
v1.26.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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var Aggregations = struct {
	Average Aggregation
	First   Aggregation
	Last    Aggregation
	Maximum Aggregation
	Minimum Aggregation
	Sum     Aggregation
View Source
var ApplicationTypes = struct {
	AutoInjected             ApplicationType
	BrowserExtensionInjected ApplicationType
	ManuallyInjected         ApplicationType
View Source
var ConversionGoalTypes = struct {
	Destination     ConversionGoalType
	UserAction      ConversionGoalType
	VisitDuration   ConversionGoalType
	VisitNumActions ConversionGoalType
View Source
var InjectionModes = struct {
	CodeSnippet      InjectionMode
	CodeSnippetAsync InjectionMode
	InlineCode       InjectionMode
	JavaScriptTag    InjectionMode
View Source
var InjectionTargets = struct {
	PageQuery InjectionTarget
	URL       InjectionTarget
View Source
var JSInjectionRules = struct {
	AfterSpecificHTML  JSInjectionRule
	AutomaticInjection JSInjectionRule
	BeforeSpecificHTML JSInjectionRule
	DoNotInject        JSInjectionRule
View Source
var KeyUserActionTypes = struct {
	Custom KeyUserActionType
	Load   KeyUserActionType
	XHR    KeyUserActionType
View Source
var LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetrics = struct {
	ActionDuration         LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	CumulativeLayoutShift  LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	DomInteractive         LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	FirstInputDelay        LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	LargestContentfulPaint LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	LoadEventEnd           LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	LoadEventStart         LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	ResponseEnd            LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	ResponseStart          LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	SpeedIndex             LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	VisuallyComplete       LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric
View Source
var MetaDataCapturingTypes = struct {
	Cookie             MetaDataCapturingType
	CSSSelector        MetaDataCapturingType
	JavaScriptFunction MetaDataCapturingType
	JavaScriptVariable MetaDataCapturingType
	MetaTag            MetaDataCapturingType
	QueryString        MetaDataCapturingType
View Source
var PropertyOrigins = struct {
	JavaScriptAPI              PropertyOrigin
	MetaData                   PropertyOrigin
	ServerSideRequestAttribute PropertyOrigin
View Source
var PropertyTypes = struct {
	Date       PropertyType
	Double     PropertyType
	Long       PropertyType
	LongString PropertyType
	String     PropertyType
View Source
var ResourceTimingCaptureTypes = struct {
	CaptureAllSummaries     ResourceTimingCaptureType
	CaptureFullDetails      ResourceTimingCaptureType
	CaptureLimitedSummaries ResourceTimingCaptureType
View Source
var URLOperators = struct {
	AllPages   URLOperator
	Contains   URLOperator
	EndsWith   URLOperator
	Equals     URLOperator
	StartsWith URLOperator
View Source
var XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetrics = struct {
	ActionDuration   XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	ResponseEnd      XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	ResponseStart    XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric
	VisuallyComplete XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric


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type AdditionalEventHandlers

type AdditionalEventHandlers struct {
	UseMouseUpEventForClicks bool  `json:"userMouseupEventForClicks"` // Use mouseup event for clicks enabled/disabled
	ClickEventHandler        bool  `json:"clickEventHandler"`         // Click event handler enabled/disabled
	MouseUpEventHandler      bool  `json:"mouseupEventHandler"`       // Mouseup event handler enabled/disabled
	BlurEventHandler         bool  `json:"blurEventHandler"`          // Blur event handler enabled/disabled
	ChangeEventHandler       bool  `json:"changeEventHandler"`        // Change event handler enabled/disabled
	ToStringMethod           bool  `json:"toStringMethod"`            // toString method enabled/disabled
	MaxDomNodesToInstrument  int32 `json:"maxDomNodesToInstrument"`   // Max. number of DOM nodes to instrument. Valid values range from 0 to 100000.

