Davis Instruments weather station
This uses the weatherlink package to create a modern Personal
Weather Station.
Features include:
- Console clock synchronization.
- Storing archive data in a bbolt key/value store.
- Primitive Quality Control.
- Pulling loop packets using HTTP GET requests.
- Pulling archive data using HTTP GET requests.
- Pushed archive and loop packets using HTTP Server-sent events (EventSource).
- All data is delivered in structured and easily parsable JSON.
- Telnet server for direct access to data and debugging the sever.
Binary from source
$ go generate
$ go build
Debian/Ubuntu packages
$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b
To build packages for other architectures add the --host-arch
option. For
Raspberry Pi use --host-arch armhf
Usage of ./davis-station:
-addr string
server bind address
-db string
bolt database file (default "weather.db")
enable debug mode
-dev string
weather station device (REQUIRED)
-res string
resources path (default ".")
enable trace mode
$ ./davis-station -dev /dev/ttyUSB0
Refer to the swagger specification for HTTP endpoint information.
Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Eric Barkie. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license
that can be found in the LICENSE file.