1. Start Shifu and connect a simple virtual PLC
There is already a demo virtual PLC deployment configuration in shifu/deviceshifu/examples/demo_device
. The virtual PLC will virtualize the binary code of the four storage areas "M", "Q", "T" and "C" of the PLC device. This binary encoding can be read with the getcontent
API, or modified with the sendsinglebit
From the shifu
root directory, run the following command to install shifu :
kubectl apply -f k8s/crd/install/shifu_install.yml
In the shifu
root directory, run the following command to package the virtual PLC into a Docker image:
docker build -t edgehub/mockdevice-plc:v0.0.1 . \
-f deviceshifu/examples/mockdevice/plc/Dockerfile.mockdevice-plc
In the shifu
root directory, run the following commands to load the virtual PLC image into Kind and deploy it to the Kubernetes cluster:
kind load docker-image edgehub/mockdevice-plc:v0.0.1
kubectl apply -f deviceshifu/examples/demo_device/edgedevice-plc/
2. Interact with deviceShifu
We can interact with deviceShifu through the nginx application, the command is:
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
kubectl exec -it nginx -- bash
Interact with the virtual PLC through the following commands on the nginx command line:
curl "deviceshifu-plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=DB&address=0&start=0&digit=0&value=1";echo
curl deviceshifu-plc/getcontent?rootaddress=Q;echo
example output:
curl edgedevice-plc/getcontent?rootaddress=Q;echo
curl "edgedevice-plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=DB&address=0&start=0&digit=0&value=1";echo