AdditionalEventHandlers Additional event handlers and wrappers

func (*AdditionalEventHandlers) MarshalHCL

func (me *AdditionalEventHandlers) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*AdditionalEventHandlers) Schema

func (me *AdditionalEventHandlers) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*AdditionalEventHandlers) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *AdditionalEventHandlers) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings

type AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings struct {
	SyncBeaconFirefox                   bool                        `json:"syncBeaconFirefox"`                   // Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Firefox enabled/disabled
	SyncBeaconInternetExplorer          bool                        `json:"syncBeaconInternetExplorer"`          // Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Internet Explorer enabled/disabled
	InstrumentUnsupportedAjaxFrameworks bool                        `json:"instrumentUnsupportedAjaxFrameworks"` // Instrumentation of unsupported Ajax frameworks enabled/disabled
	SpecialCharactersToEscape           string                      `json:"specialCharactersToEscape"`           // Additional special characters that are to be escaped using non-alphanumeric characters in HTML escape format. Maximum length 30 character. Allowed characters are `^`, `\`, `<` and `>`.
	MaxActionNameLength                 int32                       `json:"maxActionNameLength"`                 // Maximum character length for action names. Valid values range from 5 to 10000.
	MaxErrorsToCapture                  int32                       `json:"maxErrorsToCapture"`                  // Maximum number of errors to be captured per page. Valid values range from 0 to 50.
	AdditionalEventHandlers             *AdditionalEventHandlers    `json:"additionalEventHandlers"`             // Additional event handlers and wrappers
	EventWrapperSettings                EventWrapperSettings        `json:"eventWrapperSettings"`                // In addition to the event handlers, events called using `addEventListener` or `attachEvent` can be captured. Be careful with this option! Event wrappers can conflict with the JavaScript code on a web page
	GlobalEventCaptureSettings          *GlobalEventCaptureSettings `json:"globalEventCaptureSettings"`          // Global event capture settings

AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings Advanced JavaScript tag settings

func (*AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings) Schema

func (*AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type Aggregation

type Aggregation string

type ApdexSettings

type ApdexSettings struct {
	Threshold                    *int `json:"threshold,omitempty"`                    // no documentation available
	ToleratedThreshold           *int `json:"toleratedThreshold,omitempty"`           // Maximal value of apdex, which is considered as satisfied user experience. Values between 0 and 60000 are allowed.
	FrustratingThreshold         *int `json:"frustratingThreshold,omitempty"`         // Maximal value of apdex, which is considered as tolerable user experience. Values between 0 and 240000 are allowed.
	ToleratedFallbackThreshold   *int `json:"toleratedFallbackThreshold,omitempty"`   // Fallback threshold of an XHR action, defining a satisfied user experience, when the configured KPM is not available. Values between 0 and 60000 are allowed.
	FrustratingFallbackThreshold *int `json:"frustratingFallbackThreshold,omitempty"` // Fallback threshold of an XHR action, defining a tolerable user experience, when the configured KPM is not available. Values between 0 and 240000 are allowed.

Defines the Apdex settings of an application

func (*ApdexSettings) IsEmpty

func (me *ApdexSettings) IsEmpty() bool

func (*ApdexSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *ApdexSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*ApdexSettings) Schema

func (me *ApdexSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*ApdexSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *ApdexSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type Application

type Application struct {
	Name                             string                         `json:"name"`                             // The name of the web application, displayed in the UI
	Type                             ApplicationType                `json:"type"`                             // The type of the web application
	RealUserMonitoringEnabled        bool                           `json:"realUserMonitoringEnabled"`        // (Field has overlap with `dynatrace_web_app_enablement`) Real user monitoring enabled/disabled
	CostControlUserSessionPercentage int                            `json:"costControlUserSessionPercentage"` // (Field has overlap with `dynatrace_web_app_enablement`) Analize *X*% of user sessions
	LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric   LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric `json:"loadActionKeyPerformanceMetric"`   // The key performance metric of load actions
	SessionReplayConfig              *sessionreplay.Settings        `json:"sessionReplayConfig,omitempty"`    // Session replay settings
	XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric    XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric  `json:"xhrActionKeyPerformanceMetric"`    // The key performance metric of XHR actions
	LoadActionApdexSettings          *ApdexSettings                 `json:"loadActionApdexSettings"`          // Defines the Load Action Apdex settings of an application
	XHRActionApdexSettings           *ApdexSettings                 `json:"xhrActionApdexSettings"`           // Defines the XHR Action Apdex settings of an application
	CustomActionApdexSettings        *ApdexSettings                 `json:"customActionApdexSettings"`        // Defines the Custom Action Apdex settings of an application
	WaterfallSettings                *WaterfallSettings             `json:"waterfallSettings"`                // These settings influence the monitoring data you receive for 3rd party, CDN, and 1st party resources
	MonitoringSettings               *MonitoringSettings            `json:"monitoringSettings"`               // Real user monitoring settings
	UserTags                         UserTags                       `json:"userTags"`                         // User tags settings
	UserActionAndSessionProperties   UserActionAndSessionProperties `json:"userActionAndSessionProperties"`   // User action and session properties settings. Empty List means no change
	UserActionNamingSettings         *naming.Settings               `json:"userActionNamingSettings"`         // The settings of user action naming
	MetaDataCaptureSettings          MetaDataCaptureSettings        `json:"metaDataCaptureSettings"`          // Java script agent meta data capture settings
	ConversionGoals                  ConversionGoals                `json:"conversionGoals"`                  // A list of conversion goals of the application
	URLInjectionPattern              *string                        `json:"urlInjectionPattern,omitempty"`    // URL injection pattern for manual web application
	KeyUserActions                   KeyUserActions                 `json:"-"`

