
v1.0.215 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 11, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0




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const (
	LogTable = "weishi"


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type AnalysisResponse

type AnalysisResponse struct {
	Ret  int    `json:"ret"`
	Msg  string `json:"msg"`
	Data struct {
		Feeds []struct {
			Id       string `json:"id"`
			Wording  string `json:"wording"`
			Type     int    `json:"type"`
			PosterId string `json:"poster_id"`
			Poster   struct {
				Id                string `json:"id"`
				Type              int    `json:"type"`
				Uid               string `json:"uid"`
				Createtime        int    `json:"createtime"`
				Nick              string `json:"nick"`
				Avatar            string `json:"avatar"`
				Sex               int    `json:"sex"`
				FeedlistTimeId    string `json:"feedlist_time_id"`
				FeedlistHotId     string `json:"feedlist_hot_id"`
				RelatedFeedlistId string `json:"related_feedlist_id"`
				FollowerlistId    string `json:"followerlist_id"`
				InteresterlistId  string `json:"interesterlist_id"`
				ChatlistId        string `json:"chatlist_id"`
				RichFlag          int    `json:"rich_flag"`
				Age               int    `json:"age"`
				Address           string `json:"address"`
				Wealth            struct {
					FlowerNum int `json:"flower_num"`
					Score     int `json:"score"`
				} `json:"wealth"`
				Background        string `json:"background"`
				Status            string `json:"status"`
				FollowStatus      int    `json:"followStatus"`
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				ChartRank         int    `json:"chartRank"`
				FeedGoldNum       int    `json:"feedGoldNum"`
				AvatarUpdatetime  int    `json:"avatar_updatetime"`
				DescFromOperator  string `json:"desc_from_operator"`
				SyncContent       int    `json:"sync_content"`
				FeedlistPraiseId  string `json:"feedlist_praise_id"`
				Settingmask       int    `json:"settingmask"`
				Originalavatar    string `json:"originalavatar"`
				BlockTime         string `json:"block_time"`
				Grade             int    `json:"grade"`
				Medal             int    `json:"medal"`
				BlockReason       string `json:"block_reason"`
				Qq                int    `json:"qq"`
				RecommendReason   string `json:"recommendReason"`
				LastUpdateFeedNum int    `json:"lastUpdateFeedNum"`
				Updateinfo        struct {
					Flag int    `json:"flag"`
					Tip  string `json:"tip"`
					Num  int    `json:"num"`
				} `json:"updateinfo"`
				NickUpdatetime     int64  `json:"nick_updatetime"`
				LastDownloadAvatar string `json:"lastDownloadAvatar"`
				RealName           string `json:"realName"`
				PinyinFirst        string `json:"pinyin_first"`
				CertifDesc         string `json:"certif_desc"`
				PrivateInfo        struct {
					PhoneNum string `json:"phone_num"`
					Name     string `json:"name"`
					IdNum    string `json:"id_num"`
				} `json:"privateInfo"`
				ExternInfo struct {
					MpEx struct {
						DarenPriority        string `json:"daren_priority"`
						LoginResaveOldAvatar string `json:"loginResaveOldAvatar"`
						LoginResaveNewAvatar string `json:"loginResaveNewAvatar"`
						LoginResaveTime      string `json:"loginResaveTime"`
						DarenCompany         string `json:"daren_company"`
						AuditPriority        string `json:"audit_priority"`
						SubPriority          string `json:"sub_priority"`
					} `json:"mpEx"`
					BindAcct  []interface{} `json:"bind_acct"`
					BgPicUrl  string        `json:"bgPicUrl"`
					LevelInfo struct {
						Level           int `json:"level"`
						Score           int `json:"score"`
						PrevUpgradeTime int `json:"prev_upgrade_time"`
					} `json:"level_info"`
					WeishiId            string `json:"weishiId"`
					WeishiidModifyCount string `json:"weishiid_modify_count"`
					WatermarkType       int    `json:"watermark_type"`
					RealNick            string `json:"real_nick"`
					CmtLevel            struct {
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						Dingscore       int `json:"dingscore"`
						PrevUpgradeTime int `json:"prev_upgrade_time"`
					} `json:"cmt_level"`
					FlexibilityFlag int `json:"flexibility_flag"`
					LiveStatus      int `json:"live_status"`
					NowLiveRoomId   int `json:"now_live_room_id"`
					MedalInfo       struct {
						TotalScore int           `json:"total_score"`
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					H5HasLogin int `json:"h5_has_login"`
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					City     string `json:"city"`
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					InvitePersonid string `json:"invitePersonid"`
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				Md5          string `json:"md5"`
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				Loudnorm     string `json:"loudnorm"`
				MetaLoudnorm struct {
					InputI            string `json:"input_i"`
					InputTp           string `json:"input_tp"`
					InputLra          string `json:"input_lra"`
					InputThresh       string `json:"input_thresh"`
					OutputI           string `json:"output_i"`
					OutputTp          string `json:"output_tp"`
					OutputLra         string `json:"output_lra"`
					OutputThresh      string `json:"output_thresh"`
					NormalizationType string `json:"normalization_type"`
					TargetOffset      string `json:"target_offset"`
					WeishiI           string `json:"weishi_i"`
					WeishiTp          string `json:"weishi_tp"`
					WeishiLra         string `json:"weishi_lra"`
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			Createtime       int           `json:"createtime"`
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			Topic    struct {
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				Type           int           `json:"type"`
				Reserve        struct {
				} `json:"reserve"`
				ViewNum    int `json:"view_num"`
				StartTime  int `json:"start_time"`
				EndTime    int `json:"end_time"`
				AppVersion int `json:"appVersion"`
				WorkNum    int `json:"workNum"`
				LikeNum    int `json:"likeNum"`
				Person     struct {
					Id                string `json:"id"`
					Type              int    `json:"type"`
					Uid               string `json:"uid"`
					Createtime        int    `json:"createtime"`
					Nick              string `json:"nick"`
					Avatar            string `json:"avatar"`
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					FeedlistTimeId    string `json:"feedlist_time_id"`
					FeedlistHotId     string `json:"feedlist_hot_id"`
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					FollowerlistId    string `json:"followerlist_id"`
					InteresterlistId  string `json:"interesterlist_id"`
					ChatlistId        string `json:"chatlist_id"`
					RichFlag          int    `json:"rich_flag"`
					Age               int    `json:"age"`
					Address           string `json:"address"`
					Wealth            struct {
						FlowerNum int `json:"flower_num"`
						Score     int `json:"score"`
					} `json:"wealth"`
					Background        string `json:"background"`
					Status            string `json:"status"`
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						Num  int    `json:"num"`
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						City     string `json:"city"`
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type AnalysisResult

type AnalysisResult struct {
	Result AnalysisResponse   // 结果
	Body   []byte             // 内容
	Http   gorequest.Response // 请求
	Err    error              // 错误

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client 实例

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *ClientConfig) (*Client, error)

NewClient 创建实例化

func (*Client) Analysis

func (c *Client) Analysis(ctx context.Context, content string) *AnalysisResult

Analysis 微视解析

func (*Client) ConfigSLogClientFun added in v1.0.162

func (c *Client) ConfigSLogClientFun(apiSLogFun golog.ApiSLogFun)

ConfigSLogClientFun 日志配置

func (*Client) DefaultHttp added in v1.0.177

func (c *Client) DefaultHttp()

DefaultHttp 默认请求

func (*Client) SetHttp added in v1.0.177

func (c *Client) SetHttp(app *gorequest.App)

SetHttp 配置请求

type ClientConfig added in v1.0.52

type ClientConfig struct {

ClientConfig 实例配置

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL