
v3.2.0-dev.34 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Aug 5, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 9 Imported by: 34




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const (
	ApiVersion = "v3"
	ApiBase    = "/api/v3"

	ApiEventRoute                                           = ApiBase + "/event"
	ApiEventServiceNameProfileNameDeviceNameSourceNameRoute = ApiEventRoute + "/{" + ServiceName + "}" + "/{" + ProfileName + "}" + "/{" + DeviceName + "}" + "/{" + SourceName + "}"
	ApiAllEventRoute                                        = ApiEventRoute + "/" + All
	ApiEventIdRoute                                         = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiEventCountRoute                                      = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Count
	ApiEventCountByDeviceNameRoute                          = ApiEventCountRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiEventByDeviceNameRoute                               = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiEventByTimeRangeRoute                                = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiEventByAgeRoute                                      = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Age + "/{" + Age + "}"

	ApiReadingRoute                                        = ApiBase + "/reading"
	ApiAllReadingRoute                                     = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + All
	ApiReadingCountRoute                                   = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Count
	ApiReadingCountByDeviceNameRoute                       = ApiReadingCountRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameRoute                            = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiReadingByResourceNameRoute                          = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + ResourceName + "/{" + ResourceName + "}"
	ApiReadingByTimeRangeRoute                             = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiReadingByResourceNameAndTimeRangeRoute              = ApiReadingByResourceNameRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameRoute             = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}/" + ResourceName + "/{" + ResourceName + "}"
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRangeRoute = ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndTimeRangeRoute                = ApiReadingByDeviceNameRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"

	ApiDeviceProfileRoute                       = ApiBase + "/deviceprofile"
	ApiDeviceProfileBasicInfoRoute              = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/basicinfo"
	ApiAllDeviceProfileBasicInfoRoute           = ApiDeviceProfileBasicInfoRoute + "/" + All
	ApiDeviceProfileDeviceCommandRoute          = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + DeviceCommand
	ApiDeviceProfileResourceRoute               = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Resource
	ApiDeviceProfileUploadFileRoute             = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/uploadfile"
	ApiDeviceProfileByNameRoute                 = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceProfileDeviceCommandByNameRoute    = ApiDeviceProfileByNameRoute + "/" + DeviceCommand + "/{" + CommandName + "}"
	ApiDeviceProfileResourceByNameRoute         = ApiDeviceProfileByNameRoute + "/" + Resource + "/{" + ResourceName + "}"
	ApiDeviceProfileByIdRoute                   = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiAllDeviceProfileRoute                    = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + All
	ApiDeviceProfileByManufacturerRoute         = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Manufacturer + "/{" + Manufacturer + "}"
	ApiDeviceProfileByModelRoute                = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Model + "/{" + Model + "}"
	ApiDeviceProfileByManufacturerAndModelRoute = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Manufacturer + "/{" + Manufacturer + "}" + "/" + Model + "/{" + Model + "}"

	ApiDeviceResourceRoute                     = ApiBase + "/deviceresource"
	ApiDeviceResourceByProfileAndResourceRoute = ApiDeviceResourceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/{" + ProfileName + "}" + "/" + Resource + "/{" + ResourceName + "}"

	ApiDeviceServiceRoute       = ApiBase + "/deviceservice"
	ApiAllDeviceServiceRoute    = ApiDeviceServiceRoute + "/" + All
	ApiDeviceServiceByNameRoute = ApiDeviceServiceRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceServiceByIdRoute   = ApiDeviceServiceRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"

	ApiDeviceRoute                = ApiBase + "/device"
	ApiAllDeviceRoute             = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + All
	ApiDeviceIdExistsRoute        = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Check + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiDeviceNameExistsRoute      = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Check + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceByIdRoute            = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiDeviceByNameRoute          = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceByProfileIdRoute     = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiDeviceByProfileNameRoute   = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceByServiceIdRoute     = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiDeviceByServiceNameRoute   = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiDeviceNameCommandNameRoute = ApiDeviceByNameRoute + "/{" + Command + "}"

