
v0.0.8 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 16, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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const HistoryMax = 8


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Connection

type Connection struct {
	Uuid          uuid.UUID       `json:"uuid"`
	Name          string          `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254)"`
	ElementFrom   uuid.UUID       `json:"element_from" valid:"Required"`
	ElementTo     uuid.UUID       `json:"element_to" valid:"Required"`
	PointFrom     int64           `json:"point_from" valid:"Required"`
	PointTo       int64           `json:"point_to" valid:"Required"`
	Flow          *Flow           `json:"flow"`
	FlowId        int64           `json:"flow_id" valid:"Required"`
	Direction     string          `json:"direction"`
	GraphSettings json.RawMessage `json:"graph_settings"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time       `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time       `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Connection) Valid

func (d *Connection) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Device

type Device struct {
	Id          int64           `json:"id"`
	Name        string          `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string          `json:"description" valid:"MaxSize(254)"`
	Status      string          `json:"status" valid:"MaxSize(254)"`
	Device      *Device         `json:"device"`
	DeviceId    *int64          `json:"device_id"`
	Node        *Node           `json:"node"`
	Type        DeviceType      `json:"type"`
	Properties  json.RawMessage `json:"properties" valid:"Required"`
	States      []*DeviceState  `json:"states"`
	Actions     []*DeviceAction `json:"actions"`
	Devices     []*Device       `json:"devices"`
	IsGroup     bool            `json:"is_group"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time       `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time       `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Device) SetProperties

func (d *Device) SetProperties(properties interface{}) (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

func (*Device) SetPropertiesFromMap

func (d *Device) SetPropertiesFromMap(properties map[string]interface{}) (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error, err error)

func (*Device) Valid

func (d *Device) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type DeviceAction

type DeviceAction struct {
	Id          int64     `json:"id"`
	Name        string    `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string    `json:"description"`
	Device      *Device   `json:"device"`
	DeviceId    int64     `json:"device_id" valid:"Required"`
	Script      *Script   `json:"script"`
	ScriptId    int64     `json:"script_id" valid:"Required"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

func (*DeviceAction) Valid

func (d *DeviceAction) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type DeviceState

type DeviceState struct {
	Id          int64     `json:"id"`
	Description string    `json:"description"`
	SystemName  string    `json:"system_name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Device      *Device   `json:"device"`
	DeviceId    int64     `json:"device_id" valid:"Required"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

func (*DeviceState) Valid

func (d *DeviceState) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Flow

type Flow struct {
	Id                 int64          `json:"id"`
	Name               string         `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description        string         `json:"description" valid:"MaxSize(254)"`
	Status             StatusType     `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Workflow           *Workflow      `json:"workflow"`
	WorkflowId         int64          `json:"workflow_id" valid:"Required"`
	WorkflowScenarioId int64          `json:"workflow_scenario_id" valid:"Required"`
	Connections        []*Connection  `json:"connections"`
	FlowElements       []*FlowElement `json:"flow_elements"`
	Workers            []*Worker      `json:"workers"`
	CreatedAt          time.Time      `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt          time.Time      `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Flow) Valid

func (d *Flow) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type FlowElement

type FlowElement struct {
	Uuid          uuid.UUID                 `json:"uuid"`
	Name          string                    `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254)"`
	Description   string                    `json:"description"`
	FlowId        int64                     `json:"flow_id" valid:"Required"`
	Script        *Script                   `json:"script"`
	ScriptId      *int64                    `json:"script_id"`
	Status        StatusType                `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	FlowLink      *int64                    `json:"flow_link"`
	PrototypeType FlowElementsPrototypeType `json:"prototype_type" valid:"Required"`
	GraphSettings FlowElementGraphSettings  `json:"graph_settings"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time                 `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time                 `json:"updated_at"`

func (*FlowElement) Valid

func (d *FlowElement) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type FlowElementGraphSettings

type FlowElementGraphSettings struct {
	Position FlowElementGraphSettingsPosition `json:"position"`

type FlowElementGraphSettingsPosition

type FlowElementGraphSettingsPosition struct {
	Top  int64 `json:"top"`
	Left int64 `json:"left"`

type Image

type Image struct {
	Id        int64     `json:"id"`
	Thumb     string    `json:"thumb"`
	Url       string    `json:"url"`
	Image     string    `json:"image"`
	MimeType  string    `json:"mime_type"`
	Title     string    `json:"title"`
	Size      int64     `json:"size"`
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`

func (*Image) Valid

func (m *Image) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type ImageFilterList

