Index ¶
- Variables
- type Aggregation
- type Capture
- type CapturedMethod
- func (me *CapturedMethod) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *CapturedMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *CapturedMethod) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *CapturedMethod) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *CapturedMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CapturingAndStorageLocation
- type DataSource
- type DataType
- type ExtractSubstring
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) IsZero() bool
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type FileNameMatcher
- type IIBNodeType
- type MethodReference
- func (me *MethodReference) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *MethodReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *MethodReference) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *MethodReference) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *MethodReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Modifier
- type Normalization
- type Operator
- type Position
- type RequestAttribute
- func (me *RequestAttribute) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *RequestAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *RequestAttribute) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *RequestAttribute) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *RequestAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ScopeConditions
- func (me *ScopeConditions) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *ScopeConditions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *ScopeConditions) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *ScopeConditions) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *ScopeConditions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ServiceTechnology
- type SessionAttributeTechnology
- type Source
- type Technology
- type ValueCondition
- func (me *ValueCondition) IsZero() bool
- func (me *ValueCondition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *ValueCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *ValueCondition) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *ValueCondition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *ValueCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ValueProcessing
- func (me *ValueProcessing) IsZero() bool
- func (me *ValueProcessing) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
- func (me *ValueProcessing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (me *ValueProcessing) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema
- func (me *ValueProcessing) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
- func (me *ValueProcessing) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Visibility
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var Aggregations = struct { AllDistinctValues Aggregation Average Aggregation CountDistinctValues Aggregation CountValues Aggregation First Aggregation Last Aggregation Maximum Aggregation Minimum Aggregation Sum Aggregation }{ "ALL_DISTINCT_VALUES", "AVERAGE", "COUNT_DISTINCT_VALUES", "COUNT_VALUES", "FIRST", "LAST", "MAXIMUM", "MINIMUM", "SUM", }
Aggregations offers the known enum values
var Captures = struct { Argument Capture ClassName Capture MethodName Capture Occurrences Capture SimpleClassName Capture This Capture }{ "ARGUMENT", "CLASS_NAME", "METHOD_NAME", "OCCURRENCES", "SIMPLE_CLASS_NAME", "THIS", }
Captures offers the known enum values