	ApiProvisionWatcherRoute              = ApiBase + "/provisionwatcher"
	ApiAllProvisionWatcherRoute           = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + All
	ApiProvisionWatcherByIdRoute          = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiProvisionWatcherByNameRoute        = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiProvisionWatcherByProfileNameRoute = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiProvisionWatcherByServiceNameRoute = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"

	ApiSubscriptionRoute           = ApiBase + "/subscription"
	ApiAllSubscriptionRoute        = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + All
	ApiSubscriptionByNameRoute     = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiSubscriptionByCategoryRoute = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Category + "/{" + Category + "}"
	ApiSubscriptionByLabelRoute    = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Label + "/{" + Label + "}"
	ApiSubscriptionByReceiverRoute = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Receiver + "/{" + Receiver + "}"

	ApiNotificationCleanupRoute            = ApiBase + "/cleanup"
	ApiNotificationCleanupByAgeRoute       = ApiBase + "/" + Cleanup + "/" + Age + "/{" + Age + "}"
	ApiNotificationRoute                   = ApiBase + "/notification"
	ApiNotificationByTimeRangeRoute        = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiNotificationByAgeRoute              = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Age + "/{" + Age + "}"
	ApiNotificationByCategoryRoute         = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Category + "/{" + Category + "}"
	ApiNotificationByLabelRoute            = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Label + "/{" + Label + "}"
	ApiNotificationByIdRoute               = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiNotificationByStatusRoute           = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Status + "/{" + Status + "}"
	ApiNotificationBySubscriptionNameRoute = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Subscription + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"

	ApiTransmissionRoute                   = ApiBase + "/transmission"
	ApiTransmissionByIdRoute               = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"
	ApiTransmissionByAgeRoute              = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Age + "/{" + Age + "}"
	ApiAllTransmissionRoute                = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + All
	ApiTransmissionBySubscriptionNameRoute = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Subscription + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiTransmissionByTimeRangeRoute        = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Start + "/{" + Start + "}/" + End + "/{" + End + "}"
	ApiTransmissionByStatusRoute           = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Status + "/{" + Status + "}"
	ApiTransmissionByNotificationIdRoute   = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Notification + "/" + Id + "/{" + Id + "}"

	ApiScheduleJobRoute              = ApiBase + "/job"
	ApiAllScheduleJobRoute           = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + All
	ApiScheduleJobByNameRoute        = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiTriggerScheduleJobRoute       = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + Trigger
	ApiTriggerScheduleJobByNameRoute = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + Trigger + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"

	ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute                   = ApiBase + "/scheduleactionrecord"
	ApiAllScheduleActionRecordRoute                = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + All
	ApiLatestScheduleActionRecordRoute             = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Latest
	ApiScheduleActionRecordRouteByStatusRoute      = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Status + "/{" + Status + "}"
	ApiScheduleActionRecordRouteByJobNameRoute     = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Job + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiScheduleActionRecordByJobNameAndStatusRoute = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Job + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}/" + Status + "/{" + Status + "}"

	ApiConfigRoute         = ApiBase + "/config"
	ApiPingRoute           = ApiBase + "/ping"
	ApiVersionRoute        = ApiBase + "/version"
	ApiSecretRoute         = ApiBase + "/secret"
	ApiUnitsOfMeasureRoute = ApiBase + "/uom"

	ApiDeviceCallbackRoute      = ApiBase + "/callback/device"
	ApiDeviceCallbackNameRoute  = ApiBase + "/callback/device/name/{name}"
	ApiProfileCallbackRoute     = ApiBase + "/callback/profile"
	ApiProfileCallbackNameRoute = ApiBase + "/callback/profile/name/{name}"
	ApiWatcherCallbackRoute     = ApiBase + "/callback/watcher"
	ApiWatcherCallbackNameRoute = ApiBase + "/callback/watcher/name/{name}"
	ApiServiceCallbackRoute     = ApiBase + "/callback/service"
	ApiDiscoveryRoute           = ApiBase + "/discovery"
	ApiDeviceValidationRoute    = ApiBase + "/validate/device"
	ApiProfileScan              = ApiBase + "/profilescan"

