AddIgnoredFields ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddIgnoredFields(fields ...string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) AddKeys ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddKeys(keys ...string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) AddTypeHanders ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) AddTypeHanders(v any, f TypeHandler) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) BeforeCreate ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) BeforeCreate(f func(ctx context.Context, log *ActivityLog) error) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) IgnoredFields ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) IgnoredFields(fields ...string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) Keys ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) Keys(keys ...string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) LabelFunc ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) LabelFunc(f func() string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) LinkFunc ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) LinkFunc(f func(any) string) *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) Log ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) Log(ctx context.Context, action string, obj any, detail any) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) NewHasUnreadNotesFilterItem ¶
func (amb *ModelBuilder) NewHasUnreadNotesFilterItem(ctx context.Context, columnPrefix string) (*vx.FilterItem, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) NewHasUnreadNotesFilterTab ¶
func (*ModelBuilder) NewTimelineCompo ¶
func (amb *ModelBuilder) NewTimelineCompo(evCtx *web.EventContext, obj any, idSuffix string) h.HTMLComponent
func (*ModelBuilder) Note ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) Note(ctx context.Context, v any, note *Note) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) OnCreate ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnCreate(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) OnDelete ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnDelete(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) OnEdit ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnEdit(ctx context.Context, old any, new any) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) OnView ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) OnView(ctx context.Context, v any) (*ActivityLog, error)
func (*ModelBuilder) ParseModelKeys ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) ParseModelKeys(v any) string
func (*ModelBuilder) SQLConditionHasUnreadNotes ¶
func (amb *ModelBuilder) SQLConditionHasUnreadNotes(ctx context.Context, columnPrefix string) (string, error)
SQLConditionHasUnreadNotes returns a SQL condition that can be used in a WHERE clause to filter records that have unread notes. Note that this method requires the applied db to be amb.ab.db, not any other db
func (*ModelBuilder) SkipCreate ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipCreate() *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) SkipDelete ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipDelete() *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) SkipEdit ¶
func (mb *ModelBuilder) SkipEdit() *ModelBuilder
func (*ModelBuilder) WrapperSaveFunc ¶
func (amb *ModelBuilder) WrapperSaveFunc(in presets.SaveFunc) presets.SaveFunc
type PayloadLastViewedAtUpdated ¶
type PayloadLastViewedAtUpdated struct {
Log *ActivityLog `json:"log"`
type StructField ¶
type StructField struct { reflect.StructField BindNames []string Attachment any }
func CollectStructFields ¶
func CollectStructFields(v any, bindNames []string, preprocess func(f *StructField) (valid bool)) []*StructField
type TimelineCompo ¶
type TimelineCompo struct { ID string `json:"id"` ModelName string `json:"model_name"` ModelKeys string `json:"model_keys"` ModelLink string `json:"model_link"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TimelineCompo) CompoID ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) CompoID() string
func (*TimelineCompo) CreateNote ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) CreateNote(ctx context.Context, req CreateNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
func (*TimelineCompo) DeleteNote ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) DeleteNote(ctx context.Context, req DeleteNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
func (*TimelineCompo) MarshalHTML ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) MarshalHTML(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)
func (*TimelineCompo) MustGetEventContext ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) MustGetEventContext(ctx context.Context) (*web.EventContext, *Messages)
func (*TimelineCompo) UpdateNote ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) UpdateNote(ctx context.Context, req UpdateNoteRequest) (r web.EventResponse, _ error)
func (*TimelineCompo) VarCurrentActive ¶
func (c *TimelineCompo) VarCurrentActive() string
type TypeHandler ¶
type UpdateNoteRequest ¶
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