Real world app (Medium clone) backend implemented in Go
Get started
make up
This will create Postgres db, apply migrations and run API server - all via
[x] Make middleware for user auth to simplify handlers
[x] User handlers
[x] Article handlers
[x] Move service logic out of handlers to the service
[x] mock: Create test users in mock.NewUserStore constructor, expose test users
in mock package
[x] Merge user/ subpackages into one "user" package. So we can avoid stupid
types like service.Service and server.Server
[x] Implement profile service (follow/unfollow). It's required to implement
articles feed.
[x] Migrate service/article to "articles" package. Add article methods to
postgres store.
[x] Delete ./service/ and ./store/
[x] Fix cli util
[x] Create predefined errors. Merge all .../error.go into app/error.go
[ ] Write functional tests
[ ] Rewrite HTTP statuses to match API spec
[ ] Configure linters
[ ] Move to Gin
[ ] Remove down migrations
[ ] Move migrations to the store
[ ] Get rid of sql builder where it's not needed (except update methods)
[ ] Make custom lower snake case marshaller in local json package and remove
json struct tags because they spoil types.
[x] Remove vendoring
Think about refactoring inspired by WTFDial:
- Move service logic to the postgres package and merge it with queries. So
service type is inside the postgres package.
- Instead of passing user into service method pass the context. And also use
this context for postgres queries.