Integration test
The tests in this folder use a docker compose file to orchestrate the starting of Signatory
, flextesa
, tezos
, and speculos
The version of Signatory that is run is defined by an environment variable named IMAGE
The octez-client
that is run by the tests is provided by the tezos
container. The version of tezos
container is defined by an environment variable named OCTEZ_VERSION
Currently, it is always the latest
version of the flextesa
image that is run by the tests. The economic protocol run by flextesa is defined by an environment variable named PROTOCOL
Pulling the images
Pre-release Signatory images are available in github container registry
Official image releases are available in dockerhub
If you get a 404 from the github container registry web console, you can request access from an admin.
flextesa image is used.
tezos image is used
A custom speculos image is used, this image has the tezos wallet installed.
Github container registry authentication setup
If this is your first time pulling an image from github packages, then you'll need to configure a Personal Access Token PAT (classic). The only access you should grant the PAT is read:packages
. With that token as the value of env var $PAT
, you can now login:
echo $PAT |docker login -u <your_github_name> --password-stdin
Running the tests
The tests are run in a github workflow and so the workflow should be consulted to learn how to run the tests locally. A more verbose explanation:
cd integration_test
Exporting the Environment Variables used by the test is required.
Firstly, set ARCH
to match your docker host. On a x86_64
export ARCH=amd64
use arm64
on a macbook m1 host
Next, decide the version of Signatory you want to test.
using main branch:
Next, choose the economic protocol version run by flextesa, and the version of octez-octez client.
Choose the set of env var to use from the files .env.current
. Use current
if you'd like the economic protocol run by flextesa to match mainnet, use next
if you'd like the next protocol instead.
So, to set the env to use mainnet protocol:
. ./.env.current
Likewise, to set the env to use the next protocol:
. ./
vault env var
Github secrets are used to define vault env var used in github workflows. To run vault tests localhost, one must configure vaults and provide values in the file .env.vaults
before sourcing it:
. .env.vaults
using GCP vault
envsubst < gcp-token-template.json > gcp-token.json
using AZ vault
echo $VAULT_AZ_SP_KEY |base64 -d >service-principal.key
Next, start the stack:
docker compose up -d --wait --pull always
Run all the tests:
go clean -testcache && go test ./...
Or, just run a single test:
go clean -testcache && go test -run ^TestOperationAllowPolicy
To run all tests but not vault tests:
go clean -testcache && go test $(go list |grep -v vault)
Stop the stack when you are done:
docker compose down
Re-Running Tests
Most tests can be re-run successfully as detailed above. Some tests (like the reveal
operation) can only be run once on a chain. So, when re-running all, stop the stack and bring it up again in between test runs.
Notes to the operator
Some tests in this folder make edits to signatory.yaml
configuration and restart the Signatory service. By design, tests that do this shall clean up after themselves by restoring the copy of the file that is in the code repository. If git status
after a test run shows you have modifications to the signatory.yaml
file, then that would mean a test is failing to clean up after itself and should be corrected. Function backup_then_update_config()
and defer restore_config()
should be used by tests that edit config. Likewise, git status
may show you new files in the .tezos-client
folder, another indication of a test not cleaning up after itself. Function clean_tezos_folder()
should be used by tests that leave state behind in .tezos-client
The PEM file that is used for AZ authentication is stored in env var VAULT_AZ_SP_KEY
which in github actions is supplied via secret ${{ secrets.INTEGRATIONTEST_VAULT_AZ_SP_KEY }}
. Because github secrets do not support multiline values, the PEM file content was base64 encoded before entered as the value of the secret. With the private key in a file named service-principal.key
the base64 value is generated by:
cat service-principal.key|base64 -e >service-principal.base64
The string value in file service-principal.base64
is then used in env var VAULT_AZ_SP_KEY