var CapturingAndStorageLocations = struct { CaptureAndStoreOnBoth CapturingAndStorageLocation CaptureAndStoreOnClient CapturingAndStorageLocation CaptureAndStoreOnServer CapturingAndStorageLocation CaptureOnClientStoreOnServer CapturingAndStorageLocation }{ "CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_BOTH", "CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_CLIENT", "CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_SERVER", "CAPTURE_ON_CLIENT_STORE_ON_SERVER", }
CapturingAndStorageLocations offers the known enum values
var DataTypes = struct { Double DataType Integer DataType String DataType }{ "DOUBLE", "INTEGER", "STRING", }
DataTypes offers the known enum values
var FileNameMatchers = struct { EndsWith FileNameMatcher Equals FileNameMatcher StartsWith FileNameMatcher }{ "ENDS_WITH", "EQUALS", "STARTS_WITH", }
FileNameMatchers offers the known enum values
var IIBNodeTypes = struct { AggregateControlNode IIBNodeType AggregateReplyNode IIBNodeType AggregateRequestNode IIBNodeType CallableFlowReplyNode IIBNodeType CollectorNode IIBNodeType ComputeNode IIBNodeType DatabaseNode IIBNodeType DatabaseRetrieveNode IIBNodeType DatabaseRouteNode IIBNodeType DecisionServiceNode IIBNodeType DotNetComputeNode IIBNodeType FileReadNode IIBNodeType FilterNode IIBNodeType FlowOrderNode IIBNodeType GroupCompleteNode IIBNodeType GroupGatherNode IIBNodeType GroupScatterNode IIBNodeType HTTPAsyncRequest IIBNodeType HTTPAsyncResponse IIBNodeType HTTPHeader IIBNodeType HTTPInput IIBNodeType HTTPReply IIBNodeType HTTPRequest IIBNodeType JavaComputeNode IIBNodeType JmsClientReceive IIBNodeType JmsClientReplyNode IIBNodeType JmsHeader IIBNodeType JmsInputNode IIBNodeType JmsOutputNode IIBNodeType JmsReplyNode IIBNodeType MqGetNode IIBNodeType MqInputNode IIBNodeType MqOutputNode IIBNodeType MqReplyNode IIBNodeType PassthruNode IIBNodeType PublicationNode IIBNodeType ResetContentDescriptorNode IIBNodeType RestAsyncRequestNode IIBNodeType RestAsyncResponseNode IIBNodeType RestRequestNode IIBNodeType ReSequenceNode IIBNodeType RouteNode IIBNodeType SAPReplyNode IIBNodeType ScaReplyNode IIBNodeType SecurityPep IIBNodeType SequenceNode IIBNodeType SoapAsyncRequestNode IIBNodeType SoapAsyncResponseNode IIBNodeType SoapExtractNode IIBNodeType SoapInputNode IIBNodeType SoapReplyNode IIBNodeType SoapRequestNode IIBNodeType SoapWrapperNode IIBNodeType SrRetrieveEntityNode IIBNodeType SrRetrieveItServiceNode IIBNodeType ThrowNode IIBNodeType TraceNode IIBNodeType TryCatchNode IIBNodeType ValidateNode IIBNodeType WsReplyNode IIBNodeType XslMqsiNode IIBNodeType }{ "AGGREGATE_CONTROL_NODE", "AGGREGATE_REPLY_NODE", "AGGREGATE_REQUEST_NODE", "CALLABLE_FLOW_REPLY_NODE", "COLLECTOR_NODE", "COMPUTE_NODE", "DATABASE_NODE", "DATABASE_RETRIEVE_NODE", "DATABASE_ROUTE_NODE", "DECISION_SERVICE_NODE", "DOT_NET_COMPUTE_NODE", "FILE_READ_NODE", "FILTER_NODE", "FLOW_ORDER_NODE", "GROUP_COMPLETE_NODE", "GROUP_GATHER_NODE", "GROUP_SCATTER_NODE", "HTTP_ASYNC_REQUEST", "HTTP_ASYNC_RESPONSE", "HTTP_HEADER", "HTTP_INPUT", "HTTP_REPLY", "HTTP_REQUEST", "JAVA_COMPUTE_NODE", "JMS_CLIENT_RECEIVE", "JMS_CLIENT_REPLY_NODE", "JMS_HEADER", "JMS_INPUT_NODE", "JMS_OUTPUT_NODE", "JMS_REPLY_NODE", "MQ_GET_NODE", "MQ_INPUT_NODE", "MQ_OUTPUT_NODE", "MQ_REPLY_NODE", "PASSTHRU_NODE", "PUBLICATION_NODE", "RESET_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR_NODE", "REST_ASYNC_REQUEST_NODE", "REST_ASYNC_RESPONSE_NODE", "REST_REQUEST_NODE", "RE_SEQUENCE_NODE", "ROUTE_NODE", "SAP_REPLY_NODE", "SCA_REPLY_NODE", "SECURITY_PEP", "SEQUENCE_NODE", "SOAP_ASYNC_REQUEST_NODE", "SOAP_ASYNC_RESPONSE_NODE", "SOAP_EXTRACT_NODE", "SOAP_INPUT_NODE", "SOAP_REPLY_NODE", "SOAP_REQUEST_NODE", "SOAP_WRAPPER_NODE", "SR_RETRIEVE_ENTITY_NODE", "SR_RETRIEVE_IT_SERVICE_NODE", "THROW_NODE", "TRACE_NODE", "TRY_CATCH_NODE", "VALIDATE_NODE", "WS_REPLY_NODE", "XSL_MQSI_NODE", }
