Index ¶
- type BubbleOverlay
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Brush() gxui.Brush
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Hide()
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Init(outer BubbleOverlayOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren()
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Pen() gxui.Pen
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetBrush(brush gxui.Brush)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetPen(pen gxui.Pen)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Show(control gxui.Control, target math.Point)
- type BubbleOverlayOuter
- type Button
- func (b *Button) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (b *Button) Init(outer ButtonOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *Button) IsChecked() bool
- func (b *Button) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (b *Button) Label() gxui.Label
- func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (b *Button) SetText(text string)
- func (b *Button) SetType(buttonType gxui.ButtonType)
- func (b *Button) Text() string
- func (b *Button) Type() gxui.ButtonType
- type ButtonOuter
- type CodeEditor
- func (t *CodeEditor) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *CodeEditor) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (TextBoxLine, gxui.Control)
- func (t *CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List
- func (t *CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList()
- func (t *CodeEditor) Init(outer CodeEditorOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
- func (t *CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing() bool
- func (t *CodeEditor) ItemSize(theme gxui.Theme) math.Size
- func (t *CodeEditor) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *CodeEditor) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *CodeEditor) Line(idx int) TextBoxLine
- func (t *CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider(provider gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider)
- func (t *CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers(layers gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers)
- func (t *CodeEditor) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
- func (t *CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList()
- func (t *CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList()
- func (t *CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider() gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider
- func (t *CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers() gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers
- func (t *CodeEditor) TabWidth() int
- type CodeEditorLine
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) Init(outer CodeEditorLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, ce *CodeEditor, lineIndex int)
- func (t *CodeEditorLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- type CodeEditorLineOuter
- type CodeEditorLinePaintInfo
- type CodeEditorOuter
- type CreateExpandButton
- type DefaultTextBoxLine
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Init(outer DefaultTextBoxLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, textbox *TextBox, ...)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes(s, e int) math.Size
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth(width int)
- type DefaultTextBoxLineOuter
- type DropDownList
- func (l *DropDownList) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
- func (l *DropDownList) BubbleOverlay() gxui.BubbleOverlay
- func (l *DropDownList) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *DropDownList) DataReplaced()
- func (l *DropDownList) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *DropDownList) HideList()
- func (l *DropDownList) Init(outer DropDownListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *DropDownList) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *DropDownList) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *DropDownList) List() gxui.List
- func (l *DropDownList) ListShowing() bool
- func (l *DropDownList) OnHideList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) OnShowList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *DropDownList) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *DropDownList) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (l *DropDownList) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
- func (l *DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay(overlay gxui.BubbleOverlay)
- func (l *DropDownList) ShowList() bool
- type DropDownListOuter
- type Image
- func (i *Image) AspectMode() gxui.AspectMode
- func (i *Image) Canvas() gxui.Canvas
- func (i *Image) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (i *Image) Init(outer ImageOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (i *Image) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (i *Image) PixelAt(p math.Point) (math.Point, bool)
- func (i *Image) ScalingMode() gxui.ScalingMode
- func (i *Image) SetAspectMode(mode gxui.AspectMode)
- func (i *Image) SetCanvas(canvas gxui.Canvas)
- func (i *Image) SetExplicitSize(explicitSize math.Size)
- func (i *Image) SetScalingMode(mode gxui.ScalingMode)
- func (i *Image) SetTexture(tex gxui.Texture)
- func (i *Image) Texture() gxui.Texture
- type ImageOuter
- type Label
- func (l *Label) Color() gxui.Color
- func (l *Label) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *Label) Font() gxui.Font
- func (l *Label) HorizontalAlignment() gxui.HorizontalAlignment
- func (l *Label) Init(outer LabelOuter, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font, color gxui.Color)
- func (l *Label) Multiline() bool
- func (l *Label) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *Label) SetColor(color gxui.Color)
- func (l *Label) SetFont(font gxui.Font)
- func (l *Label) SetHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment gxui.HorizontalAlignment)
- func (l *Label) SetMultiline(multiline bool)
- func (l *Label) SetText(text string)
- func (l *Label) SetVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment gxui.VerticalAlignment)
- func (l *Label) Text() string
- func (l *Label) VerticalAlignment() gxui.VerticalAlignment
- type LabelOuter
- type LinearLayout
- type LinearLayoutOuter
- type List
- func (l *List) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
- func (l *List) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) DataChanged()
- func (l *List) DataReplaced()
- func (l *List) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *List) Init(outer ListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *List) IsItemVisible(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) ItemClicked(ev gxui.MouseEvent, item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *List) ItemControl(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.Control
