EdgeStats Client
The EdgeStats client. May be used with public EdgeStats server, or private edgestats-server and edgestats-webui setup.
Check your Theta Edge Node uptime stats without needing to view the edge node client GUI/CLI.
Basic Setup (connect to public server)
Download and run client
Client downloads are available here.
Once the client is downloaded, simply unzip the client and run (double click) the executable file, or run the following commands from command line:
cd <path/to/edgestats-client>
# example: ./edgestats-client-windows-amd64
Note, double clicking the executable file will open a new command line terminal
Advanced Setup (connect to private server)
Setup EdgeStats server
Instructions for setting up an EdgeStats server available here.
Clone repository
Execute the following commands to clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/edgestats/edgestats-client
cd edgestats-client
Install dependencies
Execute the following command to install the dependencies:
go mod tidy
Build client from source
GOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build -ldflags "-X 'github.com/edgestats/edgestats-client/data.apiAddr=<>' -X 'github.com/edgestats/edgestats-client/data.apiKey=<your-api-key>'" -o ./build/edgestats-client-<OS>-<ARCH> ./cmd/main.go
# example: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-X 'github.com/edgestats/edgestats-client/data.apiAddr=' -X 'github.com/edgestats/edgestats-client/data.apiKey=thetaverse'" -o ./build/edgestats-client-windows-amd64.exe ./cmd/main.go
Set environment variables
The following environment variable is optional (required for linux!) and sets the location of the Theta Edge Node log file that the EdgeStats client watches:
export LOG_FILEPATH=<path/to/edge-node-logs/log.log>
# example: export LOG_FILEPATH=~/Library/Logs/Theta\ Edge\ Node/log.log
Setup EdgeStats webui
Instructions for setting up an EdgeStats webui available here.
How does it work?
The EdgeStats client works as follows:
The client watches Theta Edge Node log file
Scans edge node logs as they are written
Filters edge node logs relevant to uptime
Sends uptime logs to the EdgeStats server
Web UI displays the edge node uptime stats
Important to note!
An edge node's uptime stats will not be available unless the EdgeStats client was run previously
If an edge node is running but the EdgeStats client is not, the uptime stats are not being collected by the EdgeStats server
If either the EdgeStats client or edge node is not running, uptime stats are not being collected by the EdgeStats server
Copyright (c) EdgeStats Authors