Application Configuration of a web application

func (*Application) Load

func (me *Application) Load(data []byte) error

func (*Application) MarshalHCL

func (me *Application) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*Application) Schema

func (me *Application) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*Application) Store

func (me *Application) Store() ([]byte, error)

func (*Application) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *Application) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type ApplicationType

type ApplicationType string

type ContentCapture

type ContentCapture struct {
	ResourceTimingSettings        *ResourceTimingSettings   `json:"resourceTimingSettings"`        // Settings for resource timings capture
	JavaScriptErrors              bool                      `json:"javaScriptErrors"`              // JavaScript errors monitoring enabled/disabled
	TimeoutSettings               *TimeoutSettings          `json:"timeoutSettings"`               // Settings for timed action capture
	VisuallyCompleteAndSpeedIndex bool                      `json:"visuallyCompleteAndSpeedIndex"` // Visually complete and Speed index support enabled/disabled
	VisuallyCompleteSettings      *VisuallyCompleteSettings `json:"visuallyComplete2Settings"`     // Settings for VisuallyComplete

ContentCapture contains settings for content capture

func (*ContentCapture) MarshalHCL

func (me *ContentCapture) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*ContentCapture) Schema

func (me *ContentCapture) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*ContentCapture) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *ContentCapture) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type ConversionGoal

type ConversionGoal struct {
	Name                  string                  `json:"name"`                            // The name of the conversion goal. Valid length within 1 and 50 characters.
	ID                    *string                 `json:"id,omitempty"`                    // The ID of conversion goal. \n\n Omit it while creating a new conversion goal
	Type                  *ConversionGoalType     `json:"type,omitempty"`                  // The type of the conversion goal. Possible values are `Destination`, `UserAction`, `VisitDuration` and `VisitNumActions`
	DestinationDetails    *DestinationDetails     `json:"destinationDetails,omitempty"`    // Configuration of a destination-based conversion goal
	UserActionDetails     *useraction.Details     `json:"userActionDetails,omitempty"`     // Configuration of a user action-based conversion goal
	VisitDurationDetails  *visit.DurationDetails  `json:"visitDurationDetails,omitempty"`  // Configuration of a visit duration-based conversion goal
	VisitNumActionDetails *visit.NumActionDetails `json:"visitNumActionDetails,omitempty"` // Configuration of a number of user actions-based conversion goal

ConversionGoal A conversion goal of the application

func (*ConversionGoal) MarshalHCL

func (me *ConversionGoal) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*ConversionGoal) Schema

func (me *ConversionGoal) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*ConversionGoal) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *ConversionGoal) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type ConversionGoalType

type ConversionGoalType string

type ConversionGoals

type ConversionGoals []*ConversionGoal

func (ConversionGoals) MarshalHCL

func (me ConversionGoals) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*ConversionGoals) Schema

func (me *ConversionGoals) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*ConversionGoals) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *ConversionGoals) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type DestinationDetails

type DestinationDetails struct {
	URLOrPath     string      `json:"urlOrPath"`               // The path to be reached to hit the conversion goal
	MatchType     *match.Type `json:"matchType,omitempty"`     // The operator of the match. Possible values are `Begins`, `Contains` and `Ends`.
	CaseSensitive bool        `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // The match is case-sensitive (`true`) or (`false`)