	ApiIntervalRoute               = ApiBase + "/interval"
	ApiAllIntervalRoute            = ApiIntervalRoute + "/" + All
	ApiIntervalByNameRoute         = ApiIntervalRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiIntervalActionRoute         = ApiBase + "/intervalaction"
	ApiAllIntervalActionRoute      = ApiIntervalActionRoute + "/" + All
	ApiIntervalActionByNameRoute   = ApiIntervalActionRoute + "/" + Name + "/{" + Name + "}"
	ApiIntervalActionByTargetRoute = ApiIntervalActionRoute + "/" + Target + "/{" + Target + "}"

	ApiSystemRoute      = ApiBase + "/system"
	ApiOperationRoute   = ApiSystemRoute + "/operation"
	ApiHealthRoute      = ApiSystemRoute + "/health"
	ApiMultiConfigRoute = ApiSystemRoute + "/config"

	ApiKVSRoute                     = ApiBase + "/kvs"
	ApiKVSByKeyRoute                = ApiKVSRoute + "/" + Key + "/{" + Key + "}"
	ApiRegisterRoute                = ApiBase + "/registry"
	ApiAllRegistrationsRoute        = ApiRegisterRoute + "/" + All
	ApiRegistrationByServiceIdRoute = ApiRegisterRoute + "/" + ServiceId + "/{" + ServiceId + "}"

Constants related to defined routes in the v3 service APIs

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const (
	All           = "all"
	Id            = "id"
	Created       = "created"
	Modified      = "modified"
	Pushed        = "pushed"
	Origin        = "origin"
	Count         = "count"
	Device        = "device"
	DeviceId      = "deviceId"
	DeviceName    = "deviceName"
	DeviceCommand = "deviceCommand"
	Check         = "check"
	Profile       = "profile"
	Resource      = "resource"
	Service       = "service"
	Services      = "services"
	Command       = "command"
	ProfileName   = "profileName"
	SourceName    = "sourceName"
	ServiceName   = "serviceName"
	ResourceName  = "resourceName"
	ResourceNames = "resourceNames"
	CommandName   = "commandName"
	Start         = "start"
	End           = "end"
	Age           = "age"
	Scrub         = "scrub"
	Type          = "type"
	Name          = "name"
	Label         = "label"
	Manufacturer  = "manufacturer"
	Model         = "model"
	ValueType     = "valueType"
	Category      = "category"
	Receiver      = "receiver"
	Subscription  = "subscription"
	Notification  = "notification"
	Target        = "target"
	Status        = "status"
	Cleanup       = "cleanup"
	Sender        = "sender"
	Severity      = "severity"
	Interval      = "interval"
	Key           = "key"
	ServiceId     = "serviceId"
	Job           = "job"
	Trigger       = "trigger"
	Latest        = "latest"

	Offset        = "offset"         //query string to specify the number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
	Limit         = "limit"          //query string to specify the numbers of items to return
	Labels        = "labels"         //query string to specify associated user-defined labels for querying a given object. More than one label may be specified via a comma-delimited list
	PushEvent     = "ds-pushevent"   //query string to specify if an event should be pushed to the EdgeX system
	ReturnEvent   = "ds-returnevent" //query string to specify if an event should be returned from device service
	RegexCommand  = "ds-regexcmd"    //query string to specify if the command name is in regular expression format
	DescendantsOf = "descendantsOf"  //Limit returned devices to those who have parent, grandparent, etc. of the given device name
	MaxLevels     = "maxLevels"      //Limit returned devices to this many levels below 'descendantsOf' (0=unlimited)
	Flatten       = "flatten"        //query string to specify if the request json payload should be flattened to update multiple keys with the same prefix
	KeyOnly       = "keyOnly"        //query string to specify if the response will only return the keys of the specified query key prefix, without values and metadata
	Plaintext     = "plaintext"      //query string to specify if the response will return the stored plain text value of the key(s) without any encoding
	Deregistered  = "deregistered"   //query string to specify if the response will return the registries of deregistered services