type ImageFilterList struct {
	Date  string `json:"date"`
	Count int    `json:"count"`

type Log

type Log struct {
	Id        int64           `json:"id"`
	Body      string          `json:"body" valid:"Required"`
	Level     common.LogLevel `json:"level" valid:"Required"`
	CreatedAt time.Time       `json:"created_at"`

func (*Log) Valid

func (d *Log) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type LogQuery

type LogQuery struct {
	StartDate *time.Time `json:"start_date"`
	EndDate   *time.Time `json:"end_date"`
	Levels    []string   `json:"levels"`

type Map

type Map struct {
	Id          int64       `json:"id"`
	Name        string      `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string      `json:"description" valid:"Required"`
	Options     MapOptions  `json:"options"`
	Layers      []*MapLayer `json:"layers"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time   `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time   `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Map) Valid

func (m *Map) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapDevice

type MapDevice struct {
	Id         int64              `json:"id"`
	SystemName string             `json:"system_name" valid:"Required"`
	Device     *Device            `json:"device"`
	DeviceId   int64              `json:"device_id" valid:"Required"`
	Image      *Image             `json:"image"`
	ImageId    int64              `json:"image_id"`
	Actions    []*MapDeviceAction `json:"actions"`
	States     []*MapDeviceState  `json:"states"`
	CreatedAt  time.Time          `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt  time.Time          `json:"updated_at"`

func (*MapDevice) Valid

func (m *MapDevice) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapDeviceAction

type MapDeviceAction struct {
	Id             int64         `json:"id"`
	DeviceAction   *DeviceAction `json:"device_action"`
	DeviceActionId int64         `json:"device_action_id" valid:"Required"`
	MapDeviceId    int64         `json:"map_device_id" valid:"Required"`
	Image          *Image        `json:"image"`
	ImageId        int64         `json:"image_id" valid:"Required"`
	Type           string        `json:"type"`
	CreatedAt      time.Time     `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      time.Time     `json:"updated_at"`

func (*MapDeviceAction) Valid

func (m *MapDeviceAction) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapDeviceState

type MapDeviceState struct {
	Id            int64        `json:"id"`
	DeviceState   *DeviceState `json:"device_state"`
	DeviceStateId int64        `json:"device_state_id" valid:"Required"`
	MapDeviceId   int64        `json:"map_device_id" valid:"Required"`
	Image         *Image       `json:"image"`
	ImageId       int64        `json:"image_id" valid:"Required"`
	Style         string       `json:"style"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time    `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time    `json:"updated_at"`

func (*MapDeviceState) Valid

func (m *MapDeviceState) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapElement

type MapElement struct {
	Id            int64                   `json:"id"`
	Name          string                  `json:"name" valid:"Required"`
	Description   string                  `json:"description"`
	PrototypeId   int64                   `json:"prototype_id"`
	PrototypeType PrototypeType           `json:"prototype_type"`
	Prototype     Prototype               `json:"prototype" valid:"Required"`
	MapId         int64                   `json:"map_id" valid:"Required"`
	LayerId       int64                   `json:"layer_id" valid:"Required"`
	GraphSettings MapElementGraphSettings `json:"graph_settings"`
	Status        StatusType              `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Weight        int64                   `json:"weight"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time               `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time               `json:"updated_at"`

func (*MapElement) Valid

func (m *MapElement) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapElementGraphSettings

type MapElementGraphSettings struct {
	Width    null.Int64                      `json:"width"`
	Height   null.Int64                      `json:"height"`
	Position MapElementGraphSettingsPosition `json:"position"`

type MapElementGraphSettingsPosition

type MapElementGraphSettingsPosition struct {
	Top  int64 `json:"top"`
	Left int64 `json:"left"`

type MapImage

type MapImage struct {
	Id      int64  `json:"id"`
	Image   *Image `json:"image"`
	ImageId int64  `json:"image_id" valid:"Required"`
	Style   string `json:"style"`

func (*MapImage) Valid

func (m *MapImage) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapLayer

type MapLayer struct {
	Id          int64         `json:"id"`
	Name        string        `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string        `json:"description"`
	Map         *Map          `json:"map"`
	MapId       int64         `json:"map_id" valid:"Required"`
	Status      string        `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Weight      int64         `json:"weight"`
	Elements    []*MapElement `json:"elements"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time     `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time     `json:"updated_at"`

func (*MapLayer) Valid

func (m *MapLayer) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type MapOptions

