Index ¶
- Variables
- type Aggregation
- type Attribute
- type CalculatedMetricDefinition
- func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CalculatedServiceMetric
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) FillDemoValues() []string
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Condition
- type Conditions
- type DimensionDefinition
- func (me *DimensionDefinition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *DimensionDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *DimensionDefinition) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Kind
- type Metric
- type Normalization
- type Placeholder
- type Placeholders
- type TopXAggregation
- type TopXDirection
- type Unit
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var Aggregations = struct { Count Aggregation First Aggregation Last Aggregation }{ "COUNT", "FIRST", "LAST", }
Aggregations offers the known enum values
var Attributes = struct { ActorSystem Attribute AkkaActorClassName Attribute AkkaActorMessageType Attribute AkkaActorPath Attribute ApplicationBuildVersion Attribute ApplicationEnvironment Attribute ApplicationName Attribute ApplicationReleaseVersion Attribute AzureFunctionsFunctionName Attribute AzureFunctionsSiteName Attribute CICSProgramName Attribute CICSSystemID Attribute CICSTaskID Attribute CICSTransactionID Attribute CICSUserID Attribute CPUTime Attribute CTGGatewayURL Attribute CTGProgram Attribute CTGServerName Attribute CTGTransactionID Attribute CustomserviceClass Attribute CustomserviceMethod Attribute DatabaseChildCallCount Attribute DatabaseChildCallTime Attribute DatabaseHost Attribute DatabaseName Attribute DatabaseStatemnent Attribute DatabaseType Attribute DatabaseURL Attribute DiskIoTime Attribute ErrorCount Attribute EsbApplicationName Attribute EsbInputType Attribute EsbLibraryName Attribute EsbMessageFlowName Attribute ExceptionClass Attribute ExceptionMessage Attribute FailedState Attribute FailureReason Attribute FlawState Attribute HTTPRequestMethod Attribute HTTPStatus Attribute HTTPStatusClass Attribute IMSProgramName Attribute IMSTransactionID Attribute IMSUserID Attribute IoTime Attribute IsKeyRequest Attribute LambdaColdstart Attribute LockTime Attribute MessagingDestinationType Attribute MessagingIsTemporaryQueue Attribute MessagingQueueName Attribute MessagingQueueVendor Attribute NetworkIoTime Attribute NonDatabaseChildCallCount Attribute NonDatabaseChildCallTime Attribute ProcessGroupName Attribute ProcessGroupTag Attribute RemoteEndpoint Attribute RemoteMethod Attribute RemoteServiceName Attribute RequestName Attribute RequestType Attribute ResponseTime Attribute ResponseTimeClient Attribute RMIClass Attribute RMIMethod Attribute ServiceDisplayName Attribute ServiceName Attribute ServicePort Attribute ServicePublicDomainName Attribute ServiceRequestAttribute Attribute ServiceTag Attribute ServiceType Attribute ServiceWebApplicationID Attribute ServiceWebContextRoot Attribute ServiceWebServerName Attribute ServiceWebServiceName Attribute ServiceWebServiceNamespace Attribute SuspensionTime Attribute TotalProcessingTime Attribute WaitTime Attribute WebrequestQuery Attribute WebrequestRelativeURL Attribute WebrequestURL Attribute WebrequestURLHost Attribute WebrequestURLPath Attribute WebrequestURLPort Attribute WebserviceEndpoint Attribute WebserviceMethod Attribute ZosCallType Attribute }{ "ACTOR_SYSTEM", "AKKA_ACTOR_CLASS_NAME", "AKKA_ACTOR_MESSAGE_TYPE", "AKKA_ACTOR_PATH", "APPLICATION_BUILD_VERSION", "APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT", "APPLICATION_NAME", "APPLICATION_RELEASE_VERSION", "AZURE_FUNCTIONS_FUNCTION_NAME", "AZURE_FUNCTIONS_SITE_NAME", "CICS_PROGRAM_NAME", "CICS_SYSTEM_ID", "CICS_TASK_ID", "CICS_TRANSACTION_ID", "CICS_USER_ID", "CPU_TIME", "CTG_GATEWAY_URL", "CTG_PROGRAM", "CTG_SERVER_NAME", "CTG_TRANSACTION_ID", "CUSTOMSERVICE_CLASS", "CUSTOMSERVICE_METHOD", "DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_COUNT", "DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_TIME", "DATABASE_HOST", "DATABASE_NAME", "DATABASE_STATEMENT", "DATABASE_TYPE", "DATABASE_URL", "DISK_IO_TIME", "ERROR_COUNT", "ESB_APPLICATION_NAME", "ESB_INPUT_TYPE", "ESB_LIBRARY_NAME", "ESB_MESSAGE_FLOW_NAME", "EXCEPTION_CLASS", "EXCEPTION_MESSAGE", "FAILED_STATE", "FAILURE_REASON", "FLAW_STATE", "HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD", "HTTP_STATUS", "HTTP_STATUS_CLASS", "IMS_PROGRAM_NAME", "IMS_TRANSACTION_ID", "IMS_USER_ID", "IO_TIME", "IS_KEY_REQUEST", "LAMBDA_COLDSTART", "LOCK_TIME", "MESSAGING_DESTINATION_TYPE", "MESSAGING_IS_TEMPORARY_QUEUE", "MESSAGING_QUEUE_NAME", "MESSAGING_QUEUE_VENDOR", "NETWORK_IO_TIME", "NON_DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_COUNT", "NON_DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_TIME", "PROCESS_GROUP_NAME", "PROCESS_GROUP_TAG", "REMOTE_ENDPOINT", "REMOTE_METHOD", "REMOTE_SERVICE_NAME", "REQUEST_NAME", "REQUEST_TYPE", "RESPONSE_TIME", "RESPONSE_TIME_CLIENT", "RMI_CLASS", "RMI_METHOD", "SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME", "SERVICE_NAME", "SERVICE_PORT", "SERVICE_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME", "SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE", "SERVICE_TAG", "SERVICE_TYPE", "SERVICE_WEB_APPLICATION_ID", "SERVICE_WEB_CONTEXT_ROOT", "SERVICE_WEB_SERVER_NAME", "SERVICE_WEB_SERVICE_NAME", "SERVICE_WEB_SERVICE_NAMESPACE", "SUSPENSION_TIME", "TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME", "WAIT_TIME", "WEBREQUEST_QUERY", "WEBREQUEST_RELATIVE_URL", "WEBREQUEST_URL", "WEBREQUEST_URL_HOST", "WEBREQUEST_URL_PATH", "WEBREQUEST_URL_PORT", "WEBSERVICE_ENDPOINT", "WEBSERVICE_METHOD", "ZOS_CALL_TYPE", }
Attributes offers the known enum values
var Kinds = struct { AfterDelimiter Kind BeforeDelimiter Kind BetweenDelimiter Kind OriginalText Kind RegexExtraction Kind }{ "AFTER_DELIMITER", "BEFORE_DELIMITER", "BETWEEN_DELIMITER", "ORIGINAL_TEXT", "REGEX_EXTRACTION", }
Kinds offers the known enum values
var Metrics = struct { CapturedFullServiceCalls Metric CPUTime Metric DatabaseChildCallCount Metric DatabaseChildCallTime Metric DiskIoTime Metric ExceptionCount Metric FailedRequestCount Metric FailedRequestCountClient Metric FailureRate Metric FailureRateClient Metric Http4xxErrorCount Metric Http4xxErrorCountClient Metric Http5xxErrorCount Metric Http5xxErrorCountClient Metric IoTime Metric LockTime Metric NetworkIoTime Metric NonDatabaseChildCallCount Metric NonDatabaseChildCallTime Metric ProcessingTime Metric RequestAttribute Metric RequestCount Metric ResponseTime Metric ResponseTimeClient Metric SuccessfulRequestCount Metric SuccessfulRequestCountClient Metric WaitTime Metric }{ "CAPTURED_FULL_SERVICE_CALLS", "CPU_TIME", "DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_COUNT", "DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_TIME", "DISK_IO_TIME", "EXCEPTION_COUNT", "FAILED_REQUEST_COUNT", "FAILED_REQUEST_COUNT_CLIENT", "FAILURE_RATE", "FAILURE_RATE_CLIENT", "HTTP_4XX_ERROR_COUNT", "HTTP_4XX_ERROR_COUNT_CLIENT", "HTTP_5XX_ERROR_COUNT", "HTTP_5XX_ERROR_COUNT_CLIENT", "IO_TIME", "LOCK_TIME", "NETWORK_IO_TIME", "NON_DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_COUNT", "NON_DATABASE_CHILD_CALL_TIME", "PROCESSING_TIME", "REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE", "REQUEST_COUNT", "RESPONSE_TIME", "RESPONSE_TIME_CLIENT", "SUCCESSFUL_REQUEST_COUNT", "SUCCESSFUL_REQUEST_COUNT_CLIENT", "WAIT_TIME", }