Constants related to defined url path names and parameters in the v3 service APIs

View Source
const (
	DefaultOffset  = 0
	DefaultLimit   = 20
	CommaSeparator = ","
	ValueTrue      = "true"
	ValueFalse     = "false"

Constants related to the default value of query strings in the v3 service APIs

View Source
const (
	ValueTypeBool         = "Bool"
	ValueTypeString       = "String"
	ValueTypeUint8        = "Uint8"
	ValueTypeUint16       = "Uint16"
	ValueTypeUint32       = "Uint32"
	ValueTypeUint64       = "Uint64"
	ValueTypeInt8         = "Int8"
	ValueTypeInt16        = "Int16"
	ValueTypeInt32        = "Int32"
	ValueTypeInt64        = "Int64"
	ValueTypeFloat32      = "Float32"
	ValueTypeFloat64      = "Float64"
	ValueTypeBinary       = "Binary"
	ValueTypeBoolArray    = "BoolArray"
	ValueTypeStringArray  = "StringArray"
	ValueTypeUint8Array   = "Uint8Array"
	ValueTypeUint16Array  = "Uint16Array"
	ValueTypeUint32Array  = "Uint32Array"
	ValueTypeUint64Array  = "Uint64Array"
	ValueTypeInt8Array    = "Int8Array"
	ValueTypeInt16Array   = "Int16Array"
	ValueTypeInt32Array   = "Int32Array"
	ValueTypeInt64Array   = "Int64Array"
	ValueTypeFloat32Array = "Float32Array"
	ValueTypeFloat64Array = "Float64Array"
	ValueTypeObject       = "Object"
	ValueTypeObjectArray  = "ObjectArray"

Constants related to Reading ValueTypes

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const (
	Primary  = "Primary"
	Password = "Password"

Constants related to configuration file's map key

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const (
	// Type

Constants for Address

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const (
	ActionStart   = "start"
	ActionRestart = "restart"
	ActionStop    = "stop"

Constants for SMA Operation Action

View Source
const (
	ReadWrite_R  = "R"
	ReadWrite_W  = "W"
	ReadWrite_RW = "RW"
	ReadWrite_WR = "WR"

Constants for DeviceProfile

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const (
	DefInterval           = "INTERVAL"
	DefCron               = "CRON"
	ActionEdgeXMessageBus = "EDGEXMESSAGEBUS"
	ActionREST            = "REST"
	ActionDeviceControl   = "DEVICECONTROL"

Constant for ScheduleJob

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const (
	ClientMonitorDefault = 15000              // Defaults the interval at which a given service client will refresh its endpoint from the Registry, if used
	CorrelationHeader    = "X-Correlation-ID" // Sets the key of the Correlation ID HTTP header

Miscellaneous constants

View Source
const (
	CoreCommandServiceKey               = "core-command"
	CoreDataServiceKey                  = "core-data"
	CoreMetaDataServiceKey              = "core-metadata"
	CoreCommonConfigServiceKey          = "core-common-config-bootstrapper"
	CoreKeeperServiceKey                = "core-keeper"
	SupportLoggingServiceKey            = "support-logging"
	SupportNotificationsServiceKey      = "support-notifications"
	SystemManagementAgentServiceKey     = "sys-mgmt-agent"
	SupportSchedulerServiceKey          = "support-scheduler"
	SupportCronSchedulerServiceKey      = "support-cron-scheduler"
	SecuritySecretStoreSetupServiceKey  = "security-secretstore-setup"
	SecurityProxyAuthServiceKey         = "security-proxy-auth"
	SecurityProxySetupServiceKey        = "security-proxy-setup"
	SecurityFileTokenProviderServiceKey = "security-file-token-provider"
	SecurityBootstrapperKey             = "security-bootstrapper"
	SecurityBootstrapperPostgresKey     = "security-bootstrapper-postgres"
	SecurityBootstrapperRedisKey        = "security-bootstrapper-redis"
	SecuritySpiffeTokenProviderKey      = "security-spiffe-token-provider" // nolint:gosec