DestinationDetails Configuration of a destination-based conversion goal

func (*DestinationDetails) MarshalHCL

func (me *DestinationDetails) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*DestinationDetails) Schema

func (me *DestinationDetails) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*DestinationDetails) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *DestinationDetails) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type EventWrapperSettings

type EventWrapperSettings struct {
	Click      bool `json:"click"`      // Click enabled/disabled
	MouseUp    bool `json:"mouseUp"`    // MouseUp enabled/disabled
	Change     bool `json:"change"`     // Change enabled/disabled
	Blur       bool `json:"blur"`       // Blur enabled/disabled
	TouchStart bool `json:"touchStart"` // TouchStart enabled/disabled
	TouchEnd   bool `json:"touchEnd"`   // TouchEnd enabled/disabled

EventWrapperSettings In addition to the event handlers, events called using `addEventListener` or `attachEvent` can be captured. Be careful with this option! Event wrappers can conflict with the JavaScript code on a web page

func (*EventWrapperSettings) IsDefault

func (me *EventWrapperSettings) IsDefault() bool

func (*EventWrapperSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *EventWrapperSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*EventWrapperSettings) Schema

func (me *EventWrapperSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*EventWrapperSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *EventWrapperSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type GlobalEventCaptureSettings

type GlobalEventCaptureSettings struct {
	MouseUp                            bool   `json:"mouseUp"`                            // MouseUp enabled/disabled
	MouseDown                          bool   `json:"mouseDown"`                          // MouseDown enabled/disabled
	Click                              bool   `json:"click"`                              // Click enabled/disabled
	DoubleClick                        bool   `json:"doubleClick"`                        // DoubleClick enabled/disabled
	KeyUp                              bool   `json:"keyUp"`                              // KeyUp enabled/disabled
	KeyDown                            bool   `json:"keyDown"`                            // KeyDown enabled/disabled
	Scroll                             bool   `json:"scroll"`                             // Scroll enabled/disabled
	AdditionalEventCapturedAsUserInput string `json:"additionalEventCapturedAsUserInput"` // Additional events to be captured globally as user input. \n\nFor example `DragStart` or `DragEnd`. Maximum 100 characters.

GlobalEventCaptureSettings Global event capture settings

func (*GlobalEventCaptureSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *GlobalEventCaptureSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*GlobalEventCaptureSettings) Schema

func (me *GlobalEventCaptureSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*GlobalEventCaptureSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *GlobalEventCaptureSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type InjectionMode

type InjectionMode string

type InjectionTarget

type InjectionTarget string

type JSInjectionRule

type JSInjectionRule string

type JavaScriptFrameworkSupport

type JavaScriptFrameworkSupport struct {
	Angular       bool `json:"angular"`       // AngularJS and Angular support enabled/disabled
	Dojo          bool `json:"dojo"`          // Dojo support enabled/disabled
	ExtJS         bool `json:"extJS"`         // ExtJS, Sencha Touch support enabled/disabled
	ICEfaces      bool `json:"icefaces"`      // ICEfaces support enabled/disabled
	JQuery        bool `json:"jQuery"`        // jQuery, Backbone.js support enabled/disabled
	MooTools      bool `json:"mooTools"`      // MooTools support enabled/disabled
	Prototype     bool `json:"prototype"`     // Prototype support enabled/disabled
	ActiveXObject bool `json:"activeXObject"` // ActiveXObject support enabled/disabled

JavaScriptFrameworkSupport configures support of various JavaScript frameworks

func (*JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) MarshalHCL

func (me *JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) Schema

func (me *JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *JavaScriptFrameworkSupport) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type JavaScriptInjectionRule

type JavaScriptInjectionRule struct {
	Enabled     bool             `json:"enabled"`               // The enable or disable rule of the java script injection
	URLOperator URLOperator      `json:"urlOperator"`           // The url operator of the java script injection. Possible values are `ALL_PAGES`, `CONTAINS`, `ENDS_WITH`, `EQUALS` and `STARTS_WITH`.
	URLPattern  *string          `json:"urlPattern,omitempty"`  // The url pattern of the java script injection
	Rule        JSInjectionRule  `json:"rule"`                  // The url rule of the java script injection. Possible values are `AFTER_SPECIFIC_HTML`, `AUTOMATIC_INJECTION`, `BEFORE_SPECIFIC_HTML` and `DO_NOT_INJECT`.
	HTMLPattern *string          `json:"htmlPattern,omitempty"` // The HTML pattern of the java script injection
	Target      *InjectionTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`      // The target against which the rule of the java script injection should be matched. Possible values are `PAGE_QUERY` and `URL`.