IIBNodeTypes offers the known enum values
var Modifiers = struct { Abstract Modifier Extern Modifier Final Modifier Native Modifier Static Modifier }{ "ABSTRACT", "EXTERN", "FINAL", "NATIVE", "STATIC", }
Modifiers offers the known enum values
var Normalizations = struct { Original Normalization ToLowerCase Normalization ToUpperCase Normalization }{ "ORIGINAL", "TO_LOWER_CASE", "TO_UPPER_CASE", }
Normalizations offers the known enum values
var Operators = struct { BeginsWith Operator BegingWithAnyOf Operator Contains Operator EndsWith Operator EndsWithAnyOf Operator Equals Operator EqualsAnyOf Operator }{ "BEGINS_WITH", "BEGINS_WITH_ANY_OF", "CONTAINS", "ENDS_WITH", "ENDS_WITH_ANY_OF", "EQUALS", "EQUALS_ANY_OF", }
Operators offers the known enum values
var Positions = struct { After Position Before Position Between Position }{ "AFTER", "BEFORE", "BETWEEN", }
Positions offers the known enum values
var ServiceTechnologys = struct { ActiveMq ServiceTechnology ActiveMqArtemis ServiceTechnology AdobeExperienceManager ServiceTechnology AdoNet ServiceTechnology AIX ServiceTechnology Akka ServiceTechnology AmazonRedshift ServiceTechnology Amqp ServiceTechnology ApacheCamel ServiceTechnology ApacheCassandra ServiceTechnology ApacheCouchDB ServiceTechnology ApacheDerby ServiceTechnology ApacheHTTPClientAsync ServiceTechnology ApacheHTTPClientSync ServiceTechnology ApacheHTTPServer ServiceTechnology ApacheKafka ServiceTechnology ApacheLog4j ServiceTechnology ApacheSolr ServiceTechnology ApacheStorm ServiceTechnology ApacheSynapse ServiceTechnology ApacheTomcat ServiceTechnology Apparmor ServiceTechnology ApplicationInsightsSdk ServiceTechnology ASPDotNet ServiceTechnology ASPDotNetCore ServiceTechnology ASPDotNetCoreSignalr ServiceTechnology ASPDotNetSignalr ServiceTechnology AsyncHTTPClient ServiceTechnology AWSDynamoDB ServiceTechnology AWSLambda ServiceTechnology AWSRds ServiceTechnology AWSService ServiceTechnology Axis ServiceTechnology AzureFunctions ServiceTechnology AzureServiceBus ServiceTechnology AzureServiceFabric ServiceTechnology AzureStorage ServiceTechnology Boshbpm ServiceTechnology CICSFileAccess ServiceTechnology Citrix ServiceTechnology CitrixCommon ServiceTechnology CitrixDesktopDeliveryControllers ServiceTechnology CitrixDirector ServiceTechnology CitrixLicenseServer ServiceTechnology CitrixProvisioningServices ServiceTechnology CitrixStorefront ServiceTechnology CitrixVirtualDeliveryAgent ServiceTechnology CitrixWorkspaceEnvironmentManagement ServiceTechnology CitrixXen ServiceTechnology CloudFoundry ServiceTechnology CloudFoundryAuctioneer ServiceTechnology CloudFoundryBosh ServiceTechnology CloudFoundryGorouter ServiceTechnology Coldfusion ServiceTechnology ConfluentKafkaClient ServiceTechnology Containerd ServiceTechnology CoreDNS ServiceTechnology Couchbase ServiceTechnology Crio ServiceTechnology Cxf ServiceTechnology Datastax ServiceTechnology DB2 ServiceTechnology DiegoCell ServiceTechnology Docker ServiceTechnology DotNet ServiceTechnology DotNetRemoting ServiceTechnology Drupal ServiceTechnology Dynatrace ServiceTechnology ElasticSearch ServiceTechnology Envoy ServiceTechnology Erlang ServiceTechnology Etcd ServiceTechnology F5Ltm ServiceTechnology Fsharp ServiceTechnology Garden ServiceTechnology Glassfish ServiceTechnology Go ServiceTechnology GoogleCloudFunctions ServiceTechnology GraalTruffle ServiceTechnology GraphQl ServiceTechnology Grpc ServiceTechnology Grsecurity ServiceTechnology Hadoop ServiceTechnology HadoopHdfs ServiceTechnology HadoopYarn