Constants related to how services identify themselves in the Service Registry

View Source
const (
	Accept          = "Accept"
	ContentType     = "Content-Type"
	ContentLength   = "Content-Length"
	ContentTypeCBOR = "application/cbor"
	ContentTypeJSON = "application/json"
	ContentTypeTOML = "application/toml"
	ContentTypeYAML = "application/x-yaml"
	ContentTypeText = "text/plain"
	ContentTypeXML  = "application/xml"

Constants related to the possible content types supported by the APIs

View Source
const (
	DeviceSystemEventType           = "device"
	DeviceProfileSystemEventType    = "deviceprofile"
	DeviceServiceSystemEventType    = "deviceservice"
	ProvisionWatcherSystemEventType = "provisionwatcher"
	SystemEventActionAdd            = "add"
	SystemEventActionUpdate         = "update"
	SystemEventActionDelete         = "delete"

Constants related to System Events

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const (
	ConfigStemAll      = "edgex/v3" // Version never changes during minor releases so v3 is more appropriate than 3.0
	ConfigStemApp      = ConfigStemAll
	ConfigStemCore     = ConfigStemAll
	ConfigStemDevice   = ConfigStemAll
	ConfigStemSecurity = ConfigStemAll
View Source
const (
	CommandQueryRequestTopicKey   = "CommandQueryRequestTopic" // #nosec G101
	CommandQueryResponseTopicKey  = "CommandQueryResponseTopic"
	CommandRequestTopicKey        = "CommandRequestTopic"
	CommandResponseTopicPrefixKey = "CommandResponseTopicPrefix"
View Source
const (

	// Common Topics
	DefaultBaseTopic        = "edgex"         // Used if the base topic is not specified in MessageBus configuration
	EventsPublishTopic      = "events"        // <ServiceType>/<DeviceServiceName>/<ProfileName>/<DeviceName>/<SourceName> are appended
	ResponseTopic           = "response"      // <ServiceName>/<RequestId> are prepended
	MetricsPublishTopic     = "telemetry"     // <ServiceName>/<MetricName> are prepended
	SystemEventPublishTopic = "system-events" // <SourceServiceName>/<SystemEventType>/<SystemEventAction><OwnerServiceName>/<ProfileName>

	// Core Data Topics
	CoreDataEventSubscribeTopic = "events/device/#"

	// Core Command Topics
	CoreCommandDeviceRequestPublishTopic  = "device/command/request" // <DeviceServiceName>/<DeviceName>/<CommandName>/<CommandMethod> are appended
	CoreCommandRequestSubscribeTopic      = "core/command/request/#"
	CoreCommandQueryRequestSubscribeTopic = "core/commandquery/request/#"

	// Command Client Topics
	CoreCommandQueryRequestPublishTopic = "core/commandquery/request" // <deviceName>|all is prepended
	CoreCommandRequestPublishTopic      = "core/command/request"      // <DeviceName>/<CommandName>/<CommandMethod> are appended

	// Device Services Topics
	CommandRequestSubscribeTopic      = "device/command/request"          // <DeviceServiceName>/# is appended <
	MetadataSystemEventSubscribeTopic = "system-events/core-metadata/+/+" // <DeviceServiceName>/# is appended
	ValidateDeviceSubscribeTopic      = "validate/device"                 // <DeviceServiceName> is pre-pended


MessageBus Topics

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const (
	ApiEventServiceNameProfileNameDeviceNameSourceNameEchoRoute = ApiEventRoute + "/:" + ServiceName + "/:" + ProfileName + "/:" + DeviceName + "/:" + SourceName
	ApiEventIdEchoRoute                                         = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiEventCountByDeviceNameEchoRoute                          = ApiEventCountRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiEventByDeviceNameEchoRoute                               = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiEventByTimeRangeEchoRoute                                = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiEventByAgeEchoRoute                                      = ApiEventRoute + "/" + Age + "/:" + Age

