Index ¶
- type AuthClient
- type AuthenticationInjector
- type CommandClient
- func (_m *CommandClient) AllDeviceCoreCommands(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceCoreCommandsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommandClient) DeviceCoreCommandsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string) (responses.DeviceCoreCommandResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, dsPushEvent bool, ...) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByNameWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByNameWithObject(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type CommonClient
- func (_m *CommonClient) AddSecret(ctx context.Context, request common.SecretRequest) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommonClient) Configuration(ctx context.Context) (common.ConfigResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommonClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (common.PingResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *CommonClient) Version(ctx context.Context) (common.VersionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type DeviceClient
- func (_m *DeviceClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) AddWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceRequest, ...) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) AllDevices(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) AllDevicesWithChildren(ctx context.Context, parent string, maxLevels uint, labels []string, ...) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) DeleteDeviceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) DeviceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) DeviceNameExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) DevicesByProfileName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) DevicesByServiceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceClient) UpdateWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceRequest, ...) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type DeviceProfileClient
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddByYaml(ctx context.Context, yamlFilePath string) (common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileDeviceCommand(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceCommandRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileResource(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceResourceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfileBasicInfos(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfileBasicInfoResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfiles(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceCommandByName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, commandName string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceResourceByName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, resourceName string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfileByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceProfileResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturer(ctx context.Context, manufacturer string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturerAndModel(ctx context.Context, manufacturer string, model string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByModel(ctx context.Context, model string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceResourceByProfileNameAndResourceName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, resourceName string) (responses.DeviceResourceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateByYaml(ctx context.Context, yamlFilePath string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileBasicInfo(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileBasicInfoRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileDeviceCommand(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceCommandRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileResource(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceResourceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type DeviceServiceClient
- func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceServiceRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) AllDeviceServices(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceServicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) DeviceServiceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceServiceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceServiceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type DeviceServiceCommandClient
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) Discovery(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) GetCommand(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) ProfileScan(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, req requests.ProfileScanRequest) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommand(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommandWithObject(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopDeviceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, requestId string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopProfileScan(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, ...) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type EventClient
- func (_m *EventClient) Add(ctx context.Context, serviceName string, req requests.AddEventRequest) (common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) AllEvents(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) DeleteByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) DeleteByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) DeleteById(ctx context.Context, id string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) EventCount(ctx context.Context) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) EventCountByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) EventsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *EventClient) EventsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type GeneralClient
- type KVSClient
- func (_m *KVSClient) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *KVSClient) DeleteKeysByPrefix(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *KVSClient) ListKeys(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *KVSClient) UpdateValuesByKey(ctx context.Context, key string, flatten bool, reqs requests.UpdateKeysRequest) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *KVSClient) ValuesByKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.MultiKeyValueResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type NotificationClient
- func (_m *NotificationClient) CleanupNotifications(ctx context.Context) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) CleanupNotificationsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationById(ctx context.Context, id string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteProcessedNotificationsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationById(ctx context.Context, id string) (responses.NotificationResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByCategory(ctx context.Context, category string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByLabel(ctx context.Context, label string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByQueryConditions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int, ack string, ...) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsBySubscriptionName(ctx context.Context, subscriptionName string, offset int, limit int, ...) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) SendNotification(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddNotificationRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *NotificationClient) UpdateNotificationAckStatusByIds(ctx context.Context, ack bool, ids []string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type ProvisionWatcherClient
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddProvisionWatcherRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) AllProvisionWatchers(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) DeleteProvisionWatcherByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatcherByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.ProvisionWatcherResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByProfileName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByServiceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateProvisionWatcherRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type ReadingClient
