Pot Machine creates a local vagrant VM with FreeBSD12 running on zfs. This allows developers to test local pots ( on linux or MacOS. This implementation tries to mimic as much as possible the model implemented by docker. This means you can have Potfiles where you write the configuration for your pot, and running a pot build will create a freeBSD jail based on this "config".
There is also the possibility to create a miniPot enviroment that includes Pot, nomad and consul by default.
This program will create a folder on ~/.pot that will contain all the configuration and exports made wit it. This ~/.pot folder will be mounted inside the vagrant vm under /vagrant
For MacOS
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Compile the potMachine binary
git clone
cd potMachine
GOOS=darwin go build -o pot .
For Linux
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Compile the potMachine binary
git clone
cd potMachine
GOOS=linux go build -o pot .
Move binary
For both platforms (Linux/MacOS) the binarie need to be moved to a folder inside the user $PATH.
mv pot /usr/local/bin/pot
Initialize potMachine
This command will start a Vagrant VM running pot without nomad, consul or traeffic.
pot machine init virtualbox
Command Options
-ip -- Assigns an IP to the potMachine
-v -- Verbose
Potfile is an configuration file si,ilar to Dockerfile. With this file a build of a pot can be triggered.
In order to create a Pot with a Potfile the command pot build .
need to be executed. You can also tag your build to export the pot in one command.
For example:
pot build -t fileserver.example/pot/nginx:0.1
This command will create the pot and export the zfs dataset in a compres xz format to ~/.pot/exports
In order to push the pot dataset you need to run the following command:
pot push -t artifactory.local/artifactory/generic-local/pot/nginx:0.1
If your file server requires authentication you can give Pot this information by running:
pot login -u username --password-stdin fileserver.example
This information will be save to ~/.pot/config.json
and will be used on every push in that domain.
Potfile example for nginx
FROM 12.0
NAME tcs-nginx
COPY index.html /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/index.html
RUN sed -i '' 's/quarterly/latest/' /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
RUN pkg install -y nginx
RUN pkg clean -a -y
CMD nginx
Commands available on Potfile
Command | Description | example |
Base FreeBSD OS to run inside the jail | FROM 12.1 |
Name for the pot jail. | NAME nginx |
Copy local files to the jail after running all the command on the RUN stanza | COPY index.html /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/index.html |
Downloads remote file to the pot jail | ADD |
ENV variable that get added inside the creation process of the pot jail |
Command to be executed on creation of the pot jail |
RUN pkg install -y nginx |
Predifined or user created scripts to apply to a pot after RUN is done | FLAVOUR slim |
Tells the Pot which port should be exposed | EXPOSE 80 |
Memory limitation for the pot jail | MEMORY 1024M |
Number of cores assing to this pot jail | CPU 2 |
Adds enviroment variables inside the running pot jail | ENV VAR=VALUE |
Array of commands that will be executed on pot start | CMD ["nginx","-g","'daemon off;'"] |
pot -h
Local Commands:
machine -- Creates a local enviroment with pot jail in it
build -- Build an image from a Potfile
push -- Push an Pot image to a web endpoint
login -- Log into a Pot file server
Remote Commands:
Usage: pot command [options]
help -- Show help
version -- Show the pot version
config -- Show pot framework configuration
ls/list -- List of the installed pots
show -- Show pot information
info -- Print minimal information on a pot
top -- Run the unix top in the pot
ps -- Show running pots
init -- Initialize the ZFS layout
de-init -- Deinstall pot from your system
vnet-start -- Start the vnet configuration
create-base -- Create a new base image
create-fscomp -- Create a new fs component
create-private-bridge -- Create a new private bridge
create -- Create a new pot (jail)
clone -- Clone a pot creating a new one
clone-fscomp - Clone a fscomp
rename -- Rename a pot
destroy -- Destroy a pot
prune -- Destroy not running prunable pots
copy-in -- Copy a file or a directory into a pot
mount-in -- Mount a directory, a zfs dataset or a fscomp into a pot
add-dep -- Add a dependency
set-rss -- Set a resource constraint
get-rss -- Get the current resource usage
set-cmd -- Set the command to start the pot
set-env -- Set environment variabls inside a pot
set-hosts -- Set etc/hosts entries inside a pot
set-attr -- Set a pot's attribute
get-attr -- Get a pot's attribute
export-ports -- Let export tcp ports
start -- Start a jail (pot)
stop -- Stop a jail (pot)
term -- Start a terminal in a pot
run -- Start and open a terminal in a pot
snap/snapshot -- Take a snapshot of a pot
rollback/revert -- Restore the last snapshot
purge-snapshots -- Remove old/all snapshots
export -- Export a pot to a file
import -- Import a pot from a file or a URL
prepare -- Import and prepare a pot - designed for jail orchestrator
update-config -- Update the configuration of a pot
Bonus - Mesh
If you want to run a service mesh on your local machine you can use Minipot.
Minipot is a program that runs nomad, consul, traeffic and pot in a single Vagrant VM. This will give you and enviroment to test and develop your applications in a local enviroment.
pot machine init nomad
Command Options
-ip -- Assigns an IP to the potMachine
-v -- Verbose
There is no documentation for this package.