If you don't have a certificate, you can use generate_cert.go to generate a local certificate for testing
go run generate_cert.go
Deploy OPC UA deviceShifu, in shifu/examples/opcuaDeviceShifu:
# kubectl apply -f opcua_deploy/
configmap/opcua-configmap-0.0.1 created
deployment.apps/edgedevice-opcua-deployment created
service/edgedevice-opcua created
edgedevice.shifu.edgenesis.io/edgedevice-opcua created
Start an Nginx pod and enter its shell:
# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
# kubectl exec -it nginx -- bash
Interact with the OPC UAdeviceShifu:
root@nginx:/# curl edgedevice-opcua/get_time;echo
2022-05-25 07:29:36.879869 +0000 UTC
root@nginx:/# curl edgedevice-opcua/get_server;echo
FreeOpcUa Python Server
root@nginx:/# curl edgedevice-opcua/get_value;echo