An ntrip forwarding tool, the main purpose is to be able to support multiple devices at the same time through an ntrip account to obtain rtk correction data.
- Build
If all goes well, it will generate the ntrip-proxy executable in the bin folder of the current directory.
- Configuration
The default configuration file is in config/config.json in the same level as the executable. A reference example is as follows
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": 2101
"casters": [
"name": "SWIFT",
"host": "na.l1l2.skylark.swiftnav.com",
"port": 2101,
"username": "Your-Username",
"password": "Your-Password",
"mountpoint": "RTK-RTCM31"
"log": {
"development": true,
"level": "info",
"filename": "./logs/ntrip-proxy.log",
"maxSize": 16,
"maxBackups": 30,
"maxAge": 7,
"compress": false
- Run
# or
./ntrip-proxy --config the/path/of/config.json
- Help
./ntrip-proxy -h
Workflow diagram