ServiceTechnology Haproxy ServiceTechnology Heat ServiceTechnology Hessian ServiceTechnology HornetQ ServiceTechnology IBMCICSRegion ServiceTechnology IBMCICSTransactionGateway ServiceTechnology IBMIMSConnectRegion ServiceTechnology IBMIMSControlRegion ServiceTechnology IBMIMSMessageProcessingRegion ServiceTechnology IBMIMSSoapGateway ServiceTechnology IBMIntegrationBus ServiceTechnology IBMMq ServiceTechnology IBMMqClient ServiceTechnology IBMWebshprereApplicationServer ServiceTechnology IBMWebshprereLiberty ServiceTechnology IBMWebsphereApplicationServer ServiceTechnology IBMWebsphereLiberty ServiceTechnology IIS ServiceTechnology IISAppPool ServiceTechnology Istio ServiceTechnology Java ServiceTechnology JaxWs ServiceTechnology JBoss ServiceTechnology JBossEap ServiceTechnology JBossLogmanager ServiceTechnology JdkHTTPClient ServiceTechnology JdkHTTPServer ServiceTechnology Jersey ServiceTechnology Jetty ServiceTechnology Jruby ServiceTechnology Jython ServiceTechnology Kubernetes ServiceTechnology Laminas ServiceTechnology Laravel ServiceTechnology Libc ServiceTechnology Libvirt ServiceTechnology Linkerd ServiceTechnology LinuxSystem ServiceTechnology Magento ServiceTechnology Mariadb ServiceTechnology Memcached ServiceTechnology Micronaut ServiceTechnology MicrosoftSQLServer ServiceTechnology Mongodb ServiceTechnology MSSQLClient ServiceTechnology MuleEsb ServiceTechnology MySQL ServiceTechnology MySQLConnector ServiceTechnology NetflixServo ServiceTechnology Netty ServiceTechnology Nginx ServiceTechnology NodeJs ServiceTechnology OkHTTPClient ServiceTechnology OneAgentSdk ServiceTechnology Opencensus ServiceTechnology Openshift ServiceTechnology OpenStackCompute ServiceTechnology OpenStackController ServiceTechnology Opentelemetry ServiceTechnology Opentracing ServiceTechnology OpenLiberty ServiceTechnology OracleDatabase ServiceTechnology OracleWeblogic ServiceTechnology Owin ServiceTechnology Perl ServiceTechnology PHP ServiceTechnology PHPFpm ServiceTechnology Play ServiceTechnology Podman ServiceTechnology PostgreSQL ServiceTechnology PostgreSQLDotNetDataProvider ServiceTechnology PowerDNS ServiceTechnology Progress ServiceTechnology Python ServiceTechnology QosLogback ServiceTechnology Quarkus ServiceTechnology RabbitMq ServiceTechnology ReactorCore ServiceTechnology Redis ServiceTechnology Resteasy ServiceTechnology Restlet ServiceTechnology Riak ServiceTechnology Rke2 ServiceTechnology Rsocket ServiceTechnology Ruby ServiceTechnology Runc ServiceTechnology Rxjava ServiceTechnology SagWebmethodsIs ServiceTechnology SAP ServiceTechnology SAPHanadb ServiceTechnology SAPHybris ServiceTechnology SAPMaxdb ServiceTechnology SAPSybase ServiceTechnology Scala ServiceTechnology Selinux ServiceTechnology Sharepoint ServiceTechnology Slim ServiceTechnology Spark ServiceTechnology Spring ServiceTechnology Sqlite ServiceTechnology Symfony ServiceTechnology Thrift ServiceTechnology Tibco ServiceTechnology TibcoBusinessWorks ServiceTechnology TibcoEms ServiceTechnology UndertowIo ServiceTechnology VarnishCache ServiceTechnology Vertx ServiceTechnology Vim2 ServiceTechnology Vios ServiceTechnology VirtualMachineKvm ServiceTechnology VirtualMachineQemu ServiceTechnology Wildfly ServiceTechnology WindowsContainers ServiceTechnology WindowsSystem ServiceTechnology Wink ServiceTechnology Wordpress ServiceTechnology ZeroMq ServiceTechnology ZosConnect ServiceTechnology }{}/* 204 elements not displayed */
ServiceTechnologys offers the known enum values
var SessionAttributeTechnologys = struct { ASPNet SessionAttributeTechnology ASPNetCore SessionAttributeTechnology Java SessionAttributeTechnology PHP SessionAttributeTechnology }{ "ASP_NET", "ASP_NET_CORE", "JAVA", "PHP", }
