EdgeX Foundry System Management Executor

This README.md is geared toward a developer interested in creating their own executor. It includes related information
that ties in with the System Management Agent (aka SMA). The main points are:
- How the SMA passes service name, and action on the command line.
- Current proxy-like behavior for stop/start/restart operations -- the SMA passes parameters received to executor as-is.
- The Metrics Result Contract (and its support for embedding executor-specific results).
- Expected format of operation result (based upon the existing Docker executor implementation).
Passing Parameters to SMA on Command Line
./sys-mgmt-executor [service-name] [operation]
- "service-name" is the name of the service to apply the operation to.
- "operation" can be one of [start, stop, restart]
Note: neither operation, nor service-name are verified by the SMA before passing to the executor, the executor is responsible for ensuring invalid service names and operations are handled gracefully.
Examples of Usage (and Sample Responses)
- ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-support-notifications stop
bash-5.0# ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-support-notifications stop
- ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-support-notifications start
bash-5.0# ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-core-data start
- ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-support-notifications restart
bash-5.0# ./sys-mgmt-executor edgex-support-notifications restart
Current Proxy-like Behavior for Stop/Start/Restart Operations
The three POST operations delegated to the Executor
- These operations involves a POST operation each, where the body is provided as a JSON payload.
- Here is an example payload for the "start" operation:
- And the Accompanying response:
"Success": true,
"executor": "docker",
"operation": "start",
"service": "edgex-core-command"
"Success": true,
"executor": "docker",
"operation": "start",
"service": "edgex-core-data"
"Success": true,
"executor": "docker",
"operation": "start",
"service": "edgex-core-metadata"
- And here is an example payload for the "restart" operation:
- And the accompanying response:
"Success": true,
"executor": "docker",
"operation": "restart",
"service": "edgex-support-notifications"
- The example payload for the "stop" operation, while not shown here, is similar to the ones shown above.
- The SMA passes parameters received to the executor as-is and that the parameter
"executor": "docker"
points out the
executor implementation being used. Each executor implementation should return its own unique value for the
Metrics Result Contract
- Metrics result contract (and its support for embedding executor-specific results).
Expected format of operation result (based upon the existing Docker executor implementation).
- The metrics result contract stipulates the following fields, highlighted inline in this example response:
"Success": boolean, // Required: True or false
"executor": "docker", // Required: The (reference) executor implementation
"operation": "metrics", // Required: The operation
"result": {
"cpuUsedPercent": 5.08, // Required: CPU Usage
"memoryUsed": 5488247, // Required: Memory Usage
"raw": { // Optional, executor-specific results
"block_io": "8.19kB / 0B", // Optional, executor-specific results
"cpu_perc": "5.08%", // Optional, executor-specific results
"mem_perc": "0.26%", // Optional, executor-specific results
"mem_usage": "5.234MiB / 1.952GiB", // Optional, executor-specific results
"net_io": "277kB / 194kB", // Optional, executor-specific results
"pids": "14" // Optional, executor-specific results
} // Optional, executor-specific results
"service": "edgex-core-command" // Required: Name of service whose metrics were fetched
"Success": true,
"executor": "docker",
"operation": "metrics",
"result": {
"cpuUsedPercent": 5.33,
"memoryUsed": 5373952,
"raw": {
"block_io": "143kB / 0B",
"cpu_perc": "5.33%",
"mem_perc": "0.26%",
"mem_usage": "5.125MiB / 1.952GiB",
"net_io": "130kB / 118kB",
"pids": "13"
"service": "edgex-support-notifications"
- As highlighted above in the results section (for the first of the two services whose metrics were fetched), a handful
of fields aer stipulated to be part of the metrics result contract.
- The remaining fields fall into the category of executor's support for embedding executor-specific results.
- The user has the choice of whether to further process the embedded executor-specific results.
- The expected format of the result is based upon the current Docker executor implementation (as highlighted by the
JSON key-value pair "executor": "docker").