Metrics offers the known enum values
var Normalizations = struct { Original Normalization ToLowerCase Normalization ToUpperCase Normalization }{ "ORIGINAL", "TO_LOWER_CASE", "TO_UPPER_CASE", }
Normalizations offers the known enum values
var TopXAggregations = struct { Average TopXAggregation Count TopXAggregation Max TopXAggregation Min TopXAggregation OfInterestRatio TopXAggregation OtherRatio TopXAggregation SingleValue TopXAggregation Sum TopXAggregation }{ "AVERAGE", "COUNT", "MAX", "MIN", "OF_INTEREST_RATIO", "OTHER_RATIO", "SINGLE_VALUE", "SUM", }
TopXAggregations offers the known enum values
var TopXDirections = struct { Ascending TopXDirection Descending TopXDirection }{ "ASCENDING", "DESCENDING", }
TopXDirections offers the known enum values
var Units = struct { Ampere Unit Billion Unit Bit Unit BitPerHour Unit BitPerMinute Unit BitPerSecond Unit Byte Unit BytePerHour Unit BytePerMinute Unit BytePerSecond Unit Cores Unit Count Unit Day Unit DecibelMilliWatt Unit GibiByte Unit GibiBytePerHour Unit GibiBytePerMinute Unit GibiBytePerSecond Unit Giga Unit GigaByte Unit GigaBytePerHour Unit GigaBytePerMinute Unit GigaBytePerSecond Unit Hertz Unit Hour Unit KibiByte Unit KibiBytePerHour Unit KibiBytePerMinute Unit KibiBytePerSecond Unit KiloMetrePerHour Unit Kilo Unit KiloByte Unit KiloBytePerHour Unit KiloBytePerMinute Unit KiloBytePerSecond Unit MebiByte Unit MebiBytePerHour Unit MebiBytePerMinute Unit MebiBytePerSecond Unit Mega Unit MegaByte Unit MegaBytePerHour Unit MegaBytePerMinute Unit MegaBytePerSecond Unit MetrePerHour Unit MetrePerSecond Unit MicroSecond Unit Million Unit MilliCores Unit MilliSecond Unit MilliSecondPerMinute Unit Minute Unit Month Unit Msu Unit NanoSecond Unit NanoSecondPerMinute Unit NotApplicable Unit Percent Unit PerHour Unit PerMinute Unit PerSecond Unit Pixel Unit Promille Unit Ratio Unit Second Unit State Unit Trillion Unit Unspecified Unit Volt Unit Watt Unit Week Unit Year Unit }{ "AMPERE", "BILLION", "BIT", "BIT_PER_HOUR", "BIT_PER_MINUTE", "BIT_PER_SECOND", "BYTE", "BYTE_PER_HOUR", "BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "BYTE_PER_SECOND", "CORES", "COUNT", "DAY", "DECIBEL_MILLI_WATT", "GIBI_BYTE", "GIBI_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "GIBI_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "GIBI_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "GIGA", "GIGA_BYTE", "GIGA_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "GIGA_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "GIGA_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "HERTZ", "HOUR", "KIBI_BYTE", "KIBI_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "KIBI_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "KIBI_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "KILO", "KILO_BYTE", "KILO_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "KILO_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "KILO_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "KILO_METRE_PER_HOUR", "MEBI_BYTE", "MEBI_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "MEBI_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "MEBI_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "MEGA", "MEGA_BYTE", "MEGA_BYTE_PER_HOUR", "MEGA_BYTE_PER_MINUTE", "MEGA_BYTE_PER_SECOND", "METRE_PER_HOUR", "METRE_PER_SECOND", "MICRO_SECOND", "MILLION", "MILLI_CORES", "MILLI_SECOND", "MILLI_SECOND_PER_MINUTE", "MINUTE", "MONTH", "MSU", "NANO_SECOND", "NANO_SECOND_PER_MINUTE", "NOT_APPLICABLE", "PERCENT", "PER_HOUR", "PER_MINUTE", "PER_SECOND", "PIXEL", "PROMILLE", "RATIO", "SECOND", "STATE", "TRILLION", "UNSPECIFIED", "VOLT", "WATT", "WEEK", "YEAR", }
Units offers the known enum values
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Aggregation ¶
type Aggregation string
Aggregation Which value of the request attribute must be used when it occurs across multiple child requests. Only applicable for the `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE` attribute, when **useFromChildCalls** is `true`. For the `COUNT` aggregation, the **kind** field is not applicable.
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute string
Attribute The attribute to extract from. You can only use attributes of the **string** type.
type CalculatedMetricDefinition ¶
type CalculatedMetricDefinition struct { Metric *Metric `json:"metric"` // The metric to be captured. RequestAttribute *string `json:"requestAttribute,omitempty"` // The request attribute to be captured. Only applicable when the **metric** parameter is set to `REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE`. }
CalculatedMetricDefinition The definition of a calculated service metric.
func (*CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CalculatedMetricDefinition) Schema ¶
func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
func (*CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CalculatedMetricDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CalculatedServiceMetric ¶
type CalculatedServiceMetric struct { EntityID *string `json:"entityId,omitempty" hcl:"entity_id"` // Restricts the metric usage to the specified service. This field is mutually exclusive with the **managementZones** field. Name string `json:"name"` // The displayed name of the metric. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Descriptor of a calculated service metric. Unit Unit `json:"unit"` // The unit of the metric. DimensionDefinition *DimensionDefinition `json:"dimensionDefinition,omitempty"` // Parameters of a definition of a calculated service metric. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The metric is enabled (`true`) or disabled (`false`). ManagementZones []string `json:"managementZones,omitempty"` // Restricts the metric usage to specified management zones. This field is mutually exclusive with the **entityId** field. MetricDefinition *CalculatedMetricDefinition `json:"metricDefinition"` // The definition of a calculated service metric. TsmMetricKey string `json:"tsmMetricKey"` // The key of the calculated service metric. UnitDisplayName *string `json:"unitDisplayName,omitempty"` // The display name of the metric's unit. Only applicable when the **unit** parameter is set to `UNSPECIFIED`. Conditions Conditions `json:"conditions,omitempty"` // The set of conditions for the metric usage. **All** the specified conditions must be fulfilled to use the metric. IgnoreMutedRequests *bool `json:"ignoreMutedRequests,omitempty"` // Metric should (true) or not (false) ignore muted requests. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
CalculatedServiceMetric Descriptor of a calculated service metric.