SessionAttributeTechnologys offers the known enum values
var Sources = struct { CICSSdk Source CICSSystemId Source CICSTaskId Source CICSTransactionCallType Source ClientIP Source CustomAttribute Source DliDbOrLtermName Source DliSegmentName Source IibLabel Source IibNode Source ImsTransactionCallType Source MethodParam Source MqCorrelationId Source MqMessageId Source MqMessageSize Source PostParameter Source QueryParameter Source RequestHeader Source ResponseHeader Source ServerVariable Source SessionAttribute Source SpanAttribute Source URI Source URIPath Source WebserviceMethod Source WebserviceName Source }{ "CICS_SDK", "CICS_SYSTEM_ID", "CICS_TASK_ID", "CICS_TRANSACTION_CALL_TYPE", "CLIENT_IP", "CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE", "DLI_DB_OR_LTERM_NAME", "DLI_SEGMENT_NAME", "IIB_LABEL", "IIB_NODE", "IMS_TRANSACTION_CALL_TYPE", "METHOD_PARAM", "MQ_CORRELATION_ID", "MQ_MESSAGE_ID", "MQ_MESSAGE_SIZE", "POST_PARAMETER", "QUERY_PARAMETER", "REQUEST_HEADER", "RESPONSE_HEADER", "SERVER_VARIABLE", "SESSION_ATTRIBUTE", "SPAN_ATTRIBUTE", "URI", "URI_PATH", "WEBSERVICE_METHOD", "WEBSERVICE_NAME", }
Sources offers the known enum values
var Technologys = struct { DotNet Technology Java Technology PHP Technology }{ "DOTNET", "JAVA", "PHP", }
Technologys offers the known enum values
var Visibilitys = struct { Internal Visibility PackageProtected Visibility Private Visibility Protected Visibility Public Visibility }{ "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE_PROTECTED", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC", }
Visibilitys offers the known enum values
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CapturedMethod ¶
type CapturedMethod struct { ArgumentIndex *int32 `json:"argumentIndex,omitempty"` // The index of the argument to capture. Set `0` to capture the return value, `1` or higher to capture a mehtod argument. Required if the **capture** is set to `ARGUMENT`. Not applicable in other cases. Capture Capture `json:"capture"` // What to capture from the method. DeepObjectAccess *string `json:"deepObjectAccess,omitempty"` // The getter chain to apply to the captured object. It is required in one of the following cases: The **capture** is set to `THIS`. The **capture** is set to `ARGUMENT`, and the argument is not a primitive, a primitive wrapper class, a string, or an array. Not applicable in other cases. Method *MethodReference `json:"method"` // Configuration of a method to be captured. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
CapturedMethod has no documentation
func (*CapturedMethod) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CapturedMethod) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*CapturedMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CapturedMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CapturedMethod) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *CapturedMethod) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*CapturedMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *CapturedMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CapturingAndStorageLocation ¶
type CapturingAndStorageLocation string
CapturingAndStorageLocation Specifies the location where the values are captured and stored.
Required if the **source** is one of the following: `GET_PARAMETER`, `URI`, `REQUEST_HEADER`, `RESPONSE_HEADER`. Not applicable in other cases. If the **source** value is `REQUEST_HEADER` or `RESPONSE_HEADER`, the `CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_BOTH` location is not allowed.
