the api is a simple go web server built with gin that exposes a handful of endpoints to access the data
the shape of the data returned from the api aligns with the db schema, this is accomplished via various struct tags on the type definitions
for example, the Clue type is defined as follows:
type Clue struct {
ClueID int64 `db:"clue_id" json:"clueId" example:"804002032"`
GameID int64 `db:"game_id" json:"gameId" example:"8040"`
CategoryID int64 `db:"category_id" json:"categoryId" example:"804092001"`
Question string `db:"question" json:"question" example:"This is the question."`
Answer string `db:"answer" json:"answer" example:"This is the answer."`
the db struct tag is used by the sqlx library to map the db columns to the struct fields
the json struct tag is used by the gin library to map the struct fields to the json response
the example struct tag is used by the swaggo library to generate example responses for the swagger docs
the ui is served from the / and /ui endpoints and is a simple html page that displays the swagger docs
and some basic info
the embedded swagger ui provides runnable request / response examples and type references
getting the data into the database and cleaning it up after has been a manual process for the most part
for local development i set the DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME environment variables to target a mariadb/mysql server running in my home lab (also experimented with defining the db service and build params in a docker compose file)
so personally i play with that local copy of the data, but for the public api i use a mysql db hosted on digital ocean
to populate this db i first created a backup of my local db and then restored it to the digital ocean db through an adminer ui running in my home lab
swagger docs generated with swaggo and embedded in the /ui
page as part of the html template
the --parseVendor was helpful here to generate the full swagger.json file that could be used
in standalone mode by the ui
the scrape package contains the code to scrape j-archive
and write the data to a mysql database