func (*JavaScriptInjectionRule) MarshalHCL

func (me *JavaScriptInjectionRule) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*JavaScriptInjectionRule) Schema

func (me *JavaScriptInjectionRule) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*JavaScriptInjectionRule) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *JavaScriptInjectionRule) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type JavaScriptInjectionRules

type JavaScriptInjectionRules []*JavaScriptInjectionRule

func (JavaScriptInjectionRules) MarshalHCL

func (me JavaScriptInjectionRules) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*JavaScriptInjectionRules) Schema

func (me *JavaScriptInjectionRules) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*JavaScriptInjectionRules) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *JavaScriptInjectionRules) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type KeyUserAction

type KeyUserAction struct {
	Name   string            `json:"name"`             // The name of the action
	Type   KeyUserActionType `json:"actionType"`       // The type of the action. Possible values are `Custom`, `Load` and `Xhr`.
	Domain *string           `json:"domain,omitempty"` // The domain where the action is performed

KeyUserAction represents configuration of the key user action

func (*KeyUserAction) Equals

func (me *KeyUserAction) Equals(other any) bool

func (*KeyUserAction) MarshalHCL

func (me *KeyUserAction) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*KeyUserAction) Schema

func (me *KeyUserAction) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*KeyUserAction) String

func (me *KeyUserAction) String() string

func (*KeyUserAction) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *KeyUserAction) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type KeyUserActionList

type KeyUserActionList struct {
	KeyUserActions KeyUserActions `json:"keyUserActionList,omitempty"` // The list of key user actions in the web application

type KeyUserActionType

type KeyUserActionType string

type KeyUserActions

type KeyUserActions []*KeyUserAction

func (KeyUserActions) Equals

func (me KeyUserActions) Equals(other any) bool

func (KeyUserActions) MarshalHCL

func (me KeyUserActions) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*KeyUserActions) Schema

func (me *KeyUserActions) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*KeyUserActions) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *KeyUserActions) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric

type LoadActionKeyPerformanceMetric string

type MetaDataCaptureSettings

type MetaDataCaptureSettings []*MetaDataCapturing

func (MetaDataCaptureSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me MetaDataCaptureSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*MetaDataCaptureSettings) Schema

func (me *MetaDataCaptureSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*MetaDataCaptureSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *MetaDataCaptureSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type MetaDataCapturing

type MetaDataCapturing struct {
	Type           MetaDataCapturingType `json:"type"`               // The type of the meta data to capture. Possible values are `COOKIE`, `CSS_SELECTOR`, `JAVA_SCRIPT_FUNCTION`, `JAVA_SCRIPT_VARIABLE`, `META_TAG` and `QUERY_STRING`.
	CapturingName  string                `json:"capturingName"`      // The name of the meta data to capture
	Name           string                `json:"name"`               // Name for displaying the captured values in Dynatrace
	UniqueID       *int32                `json:"uniqueId,omitempty"` // The unique ID of the meta data to capture
	PublicMetadata bool                  `json:"publicMetadata"`     // `true` if this metadata should be captured regardless of the privacy settings, `false` otherwise
	UseLastValue   bool                  `json:"useLastValue"`       // `true` if the last captured value should be used for this metadata. By default the first value will be used.

func (*MetaDataCapturing) MarshalHCL

func (me *MetaDataCapturing) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*MetaDataCapturing) Schema

func (me *MetaDataCapturing) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*MetaDataCapturing) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *MetaDataCapturing) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type MetaDataCapturingType