- func (_m *ReadingClient) AllReadings(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingCount(ctx context.Context) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingCountByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceName string, offset int, ...) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceName string, start int64, ...) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNamesAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceNames []string, start int64, ...) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceNameAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, name string, start int64, end int64, offset int, ...) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type ScheduleActionRecordClient
- func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) AllScheduleActionRecords(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) LatestScheduleActionRecordsByJobName(ctx context.Context, jobName string) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobName(ctx context.Context, jobName string, start int64, end int64, offset int, ...) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobNameAndStatus(ctx context.Context, jobName string, status string, start int64, end int64, ...) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, start int64, end int64, offset int, ...) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type ScheduleJobClient
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddScheduleJobRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) AllScheduleJobs(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleJobsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) DeleteScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) ScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.ScheduleJobResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) TriggerScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateScheduleJobRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type SubscriptionClient
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddSubscriptionRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) AllSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) DeleteSubscriptionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.SubscriptionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByCategory(ctx context.Context, category string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByLabel(ctx context.Context, label string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByReceiver(ctx context.Context, receiver string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *SubscriptionClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateSubscriptionRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- type TransmissionClient
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) AllTransmissions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) DeleteProcessedTransmissionsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionById(ctx context.Context, id string) (responses.TransmissionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByNotificationId(ctx context.Context, id string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsBySubscriptionName(ctx context.Context, subscriptionName string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
- func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuthClient ¶
AuthClient is an autogenerated mock type for the AuthClient type
func NewAuthClient ¶
func NewAuthClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AuthClient
NewAuthClient creates a new instance of AuthClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AuthClient) AddKey ¶
func (_m *AuthClient) AddKey(ctx context.Context, req requests.AddKeyDataRequest) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddKey provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, req
func (*AuthClient) VerificationKeyByIssuer ¶
func (_m *AuthClient) VerificationKeyByIssuer(ctx context.Context, issuer string) (responses.KeyDataResponse, errors.EdgeX)
VerificationKeyByIssuer provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, issuer
type AuthenticationInjector ¶
AuthenticationInjector is an autogenerated mock type for the AuthenticationInjector type
func NewAuthenticationInjector ¶
func NewAuthenticationInjector(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AuthenticationInjector
NewAuthenticationInjector creates a new instance of AuthenticationInjector. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AuthenticationInjector) AddAuthenticationData ¶
func (_m *AuthenticationInjector) AddAuthenticationData(_a0 *http.Request) error
AddAuthenticationData provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*AuthenticationInjector) RoundTripper ¶
func (_m *AuthenticationInjector) RoundTripper() http.RoundTripper
RoundTripper provides a mock function with given fields:
type CommandClient ¶
CommandClient is an autogenerated mock type for the CommandClient type
func NewCommandClient ¶
func NewCommandClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewCommandClient) *CommandClient
NewCommandClient creates a new instance of CommandClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*CommandClient) AllDeviceCoreCommands ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) AllDeviceCoreCommands(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceCoreCommandsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDeviceCoreCommands provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit
func (*CommandClient) DeviceCoreCommandsByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) DeviceCoreCommandsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string) (responses.DeviceCoreCommandResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceCoreCommandsByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName
func (*CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByName ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, dsPushEvent bool, dsReturnEvent bool) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
IssueGetCommandByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, commandName, dsPushEvent, dsReturnEvent
func (*CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByNameWithQueryParams ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) IssueGetCommandByNameWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, queryParams map[string]string) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
IssueGetCommandByNameWithQueryParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, commandName, queryParams
func (*CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByName ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, settings map[string]string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
IssueSetCommandByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, commandName, settings
func (*CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByNameWithObject ¶
func (_m *CommandClient) IssueSetCommandByNameWithObject(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, commandName string, settings map[string]interface{}) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
IssueSetCommandByNameWithObject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, commandName, settings
type CommonClient ¶
CommonClient is an autogenerated mock type for the CommonClient type
func NewCommonClient ¶
func NewCommonClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewCommonClient) *CommonClient
NewCommonClient creates a new instance of CommonClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*CommonClient) AddSecret ¶
func (_m *CommonClient) AddSecret(ctx context.Context, request common.SecretRequest) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, request
func (*CommonClient) Configuration ¶
func (_m *CommonClient) Configuration(ctx context.Context) (common.ConfigResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Configuration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*CommonClient) Ping ¶
func (_m *CommonClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (common.PingResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Ping provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*CommonClient) Version ¶
func (_m *CommonClient) Version(ctx context.Context) (common.VersionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Version provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type DeviceClient ¶
DeviceClient is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviceClient type
func NewDeviceClient ¶
func NewDeviceClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *DeviceClient
