This module provides the godoc tool that renders HTML for Go documentation.
The purpose of this tool is to experiment with proposed GoDoc features.
The godoc tool can be installed by running:
go install
Navigate to within a module that you would like rendered and invoke the godoc tool.
The tool will serve Go documentation for all packages (including transitively reachable packages) within that module.
This tool only works with Go modules.
The godoc tool can be run in one of two modes:
Serve mode: In serve mode (the default), godoc starts up an HTTP server
that serves webpages of Go documentation. When the server starts,
it prints the URL for the current package or module.
Example usage:
$ cd $PROTOBUF_MODULE # or any other module directory
$ godoc -serve=
Archive mode: In archive mode (which is specified using the "-archive" flag),
godoc emits a TAR archive of statically generated HTML files.
Example usage:
$ cd $PROTOBUF_MODULE # or any other module directory
$ godoc -archive=- | tar -x --directory $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
main.go:117: rendering ""
main.go:117: rendering "archive"
main.go:117: rendering "archive/tar"
main.go:117: rendering "archive/zip"
main.go:117: rendering "bufio"
main.go:117: rendering "builtin"
main.go:117: rendering "bytes"
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
The example above emits a TAR archive to stdout,
which we immediately extract into some output directory.
Afterwards, we change the working directory into the output directory and
use Python's SimpleHTTPServer module to serve the statically generated files.