* age
Get approximate age in years, months, weeks, days, and seconds.
*NB:* logic is currently untested, there may be improperly handled edge cases.
* durl
Decode URL encoding ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding][percent-encoding]]).
* email
CLI wrapper for AWS SES.
- SES to be set up for the sender's domain.
- AWS credentials to be available on host.
* geo
Get latitude and longitude via IP geolocation ([[https://ip-api.com/]]).
*NB:* Currently does not use ~HTTPS~.
* localtime
Get current localtime, with timezone optionally determined with IP geolocation ([[https://ip-api.com/]]).
*NB:* Currently does not use ~HTTPS~.
* mkdir-ymd
Create /YYYYMM/ and /YYYYMMDD/ directories.
* noip
Update a [[https://www.noip.com/][noip]] DDNS domain's IP.
* worldtime
Display world times.
#+begin_src text
NYC 20191207 341/365 49/52 6/7 103753 -0500 EST
Napoli 20191207 341/365 49/52 6/7 163753 +0100 CET
Shanghai 20191207 341/365 49/52 6/7 233753 +0800 CST
UTC 20191207 341/365 49/52 6/7 153753 +0000 UTC