NewDeviceClient creates a new instance of DeviceClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*DeviceClient) Add ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceClient) AddWithQueryParams ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) AddWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceRequest, queryParams map[string]string) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddWithQueryParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs, queryParams
func (*DeviceClient) AllDevices ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) AllDevices(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDevices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*DeviceClient) AllDevicesWithChildren ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) AllDevicesWithChildren(ctx context.Context, parent string, maxLevels uint, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDevicesWithChildren provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, parent, maxLevels, labels, offset, limit
func (*DeviceClient) DeleteDeviceByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) DeleteDeviceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteDeviceByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceClient) DeviceByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) DeviceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceClient) DeviceNameExists ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) DeviceNameExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceNameExists provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceClient) DevicesByProfileName ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) DevicesByProfileName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DevicesByProfileName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*DeviceClient) DevicesByServiceName ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) DevicesByServiceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDevicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DevicesByServiceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*DeviceClient) Update ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceClient) UpdateWithQueryParams ¶
func (_m *DeviceClient) UpdateWithQueryParams(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceRequest, queryParams map[string]string) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateWithQueryParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs, queryParams
type DeviceProfileClient ¶
DeviceProfileClient is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviceProfileClient type
func NewDeviceProfileClient ¶
func NewDeviceProfileClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *DeviceProfileClient
NewDeviceProfileClient creates a new instance of DeviceProfileClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*DeviceProfileClient) Add ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) AddByYaml ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddByYaml(ctx context.Context, yamlFilePath string) (common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddByYaml provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, yamlFilePath
func (*DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileDeviceCommand ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileDeviceCommand(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceCommandRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddDeviceProfileDeviceCommand provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileResource ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AddDeviceProfileResource(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceResourceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AddDeviceProfileResource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfileBasicInfos ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfileBasicInfos(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfileBasicInfoResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDeviceProfileBasicInfos provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfiles ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) AllDeviceProfiles(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDeviceProfiles provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeleteByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceCommandByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceCommandByName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, commandName string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteDeviceCommandByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, profileName, commandName
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceResourceByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeleteDeviceResourceByName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, resourceName string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteDeviceResourceByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, profileName, resourceName
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfileByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfileByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceProfileResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceProfileByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturer ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturer(ctx context.Context, manufacturer string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceProfilesByManufacturer provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, manufacturer, offset, limit
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturerAndModel ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByManufacturerAndModel(ctx context.Context, manufacturer string, model string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceProfilesByManufacturerAndModel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, manufacturer, model, offset, limit
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByModel ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceProfilesByModel(ctx context.Context, model string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceProfilesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceProfilesByModel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, model, offset, limit
func (*DeviceProfileClient) DeviceResourceByProfileNameAndResourceName ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) DeviceResourceByProfileNameAndResourceName(ctx context.Context, profileName string, resourceName string) (responses.DeviceResourceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceResourceByProfileNameAndResourceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, profileName, resourceName
func (*DeviceProfileClient) Update ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) UpdateByYaml ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateByYaml(ctx context.Context, yamlFilePath string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateByYaml provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, yamlFilePath
func (*DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileBasicInfo ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileBasicInfo(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.DeviceProfileBasicInfoRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateDeviceProfileBasicInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileDeviceCommand ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileDeviceCommand(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceCommandRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateDeviceProfileDeviceCommand provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileResource ¶
func (_m *DeviceProfileClient) UpdateDeviceProfileResource(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceResourceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateDeviceProfileResource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
type DeviceServiceClient ¶
DeviceServiceClient is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviceServiceClient type
func NewDeviceServiceClient ¶
func NewDeviceServiceClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewDeviceServiceClient) *DeviceServiceClient
