DrumSniffer - based on GuitarSniffer by artman41 found here
Install WinPCap
Install USBPcap
Install vJoy
Windows 10
Other versions of Windows
- Open
and format your vJoy Device 1
to mirror the image below

Download the Application
- Download the latest release from here
Enjoy yourself!
Open the application and a gui will display showing all the currently held buttons & the CurrentPacket
at the bottom!

Phase Shift Setup
Since Clone Hero hasn't released anything yet the only current option to play with is Phase Shift.
Steam Version
After setting up the drum sniffer just open the game from Steam and the controller won't be recognized. It will then have you map all the drums. Pro cymbals work just fine for this.
Free Version
For four lane drums just download the controller mapper here. This will help you create a new profile to add to the device_list.ini in the settings folder of the Phase Shift install
Their controller profiler doesn't work with pro cymbals as far as I can tell so you need to follow the instructions here to map out all the drums and cymbals. It's not perfect. From what I've seen so far Clone Hero will be MUCH better!