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) FillDemoValues ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) FillDemoValues() []string
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) Schema ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CalculatedServiceMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { Attribute Attribute `json:"attribute"` // The attribute to be matched. Note that for a service property attribute you must use the comparison of the `FAST_STRING` type. ComparisonInfo comparisoninfo.ComparisonInfo `json:"comparisonInfo"` // Type-specific comparison for attributes. The actual set of fields depends on the `type` of the comparison. See the [Service metrics API - JSON models]( help topic for example models of every notification type. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
Condition A condition of a rule usage.
func (*Condition) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *Condition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*Condition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Condition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Conditions ¶
type Conditions []*Condition
func (Conditions) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me Conditions) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*Conditions) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *Conditions) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
type DimensionDefinition ¶
type DimensionDefinition struct { TopXDirection TopXDirection `json:"topXDirection"` // How to calculate the **topX** values. Dimension string `json:"dimension"` // The dimension value pattern. You can define custom placeholders in the **placeholders** field and use them here. Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the dimension. Placeholders Placeholders `json:"placeholders,omitempty"` // The list of custom placeholders to be used in a dimension value pattern. TopX int32 `json:"topX"` // The number of top values to be calculated. TopXAggregation TopXAggregation `json:"topXAggregation"` // The aggregation of the dimension. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
DimensionDefinition Parameters of a definition of a calculated service metric.
func (*DimensionDefinition) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *DimensionDefinition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*DimensionDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *DimensionDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DimensionDefinition) Schema ¶
func (me *DimensionDefinition) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
func (*DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *DimensionDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Kind ¶
type Kind string
Kind The type of extraction.
Defines either usage of regular expression (`regex`) or the position of request attribute value to be extracted.
When the **attribute** is `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE` attribute and **aggregation** is `COUNT`, needs to be set to `ORIGINAL_TEXT`
type Placeholder ¶
type Placeholder struct { Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the placeholder. Use it in the naming pattern as `{name}`. Aggregation *Aggregation `json:"aggregation,omitempty"` // Which value of the request attribute must be used when it occurs across multiple child requests. Only applicable for the `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE` attribute, when **useFromChildCalls** is `true`. For the `COUNT` aggregation, the **kind** field is not applicable. Attribute Attribute `json:"attribute"` // The attribute to extract from. You can only use attributes of the **string** type. Source *propagation.Source `json:"source,omitempty"` // Defines valid sources of request attributes for conditions or placeholders. Normalization *Normalization `json:"normalization,omitempty"` // The format of the extracted string. DelimiterOrRegex *string `json:"delimiterOrRegex,omitempty"` // Depending on the **type** value: * `REGEX_EXTRACTION`: The regular expression. * `BETWEEN_DELIMITER`: The opening delimiter string to look for. * All other values: The delimiter string to look for. UseFromChildCalls *bool `json:"useFromChildCalls,omitempty"` // If `true` request attribute will be taken from a child service call. Only applicable for the `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE` attribute. Defaults to `false`. RequestAttribute *string `json:"requestAttribute,omitempty"` // The request attribute to extract from. Required if the **kind** value is `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE`. Not applicable otherwise. EndDelimiter *string `json:"endDelimiter,omitempty"` // The closing delimiter string to look for. Required if the **kind** value is `BETWEEN_DELIMITER`. Not applicable otherwise. Kind Kind `json:"kind"` // The type of extraction. Defines either usage of regular expression (`regex`) or the position of request attribute value to be extracted. When the **attribute** is `SERVICE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE` attribute and **aggregation** is `COUNT`, needs to be set to `ORIGINAL_TEXT` Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
Placeholder The custom placeholder to be used as a naming value pattern.
It enables you to extract a request attribute value or other request attribute and use it in the naming pattern.
func (*Placeholder) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *Placeholder) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*Placeholder) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *Placeholder) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Placeholder) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *Placeholder) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*Placeholder) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *Placeholder) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Placeholders ¶
type Placeholders []*Placeholder
func (Placeholders) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me Placeholders) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*Placeholders) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *Placeholders) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
type TopXAggregation ¶
type TopXAggregation string
TopXAggregation The aggregation of the dimension.