	ApiReadingCountByDeviceNameEchoRoute                       = ApiReadingCountRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameEchoRoute                            = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiReadingByResourceNameEchoRoute                          = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + ResourceName + "/:" + ResourceName
	ApiReadingByTimeRangeEchoRoute                             = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiReadingByResourceNameAndTimeRangeEchoRoute              = ApiReadingByResourceNameEchoRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameEchoRoute             = ApiReadingRoute + "/" + Device + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name + "/" + ResourceName + "/:" + ResourceName
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameAndTimeRangeEchoRoute = ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndResourceNameEchoRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiReadingByDeviceNameAndTimeRangeEchoRoute                = ApiReadingByDeviceNameEchoRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End

	ApiDeviceProfileByNameEchoRoute                 = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceProfileDeviceCommandByNameEchoRoute    = ApiDeviceProfileByNameEchoRoute + "/" + DeviceCommand + "/:" + CommandName
	ApiDeviceProfileResourceByNameEchoRoute         = ApiDeviceProfileByNameEchoRoute + "/" + Resource + "/:" + ResourceName
	ApiDeviceProfileByIdEchoRoute                   = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiDeviceProfileByManufacturerEchoRoute         = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Manufacturer + "/:" + Manufacturer
	ApiDeviceProfileByModelEchoRoute                = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Model + "/:" + Model
	ApiDeviceProfileByManufacturerAndModelEchoRoute = ApiDeviceProfileRoute + "/" + Manufacturer + "/:" + Manufacturer + "/" + Model + "/:" + Model

	ApiDeviceResourceByProfileAndResourceEchoRoute = ApiDeviceResourceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/:" + ProfileName + "/" + Resource + "/:" + ResourceName

	ApiDeviceServiceByNameEchoRoute = ApiDeviceServiceRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceServiceByIdEchoRoute   = ApiDeviceServiceRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id

	ApiDeviceIdExistsEchoRoute        = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Check + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiDeviceNameExistsEchoRoute      = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Check + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceByIdEchoRoute            = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiDeviceByNameEchoRoute          = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceByProfileIdEchoRoute     = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiDeviceByProfileNameEchoRoute   = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceByServiceIdEchoRoute     = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiDeviceByServiceNameEchoRoute   = ApiDeviceRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiDeviceNameCommandNameEchoRoute = ApiDeviceByNameEchoRoute + "/:" + Command

	ApiProvisionWatcherByIdEchoRoute          = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiProvisionWatcherByNameEchoRoute        = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiProvisionWatcherByProfileNameEchoRoute = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Profile + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiProvisionWatcherByServiceNameEchoRoute = ApiProvisionWatcherRoute + "/" + Service + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name

	ApiSubscriptionByNameEchoRoute     = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiSubscriptionByCategoryEchoRoute = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Category + "/:" + Category
	ApiSubscriptionByLabelEchoRoute    = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Label + "/:" + Label
	ApiSubscriptionByReceiverEchoRoute = ApiSubscriptionRoute + "/" + Receiver + "/:" + Receiver

	ApiNotificationCleanupByAgeEchoRoute       = ApiBase + "/" + Cleanup + "/" + Age + "/:" + Age
	ApiNotificationByTimeRangeEchoRoute        = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiNotificationByAgeEchoRoute              = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Age + "/:" + Age
	ApiNotificationByCategoryEchoRoute         = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Category + "/:" + Category
	ApiNotificationByLabelEchoRoute            = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Label + "/:" + Label
	ApiNotificationByIdEchoRoute               = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiNotificationByStatusEchoRoute           = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Status + "/:" + Status
	ApiNotificationBySubscriptionNameEchoRoute = ApiNotificationRoute + "/" + Subscription + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name

