1. What is this?
This is a repository containing some common ultilities to build a Golang application. It supports:
- Watching files and raising actions
- Logging in JSON or normal format in a performant way using uzap
- Building CLI tools with many parameters and binding them to a config struct
- Mocking HTTP requests
- Mocking K8s API results
2. Features
2.1. File watching
By default, the building watcher with fsnotify supports monitoring existing file until it's deleted. It doesn't support watching a file that doesn't exist, or it is deleted and re-creted again.
The module filewatcher
in this repository solves all these limitations.
package main
import (
func main() {
var handler = func(f *filewatcher.FileWatcher, event fsnotify.Event) {
fmt.Printf("Receive event: %#v\n", event)
// watch file "my_file.txt" even if it does not exist yet
fw, err := filewatcher.New("my_file.txt", handler, nil)
if err == nil {
The code above monitors file my_file.txt
We can run the code with go run main.go
in a Terminal tab. At this time, the monitored file does not exist. Please open another Terminal tab to create that file, do modification or delete the file. The application will print all events happened on that file.
2.2. Logging
Module logger
provides a simple and efficient way to log events in Golang application using uzap
and logr
package main
import (
func main() {
// Using logger with default configuration
logger.Root.WithName("OptionalLoggerName").Info("This is a simple log at level 0")
logger.Root.Info("This is a simple log at level 0 with some key-value pairs", "podName", "indexer-0", "No.", 1)
logger.Root.WithValues("podName", "indexer-0", "No.", 1).Info("The same simple log at level 0 with some key-value pairs")
logger.Root.Info("This is a simple log at level 1")
logger.Root.V(2).Info("This message is not printed because its level =2, higher than the default max allowed level = 1")
// if we want to change the configuration
Folder: "logs", // where to store the log files
Environment: "prod", // or any other value to use Environment "development"
Encoder: "json", // or any other value to use encoder "console"
LogToConsole: true, // it will write logs to file and stdout
Level: 3, // The maximum level of the logs that can be printed
MaxSizeInMB: 100, // max size of each log file before rolling
MaxAge: 10, // max age of a log file
Compress: true,
logger.Root.V(2).Info("This message is printed as its level = 2, lower than max allowed level = 3")
logger.Root.V(4).Info("This message is not printed anywhere as its level = 4, higher than max allowed level = 3")
logger.Root.V(5).Error(errors.New("a dummy error"), "This error message is still printed even if its level is higher than the max allowed level")
When runnning that application with go run main.go
, we got:
2023-06-28T01:00:37.288+0200 INFO OptionalLoggerName logging/main.go:11 This is a simple log at level 0
2023-06-28T01:00:37.290+0200 INFO logging/main.go:13 This is a simple log at level 0 with some key-value pairs {"podName": "indexer-0", "No.": 1}
2023-06-28T01:00:37.290+0200 INFO logging/main.go:14 The same simple log at level 0 with some key-value pairs {"podName": "indexer-0", "No.": 1}
2023-06-28T01:00:37.290+0200 INFO logging/main.go:15 This is a simple log at level 1
{"level":"Level(-2)","ts":1687906837.2905312,"caller":"logging/main.go:30","msg":"This message is printed as its level = 2, lower than max allowed level = 3"}
{"level":"error","ts":1687906837.290842,"caller":"logging/main.go:32","msg":"This error message is still printed even if its level is higher than the max allowed level","error":"a dummy error"}
2.3 Parameters binding
When building CLI application that can handle different parameters, we can use either the building package flag
or other 3rd party library.
For example:
package main
import (
var (
file = flag.String("k8sconfig", "", "Path to K8s config file")
namespace = flag.String("namespace", "", "Namespace")
count = flag.Int("count", 2, "count params")
repeat = flag.Bool("repeat", false, "Repeat execution")
func main() {
fmt.Println("file name: ", *file)
fmt.Println("Namespace: ", *namespace)
fmt.Println("count: ", *count)
fmt.Println("repeat: ", *repeat)
The above application defines 3 flags: "file", "count" and "repeat".
They works fine for simple cases. However, when we need to bind the parameters into a struct, for instance, a configuration struct, it can be more verbose.
And what if we want to support using parameters from environment variables?
The module vcflag
is designed for that purpose. It uses package viper
to read and store configuration in different ways: from CLI params, from file, from environment variables...