type MetaDataCapturingType string

type MonitoringSettings

type MonitoringSettings struct {
	FetchRequests                    bool                           `json:"fetchRequests"`                              // `fetch()` request capture enabled/disabled
	XmlHttpRequest                   bool                           `json:"xmlHttpRequest"`                             // `XmlHttpRequest` support enabled/disabled
	JavaScriptFrameworkSupport       *JavaScriptFrameworkSupport    `json:"javaScriptFrameworkSupport"`                 // Support of various JavaScript frameworks
	ContentCapture                   *ContentCapture                `json:"contentCapture"`                             // Settings for content capture
	ExcludeXHRRegex                  string                         `json:"excludeXhrRegex"`                            // You can exclude some actions from becoming XHR actions.\n\nPut a regular expression, matching all the required URLs, here.\n\nIf noting specified the feature is disabled
	CorrelationHeaderInclusionRegex  string                         `json:"correlationHeaderInclusionRegex"`            // To enable RUM for XHR calls to AWS Lambda, define a regular expression matching these calls, Dynatrace can then automatically add a custom header (x-dtc) to each such request to the respective endpoints in AWS.\n\nImportant: These endpoints must accept the x-dtc header, or the requests will fail
	InjectionMode                    InjectionMode                  `json:"injectionMode"`                              // Possible valures are `CODE_SNIPPET`, `CODE_SNIPPET_ASYNC`, `INLINE_CODE` and `JAVASCRIPT_TAG`
	AddCrossOriginAnonymousAttribute *bool                          `json:"addCrossOriginAnonymousAttribute,omitempty"` // Add the cross origin = anonymous attribute to capture JavaScript error messages and W3C resource timings
	ScriptTagCacheDurationInHours    *int32                         `json:"scriptTagCacheDurationInHours,omitempty"`    // Time duration for the cache settings
	LibraryFileLocation              *string                        `json:"libraryFileLocation,omitempty"`              // The location of your application’s custom JavaScript library file. \n\n If nothing specified the root directory of your web server is used. \n\n **Required** for auto-injected applications, not supported by agentless applications. Maximum 512 characters.
	MonitoringDataPath               string                         `json:"monitoringDataPath"`                         // The location to send monitoring data from the JavaScript tag.\n\n Specify either a relative or an absolute URL. If you use an absolute URL, data will be sent using CORS. \n\n **Required** for auto-injected applications, optional for agentless applications. Maximum 512 characters.
	CustomConfigurationProperties    string                         `json:"customConfigurationProperties"`              // Additional JavaScript tag properties that are specific to your application. To do this, type key=value pairs separated using a (|) symbol. Maximum 1000 characters.
	ServerRequestPathID              string                         `json:"serverRequestPathId"`                        // Path to identify the server’s request ID. Maximum 150 characters.
	SecureCookieAttribute            bool                           `json:"secureCookieAttribute"`                      // Secure attribute usage for Dynatrace cookies enabled/disabled
	CookiePlacementDomain            string                         `json:"cookiePlacementDomain"`                      // Domain for cookie placement. Maximum 150 characters.
	CacheControlHeaderOptimizations  bool                           `json:"cacheControlHeaderOptimizations"`            // Optimize the value of cache control headers for use with Dynatrace real user monitoring enabled/disabled
	AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings    *AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings `json:"advancedJavaScriptTagSettings"`              // Advanced JavaScript tag settings
	BrowserRestrictionSettings       *browser.RestrictionSettings   `json:"browserRestrictionSettings,omitempty"`       // Settings for restricting certain browser type, version, platform and, comparator. It also restricts the mode
	IPAddressRestrictionSettings     *ipaddress.RestrictionSettings `json:"ipAddressRestrictionSettings,omitempty"`     // Settings for restricting certain ip addresses and for introducing subnet mask. It also restricts the mode
	JavaScriptInjectionRules         JavaScriptInjectionRules       `json:"javaScriptInjectionRules,omitempty"`         // Java script injection rules
	AngularPackageName               *string                        `json:"angularPackageName,omitempty"`               // The name of the angular package

MonitoringSettings Real user monitoring settings

func (*MonitoringSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *MonitoringSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*MonitoringSettings) Schema

func (me *MonitoringSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*MonitoringSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *MonitoringSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type PropertyOrigin

type PropertyOrigin string

type PropertyType

type PropertyType string

type ResourceTimingCaptureType

type ResourceTimingCaptureType string

type ResourceTimingSettings

type ResourceTimingSettings struct {
	W3CResourceTimings                        bool                       `json:"w3cResourceTimings"`                        // W3C resource timings for third party/CDN enabled/disabled
	NonW3CResourceTimings                     bool                       `json:"nonW3cResourceTimings"`                     // Timing for JavaScript files and images on non-W3C supported browsers enabled/disabled
	NonW3CResourceTimingsInstrumentationDelay int32                      `json:"nonW3cResourceTimingsInstrumentationDelay"` // Instrumentation delay for monitoring resource and image resource impact in browsers that don't offer W3C resource timings. \n\nValid values range from 0 to 9999.\n\nOnly effective if **nonW3cResourceTimings** is enabled
	ResourceTimingCaptureType                 *ResourceTimingCaptureType `json:"resourceTimingCaptureType"`                 // Defines how detailed resource timings are captured.\n\nOnly effective if **w3cResourceTimings** or **nonW3cResourceTimings** is enabled. Possible values are `CAPTURE_ALL_SUMMARIES`, `CAPTURE_FULL_DETAILS` and `CAPTURE_LIMITED_SUMMARIES`
	ResourceTimingsDomainLimit                *int32                     `json:"resourceTimingsDomainLimit"`                // Limits the number of domains for which W3C resource timings are captured.\n\nOnly effective if **resourceTimingCaptureType** is `CAPTURE_LIMITED_SUMMARIES`. Valid values range from 0 to 50.