func (CapturingAndStorageLocation) Ref ¶
func (me CapturingAndStorageLocation) Ref() *CapturingAndStorageLocation
type DataSource ¶
type DataSource struct { CapturingAndStorageLocation *CapturingAndStorageLocation `json:"capturingAndStorageLocation,omitempty"` // Specifies the location where the values are captured and stored. Required if the **source** is one of the following: `GET_PARAMETER`, `URI`, `REQUEST_HEADER`, `RESPONSE_HEADER`. Not applicable in other cases. If the **source** value is `REQUEST_HEADER` or `RESPONSE_HEADER`, the `CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_BOTH` location is not allowed. Scope *ScopeConditions `json:"scope,omitempty"` // Conditions for data capturing. ParameterName *string `json:"parameterName,omitempty"` // The name of the web request parameter to capture. Required if the **source** is one of the following: `POST_PARAMETER`, `GET_PARAMETER`, `REQUEST_HEADER`, `RESPONSE_HEADER`, `CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE`. Not applicable in other cases. IIBMethodNodeCondition *ValueCondition `json:"iibMethodNodeCondition,omitempty"` // IBM integration bus label node name condition for which the value is captured. Methods []*CapturedMethod `json:"methods,omitempty"` // The method specification if the **source** value is `METHOD_PARAM`. Not applicable in other cases. SessionAttributeTechnology *SessionAttributeTechnology `json:"sessionAttributeTechnology,omitempty"` // The technology of the session attribute to capture if the **source** value is `SESSION_ATTRIBUTE`. \n\n Not applicable in other cases. Technology *Technology `json:"technology,omitempty"` // The technology of the method to capture if the **source** value is `METHOD_PARAM`. \n\n Not applicable in other cases. ValueProcessing *ValueProcessing `json:"valueProcessing,omitempty"` // Process values as specified. CICSSDKMethodNodeCondition *ValueCondition `json:"cicsSDKMethodNodeCondition,omitempty"` // IBM integration bus label node name condition for which the value is captured. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The data source is enabled (`true`) or disabled (`false`). Source Source `json:"source"` // The source of the attribute to capture. Works in conjunction with **parameterName** or **methods** and **technology**. IIBLabelMethodNodeCondition *ValueCondition `json:"iibLabelMethodNodeCondition,omitempty"` // IBM integration bus label node name condition for which the value is captured. IIBNodeType *IIBNodeType `json:"iibNodeType,omitempty"` // The IBM integration bus node type for which the value is captured. This or `iibMethodNodeCondition` is required if the **source** is: `IIB_NODE`. Not applicable in other cases. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
DataSource has no documentation
func (*DataSource) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *DataSource) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*DataSource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *DataSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DataSource) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *DataSource) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*DataSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *DataSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtractSubstring ¶
type ExtractSubstring struct { EndDelimiter *string `json:"endDelimiter,omitempty"` // The end-delimiter string. Required if the **position** value is `BETWEEN`. Otherwise not allowed. Position Position `json:"position"` // The position of the extracted string relative to delimiters. Delimiter string `json:"delimiter"` // The delimiter string. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
ExtractSubstring Preprocess by extracting a substring from the original value.
func (*ExtractSubstring) IsZero ¶
func (me *ExtractSubstring) IsZero() bool
func (*ExtractSubstring) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ExtractSubstring) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*ExtractSubstring) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ExtractSubstring) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ExtractSubstring) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FileNameMatcher ¶
type FileNameMatcher string
FileNameMatcher The operator of the comparison.
If not set, `EQUALS` is used.
func (FileNameMatcher) Ref ¶
func (me FileNameMatcher) Ref() *FileNameMatcher
type IIBNodeType ¶
type IIBNodeType string
IIBNodeType The IBM integration bus node type for which the value is captured.
This or `iibMethodNodeCondition` is required if the **source** is: `IIB_NODE`. Not applicable in other cases.
func (IIBNodeType) Ref ¶
func (me IIBNodeType) Ref() *IIBNodeType
type MethodReference ¶
type MethodReference struct { ReturnType string `json:"returnType"` // The return type. Visibility Visibility `json:"visibility"` // The visibility of the method to capture. ArgumentTypes []string `json:"argumentTypes"` // The list of argument types. ClassName *string `json:"className,omitempty"` // The class name where the method to capture resides. Either this or the **fileName** must be set. FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` // The file name where the method to capture resides. Either this or **className** must be set. FileNameMatcher *FileNameMatcher `json:"fileNameMatcher,omitempty"` // The operator of the comparison. If not set, `EQUALS` is used. MethodName string `json:"methodName"` // The name of the method to capture. Modifiers []Modifier `json:"modifiers"` // The modifiers of the method to capture. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
MethodReference Configuration of a method to be captured.
func (*MethodReference) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *MethodReference) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*MethodReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *MethodReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MethodReference) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *MethodReference) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*MethodReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *MethodReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Normalization ¶
type Normalization string
Normalization String values transformation.