type MapOptions struct {
	Zoom              float64 `json:"zoom"`
	ElementStateText  bool    `json:"element_state_text"`
	ElementOptionText bool    `json:"element_option_text"`

type MapText

type MapText struct {
	Id    int64  `json:"id"`
	Text  string `json:"text" valid:"Required"`
	Style string `json:"style"`

func (*MapText) Valid

func (m *MapText) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Node

type Node struct {
	Id                int64     `json:"id"`
	Name              string    `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Ip                string    `json:"ip" valid:"IP;Required"` // Must be a valid IPv4 address
	Port              int       `json:"port" valid:"Range(1, 65535);Required"`
	Status            string    `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Description       string    `json:"description"`
	Login             string    `json:"login" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Password          string    `json:"password"`
	EncryptedPassword string    `json:"encrypted_password"`
	CreatedAt         time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt         time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Node) Valid

func (d *Node) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Permission

type Permission struct {
	Id          int64  `json:"id"`
	RoleName    string `json:"role_name"`
	PackageName string `json:"package_name"`
	LevelName   string `json:"level_name"`

type Prototype

type Prototype struct {

func (Prototype) MarshalJSON

func (n Prototype) MarshalJSON() (b []byte, err error)

func (*Prototype) UnmarshalJSON

func (n *Prototype) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)

type RedactorConnector

type RedactorConnector struct {
	Id    uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
	Start struct {
		Object uuid.UUID `json:"object"`
		Point  int64     `json:"point"`
	} `json:"start"`
	End struct {
		Object uuid.UUID `json:"object"`
		Point  int64     `json:"point"`
	} `json:"end"`
	FlowType  string `json:"flow_type"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	Direction string `json:"direction"`

type RedactorFlow

type RedactorFlow struct {
	Id          int64                `json:"id"`
	Name        string               `json:"name"`
	Description string               `json:"description"`
	Status      StatusType           `json:"status"`
	Objects     []*RedactorObject    `json:"objects"`
	Connectors  []*RedactorConnector `json:"connectors"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time            `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time            `json:"update_at"`
	Workflow    *Workflow            `json:"workflow"`
	Scenario    *WorkflowScenario    `json:"scenario"`
	Workers     []*Worker            `json:"workers"`

type RedactorGrapSettings

type RedactorGrapSettings struct {
	Position struct {
		Top  int64 `json:"top"`
		Left int64 `json:"left"`
	} `json:"position"`

type RedactorObject

type RedactorObject struct {
	Id   uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
	Type struct {
		Name   string      `json:"name"`
		Start  interface{} `json:"start"`
		End    interface{} `json:"end"`
		Status string      `json:"status"`
		Action string      `json:"action"`
	} `json:"type"`
	Position struct {
		Top  int64 `json:"top"`
		Left int64 `json:"left"`
	} `json:"position"`
	Status        string                    `json:"status"`
	Error         string                    `json:"error"`
	Title         string                    `json:"title"`
	Description   string                    `json:"description"`
	PrototypeType FlowElementsPrototypeType `json:"prototype_type"`
	Script        *Script                   `json:"script"`
	FlowLink      *Flow                     `json:"flow_link"`

type Role

type Role struct {
	Name        string              `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string              `json:"description"`
	Parent      *Role               `json:"parent"`
	Children    []*Role             `json:"children"`
	AccessList  map[string][]string `json:"access_list"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time           `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time           `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Role) Valid

func (d *Role) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Script

type Script struct {
	Id          int64      `json:"id"`
	Lang        ScriptLang `json:"lang" valid:"Required"`
	Name        string     `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Source      string     `json:"source"`
	Description string     `json:"description"`
	Compiled    string     `json:"-"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time  `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time  `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Script) Valid

func (d *Script) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type SortMapElement

type SortMapElement struct {
	Id     int64 `json:"id"`
	Weight int64 `json:"weight"`

type SortMapElementByWeight

type SortMapElementByWeight []*MapElement

func (SortMapElementByWeight) Len

func (l SortMapElementByWeight) Len() int

func (SortMapElementByWeight) Less

func (l SortMapElementByWeight) Less(i, j int) bool

func (SortMapElementByWeight) Swap

func (l SortMapElementByWeight) Swap(i, j int)

type SortMapLayer

type SortMapLayer struct {
	Id     int64 `json:"id"`
	Weight int64 `json:"weight"`

