A toy DSL and framework for cross-language API generation
Servo DSL
Plugin options can be specified for configuring code generation.
option gojson.package = "package";
Messages have fields with specified types
message AllTypes {
// message fields
message_field: OtherType;
// 32-bit integers
int_field: int32;
// 64-bit integers
long_field: int64;
// 32-bit floating points
float_field: float32;
// 64-bit floating points
double_field: float64;
// maps (key must be primitive)
map_field: map[string]int;
// lists
list_field: list[string];
RPC Service
Services can define RPCs that send and receive messages.
message EchoRequest {
message: string;
message EchoResponse {
message: string;
// Echo a message
service EchoService {
rpc echo(EchoRequest): EchoResponse;
PubSub Service
Services can define Publish methods that send messages
without responses.
message StatusUpdate {
message: string;
service StatusService {
pub update(StatusUpdate);