- Top 10 active users sorted by amount of PRs created and commits pushed
- Top 10 repositories sorted by amount of commits pushed
- Top 10 repositories sorted by amount of watch events
Go to this repository and install package:
go install
Each task supported special command for that:
Top 10 active users sorted by amount of PRs created and commits pushed
github_analytics topActors
Top 10 repositories sorted by amount of commits pushed
github_analytics topRepo -t commits
Top 10 repositories sorted by amount of watch events
github_analytics topRepo -t watch
Each command supported optional (positive) number of records. For example:
github_analytics topRepo -t watch -n 3
Top repositories
| ID: 230501783 | Repository Name: lihkg-backup/thread | Count: 331 |
| ID: 224857031 | Repository Name: otiny/up | Count: 222 |
| ID: 227725053 | Repository Name: ripamf2991/ntdtv | Count: 167 |
Learn more in help sections for each command.
Also you can use it without installation:
go run main.go topActors
ETA by HR: 2-3 hours
Real spent time: 4 hours