This GO-lang JSON Parser will support extensions - meaning unknown
properties in the JSON. If you include a property in your struct
with the exts
json tag then all unknown JSON properties will be
placed in there. For example, struct that looks like:
struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Extras map[string]interface{} `json:",exts"`
Will result in this JSON:
{ "name": "john",
"address": "123 main street" }
being parsed as:
struct {
Name: "john",
Extras: {
"address": "123 main street",
To access a property that might be defined in your struct or within an
extension (meaning, be forwards and backward compatible), use:
StructGet(structValue, key)
For example:
address, err := jsonext.StructGet( person, "address" )
will find address
whether it ends up being defined as a sibling to
or ends up being parsed into Extras
See: future/future.go
for a full example of how to use it.