Uplosi — Upload OS images to cloud provider
With Go installed on your system, run the following command:
go install
Alternatively, you can download the binary from the releases page.
Uploading OS Images
The main purpose of uplosi is to upload OS images to cloud providers. Uploading images requires a configuration file to be present in the current working directory.
uplosi upload <image> [flags]
# edit uplosi.conf, then run
uplosi upload image.raw -i
string: list of variant name globs to disable--enable-variant-glob
string: list of variant name globs to enable-h
: help for uplosi-i
: increment version number after upload-v
: version for uplosi
Uplosi requires configuration files in TOML format to be present in the user's workspace (CWD). Namely, the following files are read:
— the main configuration file, read firstuplosi.conf.d/*.conf
— (optional) additional configuration files, read in alphabetical order
Any settings specified in the additional configuration files will override the settings specified in the main configuration file. The configuration has the following structure:
# Base configuration that is applied to every variant.
[variant.<name>] # e.g. variant.default
# Variant specific configuration that overrides the base configuration.
imageVersion = "1.2.3"
name = "my-image"
# AWS specific configuration that is applied to every variant.
region = "eu-central-1"
replicationRegions = ["us-east-2", "ap-south-1"]
bucket = "my-bucket"
publish = true
# Azure specific configuration that is applied to every variant.
subscriptionID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
location = "northeurope"
resourceGroup = "my-rg"
sharedImageGallery = "my_gallery"
sharingNamePrefix = "myshared"
# GCP specific configuration that is applied to every variant.
project = "myproject-123456"
location = "europe-west3"
bucket = "my-bucket"
# OpenStack specific configuration that is applied to every variant.
cloud = "mycloud"
tags = ["tag-a", "tag-b"]
minDiskGB = 32
# Variant specific configuration that overrides the base configuration.
provider = "aws"
imageVersionFile = "foo-version.txt" # overrides base.imageVersion
# Variant specific configuration that overrides the configuration.
replicationRegions = []
publish = false
# Variant specific configuration that overrides the base configuration.
provider = "azure"
# Variant specific configuration that overrides the configuration.
resourceGroup = "my-rg-bar" # overrides
The following settings are supported:
/ variant.<name>.provider
- Default: none
- Required: yes
The cloud provider to upload the image to: aws
, azure
or gcp
/ variant.<name>.imageVersion
- Default:
- Required: no
A version string with the format <major>.<minor>.<patch>
, e.g. 1.0.0
This version string can be used as a template parameter {{.Version}}
in all template strings.
Additionally, the individual version components can be accessed via {{.VersionMajor}}
, {{.VersionMinor}}
and {{.VersionPatch}}
/ variant.<name>.imageVersionFile
- Default: none
- Required: no
A file to read the image version from. The file must contain a single line with the image version string.
If set, the file contents will overwrite the imageVersion
When using the -i
/ --increment-version
command line option, the version will be incremented after uploading and written back to the file.
/ variant.<name>.name
- Default: none
- Required: yes
The name of the image to upload. This name can be used as a template parameter {{.Name}}
in all template strings.
/ variant.<name>.aws.region
- Default: none
- Required: yes
The primary AWS region to upload the ami to. Example: eu-central-1
This region is used for the S3 bucket, EBS snapshot and the primary AMI.
Subsequent AMIs are copied to all other regions specified in replicationRegions
/ variant.<name>.aws.replicationRegions
- Default:
- Required: no
Additional AWS regions that the ami will be replicated in. Example: ["us-east-2", "ap-south-1"]
/ variant.<name>.aws.amiName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
The name of the AMI.
/ variant.<name>.aws.amiDescription
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
The description of the AMI.
/ variant.<name>.aws.bucket
- Default: none
- Required: yes
- Template: yes
The bucket to upload the image to during the upload process.
/ variant.<name>.aws.bucketRegionConstraint
- Default: none (defaults to
) - Required: no
- Template: no
The region where the buckets exist or should be created.
/ variant.<name>.aws.blobName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of temporary blob within bucket
. Image is uploaded to this blob before being converted to an AMI.
/ variant.<name>.aws.snapshotName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the EBS snapshot that is the backing store for the AMI.
/ variant.<name>.aws.publish
- Default:
- Required: no
If set, the AMI will be published (made publicly available) after uploading.
/ variant.<name>.azure.subscriptionID
- Default: none
- Required: yes
Id of the Azure subscription to upload the image to. Use az account subscription list
to list all available subscriptions.
/ variant.<name>.azure.location
- Default: none
- Required: yes
The primary Azure region to upload the image to. Example: northeurope
This region is used for the resource group, disk and gallery.
