JSON to CSV converter in Golang.
Note: at this time, this converter doesn't implement the full JSON spec. (it doesn't currently handle arrays of scalar values, only arrays of map[string]interface{}
reads JSON from the file specified as a command line argument, parses the JSON, and writes the data to a CSV file.
> git clone https://github.com/ecshreve/jcgo.git
> cd jcgo
> make build
> bin/jcgo jsontestlocal.json jsontestlocal.output.csv
2020/07/24 18:39:22 generated csv file: jsontestlocal.output.csv
> cat jsontestlocal.output.csv | column -t -s ,
afterState_arrivedAt afterState_departureTimeMs afterState_destinationName afterState_id afterState_jobState beforeState_arrivedAt beforeState_departureTimeMs beforeState_destinationName beforeState_id beforeState_jobState changedAtMs events_eventAt events_eventType id
0 0 CARI307 4337769816 4 0 0 CARI307 4337769816 4 1591056576414 1591056576414 0 4333023554
1591034132029 1591034209011 JASON077 4337769817 3 1591034132029 1591034209011 JASON077 4337769817 3 1591056576414 1591056576414 0 4333023554
Here's an abbreviated list of the things I googled while making this (in no particular order).
- json to csv
- arbitrary json to csv
- parse json golang
- parse nested json
- json to csv golang github
- json spec
- graphql json results
- write to csv golang
- golang parse command line args
- golang flag package
- golang use flags in test
- longest common prefix
- golang module
- golang project organization
- golang remove dependencies from module
- go install vs go build
- godoc json
- godoc csv
- golang stringer
- golang interface inheritance
- golang init function
- golang sort custom type
- golang embedded struct
and many, many more