ResourceTimingSettings configures resource timings capture

func (*ResourceTimingSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *ResourceTimingSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*ResourceTimingSettings) Schema

func (me *ResourceTimingSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*ResourceTimingSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *ResourceTimingSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type TimeoutSettings

type TimeoutSettings struct {
	TimedActionSupport          bool  `json:"timedActionSupport"`          // Timed action support enabled/disabled. \n\nEnable to detect actions that trigger sending of XHRs via *setTimout* methods
	TemporaryActionLimit        int32 `json:"temporaryActionLimit"`        // Defines how deep temporary actions may cascade. 0 disables temporary actions completely. Recommended value if enabled is 3
	TemporaryActionTotalTimeout int32 `json:"temporaryActionTotalTimeout"` // The total timeout of all cascaded timeouts that should still be able to create a temporary action

TimeoutSettings configures timed action capture

func (*TimeoutSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *TimeoutSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*TimeoutSettings) Schema

func (me *TimeoutSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*TimeoutSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *TimeoutSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type URLOperator

type URLOperator string

type UserActionAndSessionProperties

type UserActionAndSessionProperties []*UserActionAndSessionProperty

func (UserActionAndSessionProperties) MarshalHCL

func (me UserActionAndSessionProperties) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*UserActionAndSessionProperties) Schema

func (*UserActionAndSessionProperties) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *UserActionAndSessionProperties) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type UserActionAndSessionProperty

type UserActionAndSessionProperty struct {
	DisplayName                *string        `json:"displayName,omitempty"`                // The display name of the property
	Type                       PropertyType   `json:"type"`                                 // The data type of the property. Possible values are `DATE`, `DOUBLE`, `LONG`, `LONG_STRING` and `STRING`.
	Origin                     PropertyOrigin `json:"origin"`                               // The origin of the property. Possible values are `JAVASCRIPT_API`, `META_DATA` and `SERVER_SIDE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE`.
	Aggregation                *Aggregation   `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`                // The aggregation type of the property. \n\n  It defines how multiple values of the property are aggregated. Possible values are `AVERAGE`, `FIRST`, `LAST`, `MAXIMUM`, `MINIMUM` and `SUM`.
	StoreAsUserActionProperty  bool           `json:"storeAsUserActionProperty"`            // If `true`, the property is stored as a user action property
	StoreAsSessionProperty     bool           `json:"storeAsSessionProperty"`               // If `true`, the property is stored as a session property
	CleanupRule                *string        `json:"cleanupRule,omitempty"`                // The cleanup rule of the property. \n\nDefines how to extract the data you need from a string value. Specify the [regular expression](https://dt-url.net/k9e0iaq) for the data you need there
	ServerSideRequestAttribute *string        `json:"serverSideRequestAttribute,omitempty"` // The ID of the request attribute. \n\nOnly applicable when the **origin** is set to `SERVER_SIDE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE`
	UniqueID                   int32          `json:"uniqueId"`                             // Unique id among all userTags and properties of this application
	Key                        string         `json:"key"`                                  // Key of the property
	MetaDataID                 *int32         `json:"metadataId,omitempty"`                 // If the origin is `META_DATA`, metaData id of the property
	IgnoreCase                 bool           `json:"ignoreCase,omitempty"`                 // If `true`, the value of this property will always be stored in lower case. Defaults to `false`.
	LongStringLength           *int32         `json:"longStringLength,omitempty"`           // If the `type` is `LONG_STRING`, the max length for this property. Must be a multiple of `100`. Defaults to `200`. Maximum is `1000`.