Subsequent images are replicated to all other regions specified in replicationRegions
/ variant.<name>.azure.replicationRegions
- Default:
- Required: no
Additional Azure regions that the image will be replicated in. Example: ["northeurope", "eastus2"]
/ variant.<name>.azure.resourceGroup
- Default: none
- Required: yes
- Template: yes
The resource group to create the image and any additional resources in.
Will be created if it does not exist. Example: "my-rg"
/ variant.<name>.azure.attestationVariant
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
The attestation variant to use. One of azure-tdx
, azure-sev-snp
, azure-trustedlaunch
Used to determine the security type of the image.
/ variant.<name>.azure.sharedImageGallery
- Default: none
- Required: yes
- Template: yes
Name of the shared image gallery to upload the image to. Example: "my_gallery"
Will be created if it does not exist. The name must be unique within the subscription.
/ variant.<name>.azure.sharingProfile
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Sharing profile to use for the gallery image. One of community
, private
. Sharing profile groups
currently isn't supported.
Community images are publicly available, group images are available to a specific group of users, private images are only available to the owner.
/ variant.<name>.azure.sharingNamePrefix
- Default: none
- Required: if
- Template: yes
Prefix for the shared image name. Example: "myimage"
The full name will contain the prefix with a random suffix.
/ variant.<name>.azure.imageDefinitionName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the image definition within the shared image gallery.
/ variant.<name>.azure.offer
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
The name of a group of related images created by a publisher. Examples: "UbuntuServer"
, "FedoraServer"
/ variant.<name>.azure.sku
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
An instance of an offer, such as a major release of a distribution. Example: "18.04-LTS"
/ variant.<name>.azure.publisher
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
The organization that created the image. Example: "Edgeless Systems"
/ variant.<name>.azure.diskName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the temporary disk. Image is uploaded to this disk before being converted to an image.
/ variant.<name>.azure.additionalSignatures
- Default:
- Required: no
Additional Secure Boot UEFI certificates can be added to the image to perform Trusted Launch with images that contain boot components which have been signed using a custom key. The certificates will be bound as UEFI db keys to an Image Version. The values have to be specified as single-line base64-encoded DER certificates. Example: ["MIIC0DCCAbigAwIBAgIUI7..."]
/ variant.<name>.gcp.project
- Default: none
- Required: yes
Name of the GCP project to upload the image to. Example: "my-project"
Can be retrieved with gcloud config get-value project
/ variant.<name>.gcp.location
- Default: none
- Required: yes
Location of the GCP project to create resources in. Example: "europe-west3"
Images will be accessible globally, regardless of the location setting.
/ variant.<name>.gcp.imageName
- Default:
"{{.Name}}-{{replaceAll .Version \".\" \"-\"}}"
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the image to create. Example: "my-image-1-0-0"
/ variant.<name>.gcp.imageFamily
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Family that the image belongs to. Example: "my-image"
/ variant.<name>.gcp.bucket
- Default: none
- Required: yes
- Template: yes
Name of the GCS bucket to upload the image to temporarily. Example: "my-bucket"
Will be created if it does not exist.
/ variant.<name>.gcp.blobName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the temporary blob within bucket
. Image is uploaded to this blob before being converted to an image.
/ variant.<name>
- Default: none
- Required: yes
Name in OpenStack's cloud.yaml used for authentication.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.imageName
- Default:
- Required: no
- Template: yes
Name of the image to create. Example: "my-image-1.0.0"
/ variant.<name>.openstack.visibility
- Default:
- Required: no
Visibility of the image to create. Possible values are "public", "private", "shared", "community"`.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.hidden
- Default:
- Required: no
Hidden status of the image in listings.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.tags
- Default:
- Required: no
Tags added to the image.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.minDiskGB
- Default:
- Required: no
Minimum disk size of the image in GB.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.minRamMB
- Default:
- Required: no
Minimum amount of RAM reserved for a VM created from this image.
/ variant.<name>.openstack.protected
- Default:
- Required: no
If set, prevents accidential deletion of the image.
/ variant.<name>
- Default:
- Required: no
Extra key-value pairs attached to the image. Example: {"hw_firmware_type" = "uefi", "os_type" = "linux"}
Calculating TPM PCR Values
[!WARNING] This command is highly experimental. It does not account for all PCRs and all possibilities of their measurements, is only tested in a very specific environment and should not be used in production use-cases.
Uplosi can also, from a given raw disk image, calculate TPM PCR values (Namely PCRs 4, 9, and 11)
ahead of the image boot to allow to craft remote attestation policies for images.
It requires systemd-dissect
to be present in $PATH
sudo uplosi measurements <image> [flags]
sudo uplosi measurements image.raw --output-file pcrs.json
string: path to a JSON file the output should be written to--uki-path
string: path to the unified kernel image (UKI) within the ESP of the image (default:/boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
: help for uplosi-v
: version for uplosi
There is no documentation for this package.