	ApiTransmissionByIdEchoRoute               = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id
	ApiTransmissionByAgeEchoRoute              = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Age + "/:" + Age
	ApiTransmissionBySubscriptionNameEchoRoute = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Subscription + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiTransmissionByTimeRangeEchoRoute        = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Start + "/:" + Start + "/" + End + "/:" + End
	ApiTransmissionByStatusEchoRoute           = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Status + "/:" + Status
	ApiTransmissionByNotificationIdEchoRoute   = ApiTransmissionRoute + "/" + Notification + "/" + Id + "/:" + Id

	ApiDeviceCallbackNameEchoRoute  = ApiBase + "/callback/device/name/:name"
	ApiProfileCallbackNameEchoRoute = ApiBase + "/callback/profile/name/:name"
	ApiWatcherCallbackNameEchoRoute = ApiBase + "/callback/watcher/name/:name"

	ApiIntervalByNameEchoRoute         = ApiIntervalRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiIntervalActionByNameEchoRoute   = ApiIntervalActionRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiIntervalActionByTargetEchoRoute = ApiIntervalActionRoute + "/" + Target + "/:" + Target

	ApiKVSByKeyEchoRoute                = ApiKVSRoute + "/" + Key + "/:" + Key
	ApiRegistrationByServiceIdEchoRoute = ApiRegisterRoute + "/" + ServiceId + "/:" + ServiceId

	ApiScheduleJobEchoRoute              = ApiBase + "/job"
	ApiAllScheduleJobEchoRoute           = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + All
	ApiTriggerScheduleJobByNameEchoRoute = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + Trigger + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiScheduleJobByNameEchoRoute        = ApiScheduleJobRoute + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name

	ApiScheduleActionRecordEchoRoute                        = ApiBase + "/scheduleactionrecord"
	ApiAllScheduleActionRecordEchoRoute                     = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + All
	ApiLatestScheduleActionRecordEchoRoute                  = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Latest
	ApiScheduleActionRecordRouteByStatusEchoRoute           = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Status + "/:" + Status
	ApiScheduleActionRecordRouteByJobNameEchoRoute          = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Job + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name
	ApiScheduleActionRecordRouteByJobNameAndStatusEchoRoute = ApiScheduleActionRecordRoute + "/" + Job + "/" + Name + "/:" + Name + Status + "/:" + Status

Constants related to defined routes with path params in the v3 service APIs for Echo TODO: Remove in EdgeX 4.0 and will use the original API constant names defined in constants.go

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const (

Constants for Edgex Environment variable


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func BuildTopic

func BuildTopic(parts ...string) string

BuildTopic is a helper function to build MessageBus topic from multiple parts

func NewPathBuilder added in v3.1.0

func NewPathBuilder() *pathBuilder

func NormalizeValueType

func NormalizeValueType(valueType string) (string, error)

NormalizeValueType normalizes the valueType to upper camel case

func URLEncode

func URLEncode(s string) string

URLEncode encodes the input string with additional common character support

func Validate

func Validate(a interface{}) error

Validate function will use the validator package to validate the struct annotation

func ValidateDtoNoneEmptyString

func ValidateDtoNoneEmptyString(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateDtoNoneEmptyString used to check the UpdateDTO name pointer value

func ValidateDtoRFC3986UnreservedChars

func ValidateDtoRFC3986UnreservedChars(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateDtoRFC3986UnreservedChars used to check if DTO's name pointer value only contains unreserved characters as defined in

func ValidateDtoUuid

func ValidateDtoUuid(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateDtoUuid used to check the UpdateDTO uuid pointer value Currently, required_without can not correct work with other tag, so write custom tag instead. Issue can refer to

func ValidateDuration

func ValidateDuration(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateDuration validate field which should follow the ISO 8601 Durations format

func ValidateIntervalDatetime

func ValidateIntervalDatetime(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateIntervalDatetime validate Interval's datetime field which should follow the ISO 8601 format YYYYMMDD'T'HHmmss

func ValidateValueType

func ValidateValueType(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool

ValidateValueType checks whether the valueType is valid


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