NewDeviceServiceClient creates a new instance of DeviceServiceClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*DeviceServiceClient) Add ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddDeviceServiceRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*DeviceServiceClient) AllDeviceServices ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) AllDeviceServices(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiDeviceServicesResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllDeviceServices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*DeviceServiceClient) DeleteByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) DeleteByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceServiceClient) DeviceServiceByName ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) DeviceServiceByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.DeviceServiceResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeviceServiceByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*DeviceServiceClient) Update ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateDeviceServiceRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
type DeviceServiceCommandClient ¶
DeviceServiceCommandClient is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviceServiceCommandClient type
func NewDeviceServiceCommandClient ¶
func NewDeviceServiceCommandClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *DeviceServiceCommandClient
NewDeviceServiceCommandClient creates a new instance of DeviceServiceCommandClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) Discovery ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) Discovery(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Discovery provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) GetCommand ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) GetCommand(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, queryParams string) (*responses.EventResponse, errors.EdgeX)
GetCommand provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, deviceName, commandName, queryParams
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) ProfileScan ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) ProfileScan(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, req requests.ProfileScanRequest) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ProfileScan provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, req
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommand ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommand(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, queryParams string, settings map[string]string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SetCommand provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, deviceName, commandName, queryParams, settings
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommandWithObject ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) SetCommandWithObject(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, commandName string, queryParams string, settings map[string]interface{}) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SetCommandWithObject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, deviceName, commandName, queryParams, settings
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopDeviceDiscovery ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopDeviceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, requestId string, queryParams map[string]string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
StopDeviceDiscovery provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, requestId, queryParams
func (*DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopProfileScan ¶
func (_m *DeviceServiceCommandClient) StopProfileScan(ctx context.Context, baseUrl string, deviceName string, queryParams map[string]string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
StopProfileScan provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, baseUrl, deviceName, queryParams
type EventClient ¶
EventClient is an autogenerated mock type for the EventClient type
func NewEventClient ¶
func NewEventClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *EventClient
NewEventClient creates a new instance of EventClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*EventClient) Add ¶
func (_m *EventClient) Add(ctx context.Context, serviceName string, req requests.AddEventRequest) (common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, serviceName, req
func (*EventClient) AllEvents ¶
func (_m *EventClient) AllEvents(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit
func (*EventClient) DeleteByAge ¶
func (_m *EventClient) DeleteByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteByAge provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, age
func (*EventClient) DeleteByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *EventClient) DeleteByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*EventClient) DeleteById ¶
func (_m *EventClient) DeleteById(ctx context.Context, id string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteById provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*EventClient) EventCount ¶
func (_m *EventClient) EventCount(ctx context.Context) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
EventCount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*EventClient) EventCountByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *EventClient) EventCountByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
EventCountByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*EventClient) EventsByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *EventClient) EventsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
EventsByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*EventClient) EventsByTimeRange ¶
func (_m *EventClient) EventsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiEventsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
EventsByTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, start, end, offset, limit
type GeneralClient ¶
GeneralClient is an autogenerated mock type for the GeneralClient type
func NewGeneralClient ¶
func NewGeneralClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewGeneralClient) *GeneralClient
NewGeneralClient creates a new instance of GeneralClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*GeneralClient) FetchConfiguration ¶
func (_m *GeneralClient) FetchConfiguration(ctx context.Context) (common.ConfigResponse, errors.EdgeX)
FetchConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type KVSClient ¶
KVSClient is an autogenerated mock type for the KVSClient type
func NewKVSClient ¶
NewKVSClient creates a new instance of KVSClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*KVSClient) DeleteKey ¶
func (_m *KVSClient) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteKey provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, key
func (*KVSClient) DeleteKeysByPrefix ¶
func (_m *KVSClient) DeleteKeysByPrefix(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteKeysByPrefix provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, key
func (*KVSClient) ListKeys ¶
func (_m *KVSClient) ListKeys(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ListKeys provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, key
func (*KVSClient) UpdateValuesByKey ¶
func (_m *KVSClient) UpdateValuesByKey(ctx context.Context, key string, flatten bool, reqs requests.UpdateKeysRequest) (responses.KeysResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateValuesByKey provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, key, flatten, reqs
func (*KVSClient) ValuesByKey ¶
func (_m *KVSClient) ValuesByKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (responses.MultiKeyValueResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ValuesByKey provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, key
type NotificationClient ¶
NotificationClient is an autogenerated mock type for the NotificationClient type
func NewNotificationClient ¶
func NewNotificationClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *NotificationClient
NewNotificationClient creates a new instance of NotificationClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*NotificationClient) CleanupNotifications ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) CleanupNotifications(ctx context.Context) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
CleanupNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*NotificationClient) CleanupNotificationsByAge ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) CleanupNotificationsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
CleanupNotificationsByAge provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, age
func (*NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationById ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationById(ctx context.Context, id string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteNotificationById provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationByIds ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteNotificationByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteNotificationByIds provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ids
