A flavors is a reusable collection of plugins
with initialized dependencies.
Most importatnt CN-Infra flavors:
local flavor - a minimal set of plugins. It just initializes logging & statuchek.
It is useful for embedding agent plugins to different projects that use their own infrasturcure.
RPC flavor - a collection of plugins that exposes RPCs. It also register management API for:
status check (RPCs probed from systems such as K8s)
logging (for changing log level at runtime remotely)
etcd + Kafka flavor - is combination of Kafka & etcd flavor (reused in many examples)
all connectors flavor - is combination of all following flavors with local and RPC flavor.
Package flavors contains predefined cn-infra flavors. A flavor is a
re-usable collection of plugins with initialized dependencies. It is
typically used as a starting point for developing a cn-infra based app.
A flavor contains plugins required by the app. App developers can also
define their own flavors or extend one of the predefined flavors.