func (*UserActionAndSessionProperty) MarshalHCL

func (me *UserActionAndSessionProperty) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*UserActionAndSessionProperty) Schema

func (*UserActionAndSessionProperty) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *UserActionAndSessionProperty) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type UserTag

type UserTag struct {
	UniqueID                   int32   `json:"uniqueId"`                             // A unique ID among all userTags and properties of this application. Minimum value is 1.
	MetaDataID                 *int32  `json:"metadataId,omitempty"`                 // If it's of type metaData, metaData id of the userTag
	CleanUpRule                *string `json:"cleanupRule,omitempty"`                // Cleanup rule expression of the userTag
	ServerSideRequestAttribute *string `json:"serverSideRequestAttribute,omitempty"` // The ID of the RrequestAttribute for the userTag
	IgnoreCase                 bool    `json:"ignoreCase,omitempty"`                 // If `true`, the value of this tag will always be stored in lower case. Defaults to `false`.

func (*UserTag) MarshalHCL

func (me *UserTag) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*UserTag) Schema

func (me *UserTag) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*UserTag) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *UserTag) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type UserTags

type UserTags []*UserTag

func (UserTags) MarshalHCL

func (me UserTags) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*UserTags) Schema

func (me *UserTags) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*UserTags) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *UserTags) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type VisuallyCompleteSettings

type VisuallyCompleteSettings struct {
	ExcludeURLRegex      *string `json:"excludeUrlRegex"`             // A RegularExpression used to exclude images and iframes from being detected by the VC module
	IgnoredMutationsList *string `json:"ignoredMutationsList"`        // Query selector for mutation nodes to ignore in VC and SI calculation
	MutationTimeout      *int32  `json:"mutationTimeout,omitempty"`   // Determines the time in ms VC waits after an action closes to start calculation. Defaults to 50. Valid values range from 0 to 5000.
	InactivityTimeout    *int32  `json:"inactivityTimeout,omitempty"` // The time in ms the VC module waits for no mutations happening on the page after the load action. Defaults to 1000. Valid values range from 0 to 30000.
	Threshold            *int32  `json:"threshold,omitempty"`         // Minimum visible area in pixels of elements to be counted towards VC and SI. Defaults to 50. Valid values range from 0 to 10000.

VisuallyCompleteSettings Settings for VisuallyComplete

func (*VisuallyCompleteSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *VisuallyCompleteSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*VisuallyCompleteSettings) Schema

func (me *VisuallyCompleteSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*VisuallyCompleteSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *VisuallyCompleteSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type WaterfallSettings

type WaterfallSettings struct {
	UncompressedResourcesThreshold           int32 `json:"uncompressedResourcesThreshold"`           // Warn about uncompressed resources larger than *X* bytes. Values between 0 and 99999 are allowed.
	ResourcesThreshold                       int32 `json:"resourcesThreshold"`                       // Warn about resources larger than *X* bytes. Values between 0 and 99999000 are allowed.
	ResourceBrowserCachingThreshold          int32 `json:"resourceBrowserCachingThreshold"`          // Warn about resources with a lower browser cache rate above *X*%. Values between 1 and 100 are allowed.
	SlowFirstPartyResourcesThreshold         int32 `json:"slowFirstPartyResourcesThreshold"`         // Warn about slow 1st party resources with a response time above *X* ms. Values between 0 and 99999000 are allowed.
	SlowThirdPartyResourcesThreshold         int32 `json:"slowThirdPartyResourcesThreshold"`         // Warn about slow 3rd party resources with a response time above *X* ms. Values between 0 and 99999000 are allowed.
	SlowCdnResourcesThreshold                int32 `json:"slowCdnResourcesThreshold"`                // Warn about slow CDN resources with a response time above *X* ms. Values between 0 and 99999000 are allowed.
	SpeedIndexVisuallyCompleteRatioThreshold int32 `json:"speedIndexVisuallyCompleteRatioThreshold"` // Warn if Speed index exceeds *X* % of Visually complete. Values between 1 and 99 are allowed.

WaterfallSettings These settings influence the monitoring data you receive for 3rd party, CDN, and 1st party resources

func (*WaterfallSettings) MarshalHCL

func (me *WaterfallSettings) MarshalHCL(properties hcl.Properties) error

func (*WaterfallSettings) Schema

func (me *WaterfallSettings) Schema() map[string]*schema.Schema

func (*WaterfallSettings) UnmarshalHCL

func (me *WaterfallSettings) UnmarshalHCL(decoder hcl.Decoder) error

type XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric

type XHRActionKeyPerformanceMetric string


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