func (*NotificationClient) DeleteProcessedNotificationsByAge ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) DeleteProcessedNotificationsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteProcessedNotificationsByAge provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, age
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationById ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationById(ctx context.Context, id string) (responses.NotificationResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationById provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsByCategory ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByCategory(ctx context.Context, category string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsByCategory provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, category, offset, limit, ack
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsByLabel ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByLabel(ctx context.Context, label string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsByLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, label, offset, limit, ack
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsByQueryConditions ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByQueryConditions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int, ack string, conditionReq requests.GetNotificationRequest) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsByQueryConditions provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit, ack, conditionReq
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsByStatus ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsByStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, status, offset, limit, ack
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsBySubscriptionName ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsBySubscriptionName(ctx context.Context, subscriptionName string, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsBySubscriptionName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subscriptionName, offset, limit, ack
func (*NotificationClient) NotificationsByTimeRange ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) NotificationsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int, ack string) (responses.MultiNotificationsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
NotificationsByTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, start, end, offset, limit, ack
func (*NotificationClient) SendNotification ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) SendNotification(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddNotificationRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SendNotification provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*NotificationClient) UpdateNotificationAckStatusByIds ¶
func (_m *NotificationClient) UpdateNotificationAckStatusByIds(ctx context.Context, ack bool, ids []string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
UpdateNotificationAckStatusByIds provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ack, ids
type ProvisionWatcherClient ¶
ProvisionWatcherClient is an autogenerated mock type for the ProvisionWatcherClient type
func NewProvisionWatcherClient ¶
func NewProvisionWatcherClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewProvisionWatcherClient) *ProvisionWatcherClient
NewProvisionWatcherClient creates a new instance of ProvisionWatcherClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) Add ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddProvisionWatcherRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) AllProvisionWatchers ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) AllProvisionWatchers(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllProvisionWatchers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) DeleteProvisionWatcherByName ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) DeleteProvisionWatcherByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteProvisionWatcherByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatcherByName ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatcherByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.ProvisionWatcherResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ProvisionWatcherByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByProfileName ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByProfileName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ProvisionWatchersByProfileName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByServiceName ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) ProvisionWatchersByServiceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiProvisionWatchersResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ProvisionWatchersByServiceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*ProvisionWatcherClient) Update ¶
func (_m *ProvisionWatcherClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateProvisionWatcherRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
type ReadingClient ¶
ReadingClient is an autogenerated mock type for the ReadingClient type
func NewReadingClient ¶
func NewReadingClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ReadingClient
NewReadingClient creates a new instance of ReadingClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ReadingClient) AllReadings ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) AllReadings(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllReadings provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingCount ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingCount(ctx context.Context) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingCount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingCountByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingCountByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.CountResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingCountByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceName ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByDeviceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceName ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceName(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceName string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, resourceName, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRange ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceName string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, resourceName, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNamesAndTimeRange ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNamesAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, resourceNames []string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByDeviceNameAndResourceNamesAndTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, deviceName, resourceNames, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceName ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceName(ctx context.Context, name string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByResourceName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceNameAndTimeRange ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByResourceNameAndTimeRange(ctx context.Context, name string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByResourceNameAndTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ReadingClient) ReadingsByTimeRange ¶
func (_m *ReadingClient) ReadingsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiReadingsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ReadingsByTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, start, end, offset, limit
type ScheduleActionRecordClient ¶
ScheduleActionRecordClient is an autogenerated mock type for the ScheduleActionRecordClient type
func NewScheduleActionRecordClient ¶
func NewScheduleActionRecordClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ScheduleActionRecordClient
NewScheduleActionRecordClient creates a new instance of ScheduleActionRecordClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ScheduleActionRecordClient) AllScheduleActionRecords ¶
func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) AllScheduleActionRecords(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllScheduleActionRecords provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ScheduleActionRecordClient) LatestScheduleActionRecordsByJobName ¶
