AnychainDB is distributed blockchain database suitables for any purposes.

- Blazing fast. The performance for data writing/reading is above of 2000 tx/s
- MongoDB full-text search queries
- Secure and private. AnychainDB allows to keep any kind of data in two ways: open public and ECDH encrypted private
- Easy to deploy and use. Developed REST-API (see link in additional docs)
- Clean, documented and tested code
Officially AnychainDB provides the easiest way of installation using docker and docker-compose tools.
Installed docker ver. 17+
and docker-compose
tools. Good manual are this and this
Choose your type of node
AnychainDB has two type of nodes:
- Validator node can validate transactions, configured once and need have better hardware than non-validator nodes.
- Non-validator node keeps the state and sends the transactions to validator nodes. The can be ease connected to the network because this type is not validates transaction.
If you want to connect to existing network, then all you need is genesis.json and config.toml files from the ran network. Place in to config folder and follow to the next section.
Configure a new network is little more sophisticated. Firstly you need to generate new config for validator node. Best way is use command from tendermint: tendermint init
. It creates all required configuration files for validator node (config.toml, genesis.json, node_key.json and priv_validator.json).
Examples of network configs placed here.
Deploy network
Deploy a network with the shell script:
sh deploy.sh --type=${JOB_TYPE} --node_ip=${NODE_IP} --config=${CONFIG_PATH}
- type - type of job for script. You can choose from node, node-dev, update, update-dev, clean types
- node_ip - ip address of node. Default script uses
with OpenDNS
as resolver. Example:
- config - full path to config folder. Example: /home/ubuntu/CONFIG_FOLDER
- clean_all - clean all cache and reset anychaindb state. Default: true
- db_port - port for communication with MongoDB container. Default: 27017
- p2p_port - port for communication between nodes. Default: 26656
- grpc_port - port for RPC client. Default: 26657
- abci_port - port for ABCI application. Default: 26658
- api_port - port for AnychainDB REST API. Default: 26659
- node_args - additional arguments for node. If you connect to existing network, you maybe need to set boot nodes addresses, like:
By default script creates AnychainDB directory in home folder of user, where keeps all data from state. Do not remove it.
You may change it by setting another value in ${DATA_ROOT} script variable.
Built With
- MongoDB - the high-performable database with full-text search
- Tendermint - the heart of blockchain platform
- Docker - all components of platform wrapps in containers for fast deploy and ease to use
- MsgPack - transport between messages in platform
- Golang - fast and beautiful language
Additional docs
Project is opensource and open for contributors and maintainers. You are welcome to do any positive changes in project :)
Apache 2.0