This is a small helper allow terraform-provider-kubernetes to operate without gcloud for managing GKE clusters using GCP credentials.
There are no external dependencies other than golang stdlib bundle. This is a design decision.

Runtime Dependencies
A variable named GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEY is used by the provider. This variable must be a Google user/SA JSON key.
An easy way to declare such variable is to use export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEY=$(cat ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS})
where such other variable is used.
Alternatively, if the credentials for GCP are provided as a variable to the terraform-google-provider, the same variable can be presented in the terraform-kubernetes-provider exec command as in the usage sample.
The binary has to be available in the same runtime as terraform.
The sample below assumes the terraform-kubernetes-provider is being used in the same terraform declaration that creates the cluster being configured.
Adjust settings as required.
provider kubernetes {
host = "${google_container_cluster.gke1.endpoint}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${base64decode(google_container_cluster.gke1.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate)}"
exec {
api_version = ""
command = "./terraform-kubernetes-credentials-helper"
env = {
GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEY = "${var.google_creds}"
Build Requirements
This build has been tested in go v1.12.7 linux/amd64.