func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) LatestScheduleActionRecordsByJobName(ctx context.Context, jobName string) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
LatestScheduleActionRecordsByJobName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, jobName
func (*ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobName ¶
func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobName(ctx context.Context, jobName string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ScheduleActionRecordsByJobName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, jobName, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobNameAndStatus ¶
func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByJobNameAndStatus(ctx context.Context, jobName string, status string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ScheduleActionRecordsByJobNameAndStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, jobName, status, start, end, offset, limit
func (*ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByStatus ¶
func (_m *ScheduleActionRecordClient) ScheduleActionRecordsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleActionRecordsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ScheduleActionRecordsByStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, status, start, end, offset, limit
type ScheduleJobClient ¶
ScheduleJobClient is an autogenerated mock type for the ScheduleJobClient type
func NewScheduleJobClient ¶
func NewScheduleJobClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ScheduleJobClient
NewScheduleJobClient creates a new instance of ScheduleJobClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ScheduleJobClient) Add ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddScheduleJobRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*ScheduleJobClient) AllScheduleJobs ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) AllScheduleJobs(ctx context.Context, labels []string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiScheduleJobsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllScheduleJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, labels, offset, limit
func (*ScheduleJobClient) DeleteScheduleJobByName ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) DeleteScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteScheduleJobByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ScheduleJobClient) ScheduleJobByName ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) ScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.ScheduleJobResponse, errors.EdgeX)
ScheduleJobByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ScheduleJobClient) TriggerScheduleJobByName ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) TriggerScheduleJobByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TriggerScheduleJobByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ScheduleJobClient) Update ¶
func (_m *ScheduleJobClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateScheduleJobRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
type SubscriptionClient ¶
SubscriptionClient is an autogenerated mock type for the SubscriptionClient type
func NewSubscriptionClient ¶
func NewSubscriptionClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewSubscriptionClient) *SubscriptionClient
NewSubscriptionClient creates a new instance of SubscriptionClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*SubscriptionClient) Add ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) Add(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.AddSubscriptionRequest) ([]common.BaseWithIdResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Add provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
func (*SubscriptionClient) AllSubscriptions ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) AllSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllSubscriptions provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit
func (*SubscriptionClient) DeleteSubscriptionByName ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) DeleteSubscriptionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteSubscriptionByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionByName ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (responses.SubscriptionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SubscriptionByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByCategory ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByCategory(ctx context.Context, category string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SubscriptionsByCategory provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, category, offset, limit
func (*SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByLabel ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByLabel(ctx context.Context, label string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SubscriptionsByLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, label, offset, limit
func (*SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByReceiver ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) SubscriptionsByReceiver(ctx context.Context, receiver string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiSubscriptionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
SubscriptionsByReceiver provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, receiver, offset, limit
func (*SubscriptionClient) Update ¶
func (_m *SubscriptionClient) Update(ctx context.Context, reqs []requests.UpdateSubscriptionRequest) ([]common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
Update provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reqs
type TransmissionClient ¶
TransmissionClient is an autogenerated mock type for the TransmissionClient type
func NewTransmissionClient ¶
func NewTransmissionClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *TransmissionClient
NewTransmissionClient creates a new instance of TransmissionClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TransmissionClient) AllTransmissions ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) AllTransmissions(ctx context.Context, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
AllTransmissions provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offset, limit
func (*TransmissionClient) DeleteProcessedTransmissionsByAge ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) DeleteProcessedTransmissionsByAge(ctx context.Context, age int) (common.BaseResponse, errors.EdgeX)
DeleteProcessedTransmissionsByAge provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, age
func (*TransmissionClient) TransmissionById ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionById(ctx context.Context, id string) (responses.TransmissionResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TransmissionById provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByNotificationId ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByNotificationId(ctx context.Context, id string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TransmissionsByNotificationId provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, offset, limit
func (*TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByStatus ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByStatus(ctx context.Context, status string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TransmissionsByStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, status, offset, limit
func (*TransmissionClient) TransmissionsBySubscriptionName ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsBySubscriptionName(ctx context.Context, subscriptionName string, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TransmissionsBySubscriptionName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subscriptionName, offset, limit
func (*TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByTimeRange ¶
func (_m *TransmissionClient) TransmissionsByTimeRange(ctx context.Context, start int64, end int64, offset int, limit int) (responses.MultiTransmissionsResponse, errors.EdgeX)
TransmissionsByTimeRange provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, start, end, offset, limit
Source Files
- AuthClient.go
- AuthenticationInjector.go
- CommandClient.go
- CommonClient.go
- DeviceClient.go
- DeviceProfileClient.go
- DeviceServiceClient.go
- DeviceServiceCommandClient.go
- EventClient.go
- GeneralClient.go
- KVSClient.go
- NotificationClient.go
- ProvisionWatcherClient.go
- ReadingClient.go
- ScheduleActionRecordClient.go
- ScheduleJobClient.go
- SubscriptionClient.go
- TransmissionClient.go