If the **dataType** is not `string`, set the `Original` here.
type Operator ¶
type Operator string
Operator Operator comparing the extracted value to the comparison value.
type Position ¶
type Position string
Position The position of the extracted string relative to delimiters.
type RequestAttribute ¶
type RequestAttribute struct { Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the request attribute. SkipPersonalDataMasking *bool `json:"skipPersonalDataMasking"` // Personal data masking flag. Set `true` to skip masking. Warning: This will potentially access personalized data. Confidential *bool `json:"confidential"` // Confidential data flag. Set `true` to treat the captured data as confidential. DataSources []*DataSource `json:"dataSources"` // The list of data sources. DataType DataType `json:"dataType"` // The data type of the request attribute. Normalization Normalization `json:"normalization"` // String values transformation. If the **dataType** is not `string`, set the `Original` here. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The request attribute is enabled (`true`) or disabled (`false`). Aggregation Aggregation `json:"aggregation"` // Aggregation type for the request values. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
RequestAttribute has no documentation
func (*RequestAttribute) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *RequestAttribute) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*RequestAttribute) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *RequestAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RequestAttribute) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *RequestAttribute) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*RequestAttribute) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *RequestAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScopeConditions ¶
type ScopeConditions struct { HostGroup *string `json:"hostGroup,omitempty"` // Only applies to this host group. ProcessGroup *string `json:"processGroup,omitempty"` // Only applies to this process group. Note that this can't be transferred between different clusters or environments. ServiceTechnology *ServiceTechnology `json:"serviceTechnology,omitempty"` // Only applies to this service technology. TagOfProcessGroup *string `json:"tagOfProcessGroup,omitempty"` // Only apply to process groups matching this tag. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
ScopeConditions Conditions for data capturing.
func (*ScopeConditions) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ScopeConditions) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*ScopeConditions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ScopeConditions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ScopeConditions) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ScopeConditions) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*ScopeConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ScopeConditions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ServiceTechnology ¶
type ServiceTechnology string
ServiceTechnology Only applies to this service technology.
func (ServiceTechnology) Ref ¶
func (me ServiceTechnology) Ref() *ServiceTechnology
type SessionAttributeTechnology ¶
type SessionAttributeTechnology string
SessionAttributeTechnology The technology of the session attribute to capture if the **source** value is `SESSION_ATTRIBUTE`. \n\n Not applicable in other cases.
func (SessionAttributeTechnology) Ref ¶
func (me SessionAttributeTechnology) Ref() *SessionAttributeTechnology
type Source ¶
type Source string
Source The source of the attribute to capture. Works in conjunction with **parameterName** or **methods** and **technology**.
type Technology ¶
type Technology string
Technology The technology of the method to capture if the **source** value is `METHOD_PARAM`. \n\n Not applicable in other cases.
func (Technology) Ref ¶
func (me Technology) Ref() *Technology
type ValueCondition ¶
type ValueCondition struct { Negate bool `json:"negate"` // Negate the comparison. Operator Operator `json:"operator"` // Operator comparing the extracted value to the comparison value. Value string `json:"value"` // The value to compare to. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
ValueCondition IBM integration bus label node name condition for which the value is captured.
func (*ValueCondition) IsZero ¶
func (me *ValueCondition) IsZero() bool
func (*ValueCondition) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ValueCondition) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*ValueCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ValueCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ValueCondition) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ValueCondition) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*ValueCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ValueCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ValueProcessing ¶
type ValueProcessing struct { ExtractSubstring *ExtractSubstring `json:"extractSubstring,omitempty"` // Preprocess by extracting a substring from the original value. SplitAt *string `json:"splitAt,omitempty"` // Split (preprocessed) string values at this separator. Trim *bool `json:"trim"` // Prune Whitespaces. Defaults to false. ValueCondition *ValueCondition `json:"valueCondition,omitempty"` // IBM integration bus label node name condition for which the value is captured. ValueExtractorRegex *string `json:"valueExtractorRegex,omitempty"` // Extract value from captured data per regex. Unknowns map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
ValueProcessing Process values as specified.
func (*ValueProcessing) IsZero ¶
func (me *ValueProcessing) IsZero() bool
func (*ValueProcessing) MarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ValueProcessing) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error
func (*ValueProcessing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ValueProcessing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ValueProcessing) UnmarshalHCL ¶
func (me *ValueProcessing) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error
func (*ValueProcessing) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (me *ValueProcessing) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error