type SortMapLayersByWeight

type SortMapLayersByWeight []*MapLayer

func (SortMapLayersByWeight) Len

func (l SortMapLayersByWeight) Len() int

func (SortMapLayersByWeight) Less

func (l SortMapLayersByWeight) Less(i, j int) bool

func (SortMapLayersByWeight) Swap

func (l SortMapLayersByWeight) Swap(i, j int)

type User

type User struct {
	Id                  int64          `json:"id"`
	Nickname            string         `json:"nickname" valid:"Required;MinSize(3);MaxSize(255)"`
	FirstName           string         `json:"first_name" valid:"MaxSize(255)"`
	LastName            string         `json:"last_name" valid:"MaxSize(255)"`
	EncryptedPassword   string         `json:"encrypted_password,omitempty"`
	Email               string         `json:"email" valid:"Required;Email"`
	Status              string         `json:"status" valid:"MaxSize(255)"`
	ResetPasswordToken  string         `json:"-,omitempty"`
	AuthenticationToken string         `json:"authentication_token,omitempty"`
	Image               *Image         `json:"image,omitempty"`
	ImageId             sql.NullInt64  `json:"image_id"`
	SignInCount         int64          `json:"sign_in_count,omitempty"`
	CurrentSignInIp     string         `json:"current_sign_in_ip,omitempty"`
	LastSignInIp        string         `json:"last_sign_in_ip,omitempty"`
	Lang                string         `json:"lang"`
	User                *User          `json:"user,omitempty"`
	UserId              sql.NullInt64  `json:"user_id"`
	Role                *Role          `json:"role"`
	RoleName            string         `json:"role_name,omitempty"`
	Meta                []*UserMeta    `json:"meta,omitempty"`
	ResetPasswordSentAt *time.Time     `json:"reset_password_sent_at,omitempty"`
	CurrentSignInAt     *time.Time     `json:"current_sign_in_at,omitempty"`
	LastSignInAt        *time.Time     `json:"last_sign_in_at,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt           time.Time      `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt           time.Time      `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
	DeletedAt           *time.Time     `json:"deleted_at"`
	History             []*UserHistory `json:"history,omitempty"`

func (User) CheckPass

func (u User) CheckPass(password string) (ok bool)

func (*User) SetPass

func (u *User) SetPass(password string) (err error)

func (*User) UpdateHistory

func (u *User) UpdateHistory(t time.Time, ipv4 string)

func (*User) Valid

func (u *User) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type UserHistory

type UserHistory struct {
	Ip   string    `json:"ip"`
	Time time.Time `json:"time"`

type UserMeta

type UserMeta struct {
	Id     int64  `json:"id"`
	User   *User  `json:"user"`
	UserId int64  `json:"user_id"`
	Key    string `json:"key"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`

type Variable

type Variable struct {
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	Value     string    `json:"value"`
	Autoload  bool      `json:"autoload"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

type Worker

type Worker struct {
	Id             int64         `json:"id"`
	Name           string        `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Time           string        `json:"time" valid:"Required"`
	Status         string        `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Workflow       *Workflow     `json:"workflow"`
	WorkflowId     int64         `json:"workflow_id" valid:"Required"`
	Flow           *Flow         `json:"flow"`
	FlowId         int64         `json:"flow_id" valid:"Required"`
	DeviceAction   *DeviceAction `json:"device_action"`
	DeviceActionId int64         `json:"device_action_id" valid:"Required"`
	Workers        []*Worker     `json:"workers"`
	CreatedAt      time.Time     `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      time.Time     `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Worker) Valid

func (d *Worker) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type Workflow

type Workflow struct {
	Id          int64               `json:"id"`
	Name        string              `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	Description string              `json:"description"`
	Status      string              `json:"status" valid:"Required"`
	Flows       []*Flow             `json:"flows"`
	Scripts     []*Script           `json:"scripts"`
	Scenario    *WorkflowScenario   `json:"scenario" valid:"Required"`
	Scenarios   []*WorkflowScenario `json:"scenarios"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time           `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time           `json:"updated_at"`

func (*Workflow) Valid

func (d *Workflow) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)

type WorkflowScenario

type WorkflowScenario struct {
	Id         int64     `json:"id"`
	Name       string    `json:"name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	SystemName string    `json:"system_name" valid:"MaxSize(254);Required"`
	WorkflowId int64     `json:"workflow_id" valid:"Required"`
	Scripts    []*Script `json:"scripts"`
	CreatedAt  time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt  time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

func (*WorkflowScenario) Valid

func (d *WorkflowScenario) Valid() (ok bool, errs []*validation.Error)


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL