Reverse proxy that adds index-level RBAC to Elasticsearch.
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Deflek man-in-the-middles requests to elasticsearch in order to apply a best effort to filter access
and mutate requests to be compatible, and to provide an audit log. It is not perfect, and probably never will be. Elasticsearch needs security to be baked in to do it properly. There are solutions that come closer to this,
like ReadOnlyREST, Search Guard or Elastic's own X-pack security, but all of those are also bolt-on security, in
the form of an Elasticsearch plugin. So use it at your own risk! Help make it better! Make a PR to add proper RBAC
to the core of Elasticsearch!
It currently requires fronting with a SSO authentication proxy (such as saml-proxy) to pass Username and Group headers for RBAC lookup. deflEK assumes these headers are trusted input. If that is not true for your use case, you MUST add your own authentication middleware, or else it will not work.
An example setup looks like this:
USER -> saml-proxy -> Kibana -> deflek -> Elasticsearch
To have Kibana pass user and group headers from saml-proxy
to deflek
, use Kibana's elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist
configuration option, documented here:
The headers specified in config.example.yaml
would be specified like this:
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: ["X-Remote-Groups", "X-Remote-User"]
- RBAC on indices and APIs
- Request traces - elasped time, query, errors, user, groups, indices, response code
- JSON logging, ready for indexing
deflek can enforce RBAC on HTTP methods for every HTTP API elasticsearch offers
aditionally, deflek has index awareness for the following APIs:
- _mget
- _msearch
- _all
- _search
- direct index access (/< index >/1)
deflek can also mutate wildcard requests on the fly, to support software like Kibana.
is included as a sample configuration file. This is also the config that should be used with integration tests. It includes the indices and API whitelisting necessary to support Kibana.
You will need to edit the headers to match what your authentication layer passes to deflek. You will also need to modify groups access to match what will be included via those headers.
Running it
Build docker image:
docker build -t deflek .
Deploy test stack to local Swarm:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.test.yml deflek
Testing it
Ensure you have the dependencies:
dep ensure
Use the example config:
cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
Run a test elasticsearch cluster, if needed:
docker run -p --rm -it -e "discovery.type=single-node" -v esdata1:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
Build and run deflek:
go build; ./deflEK
Run deflek integration and unit tests:
go test