For example, our application has a struct Config to store the configurations.
package main
import (
type K8sConfig struct {
KubeConfigFilePath string `yaml:"kubeConfigPath"`
Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"`
type Config struct {
K8sCfg K8sConfig `yaml:"k8sConfig"`
Count int `yaml:"count" pflag:"count"`
Repeat bool `yaml:"repeat" flag:"repeat"`
NoUseInFlag int `pflag:"-"`
// Logger configuration
Logger logger.LoggerConfig `yaml:"logger"`
var configManager *viper.Viper
var cfgFile string // allow user to specify the config file in a custom path
var generateEmptyConfig bool // should we generate empty config file?
// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "vcflag",
Short: "A simple application to demo vcflag",
Long: `An application to show how can we use vcflag with viper and corba
to build rich functionality CLI`,
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// This function will be run before the main logic execution
if generateEmptyConfig {
b, err := yaml.Marshal(Config{})
os.WriteFile("config.yaml", b, os.ModePerm)
return err
// before running the command, we need to setup the config manager
// to ask it to look at the configuration file in different directories
return setupConfigManager(configManager, "config", cmd, args)
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
logger.Root.Info("Starting the main logic of the command here")
currentConfig, _ := getConfigFromManager(configManager)
logger.Root.Info("We can use the config object", "config", currentConfig)
// this function is executed automatically whenever we use package main
// That means, it will be executed first ( before the global variables delaration)
func init() {
configManager = viper.New()
// allow user to specify the config file in any custom location
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&generateEmptyConfig, "generate-empty-config", false, "generate empty config file?")
// generate flags from config struct
// to allow us override configuration from the command line
if err := vcflag.GenerateFlags(Config{}, configManager, rootCmd); err != nil {
// allow user to use environment variable to override the parameters (flags))
vcflag.BindEnvVarsToFlags(configManager, rootCmd, "DEMO", &logger.Root)
func main() {
err := rootCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
// setupConfigManager configures the configuration manager by setting up folders that can contain configuration files
func setupConfigManager(cfgManager *viper.Viper, configFileName string, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// look for configuration file containing command name by order of the lower priority:
// first ./configs/yaml, then ./config.yaml, and then $HOME/.vcflag/config.yaml
configLocations := []string{"./configs/" + cmd.Name(), "./configs", ".", fmt.Sprintf("$HOME/.%s", cmd.Root().Name())}
if err := vcflag.InitConfigReader(
cfgManager, cmd, cfgFile, configFileName, "yaml",
configLocations, strings.ToUpper(cmd.Name()), &logger.Root, true,
); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getConfigFromManager returns the configuration object from viper object
// Note that viper takes the config from files, environment variables, and CLI flags
func getConfigFromManager(confManager *viper.Viper) (*Config, error) {
conf := &Config{}
if len(confManager.AllSettings()) == 0 {
return nil, nil
err := confManager.Unmarshal(conf)
if err != nil {
logger.Root.WithName("CFG").Error(err, "unable to decode into config struct")
return nil, err
return conf, nil
When building using go build
then executing the above application:
./vcflag -h
An application to show how can we use vcflag with viper and corba
to build rich functionality CLI
vcflag [flags]
--Count int Overrided by Env Var DEMO_COUNT
--K8sCfg.KubeConfigFilePath string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_K8SCFG__KUBECONFIGFILEPATH
--K8sCfg.Namespace string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_K8SCFG__NAMESPACE
--Logger.Compress Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__COMPRESS
--Logger.Encoder string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__ENCODER
--Logger.Environment string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__ENVIRONMENT
--Logger.Filename string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__FILENAME
--Logger.Folder string Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__FOLDER
--Logger.Level int Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__LEVEL
--Logger.LogToConsole Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__LOGTOCONSOLE
--Logger.MaxAge int Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__MAXAGE
--Logger.MaxBackups int Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__MAXBACKUPS
--Logger.MaxSizeInMB int Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__MAXSIZEINMB
--Logger.SkipCaller Overrided by Env Var DEMO_LOGGER__SKIPCALLER
--Repeat Overrided by Env Var DEMO_REPEAT
--config string config file
--generate-empty-config generate empty config file?
-h, --help help for vcflag
We are able to use config from a yaml file from some default directories. If the application cannot find the config file in these folder, it will panic.
Or we can specify our configuration file through --config <path_to_config_file>
We can also use environment variables to override the values, for example:
# override the log level to 3
To see how a config file is look like, please run ./vcflag --generate-empty-config