- func (l *List) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *List) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *List) MajorAxisItemSize() int
- func (l *List) MouseExit(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (l *List) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (l *List) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *List) OnItemClicked(f func(gxui.MouseEvent, gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *List) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *List) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (l *List) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *List) PaintChild(c gxui.Canvas, child *gxui.Child, idx int)
- func (l *List) PaintMouseOverBackground(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (l *List) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (l *List) RemoveAll()
- func (l *List) ScrollBarEnabled(bool) bool
- func (l *List) ScrollTo(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *List) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) SelectNext()
- func (l *List) SelectPrevious()
- func (l *List) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (l *List) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
- func (l *List) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (l *List) SetScrollBarEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (l *List) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset int)
- func (l *List) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (l *List) SizeChanged()
- func (l *List) UpdateItemMouseOver()
- func (l *List) VisibleItemRange(includePartiallyVisible bool) (startIndex, endIndex int)
- type ListOuter
- type PanelEntry
- type PanelHolder
- func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanel(panel gxui.Control, name string)
- func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanelAt(panel gxui.Control, name string, index int)
- func (p *PanelHolder) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (p *PanelHolder) Init(outer PanelHolderOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (p *PanelHolder) LayoutChildren()
- func (p *PanelHolder) Panel(index int) gxui.Control
- func (p *PanelHolder) PanelCount() int
- func (p *PanelHolder) PanelIndex(panel gxui.Control) int
- func (p *PanelHolder) RemovePanel(panel gxui.Control)
- func (p *PanelHolder) Select(index int)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SelectedPanel() gxui.Control
- func (p *PanelHolder) Tab(index int) gxui.Control
- type PanelHolderOuter
- type PanelTab
- type PanelTabCreater
- type ProgressBar
- func (b *ProgressBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (b *ProgressBar) Init(outer ProgressBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (b *ProgressBar) PaintProgress(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect, frac float32)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Progress() int
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize(size math.Size)
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetProgress(progress int)
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetTarget(target int)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Target() int
- type ProgressBarOuter
- type ScrollBar
- func (s *ScrollBar) AutoHide() bool
- func (s *ScrollBar) BarBrush() gxui.Brush
- func (s *ScrollBar) BarPen() gxui.Pen
- func (s *ScrollBar) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (s *ScrollBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (s *ScrollBar) Init(outer ScrollBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (s *ScrollBar) IsVisible() bool
- func (s *ScrollBar) MouseDown(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (s *ScrollBar) OnScroll(f func(from, to int)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (s *ScrollBar) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (s *ScrollBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (s *ScrollBar) RailBrush() gxui.Brush
- func (s *ScrollBar) RailPen() gxui.Pen
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollFraction() (from, to float32)
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollLimit() int
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollPosition() (from, to int)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetAutoHide(autoHide bool)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetBarBrush(b gxui.Brush)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetBarPen(b gxui.Pen)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetRailBrush(b gxui.Brush)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetRailPen(b gxui.Pen)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetScrollLimit(l int)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetScrollPosition(from, to int)
- type ScrollBarOuter
- type ScrollLayout
- func (l *ScrollLayout) Child() gxui.Control
- func (l *ScrollLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *ScrollLayout) Init(outer ScrollLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *ScrollLayout) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis() (horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetChild(control gxui.Control)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis(horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset math.Point) bool
- type ScrollLayoutOuter
- type SplitterBar
- func (b *SplitterBar) Init(outer SplitterBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *SplitterBar) IsDragging() bool
- func (b *SplitterBar) MouseDown(e gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragEnd(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragStart(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged(f func(wndPnt math.Point))
- func (b *SplitterBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (b *SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor(c gxui.Color)
- func (b *SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor(c gxui.Color)
- type SplitterBarOuter
- type SplitterLayout
- func (l *SplitterLayout) AddChildAt(index int, control gxui.Control) *gxui.Child
- func (l *SplitterLayout) ChildWeight(child gxui.Control) float32
- func (l *SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control
- func (l *SplitterLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *SplitterLayout) Init(outer SplitterLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *SplitterLayout) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (l *SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt(index int)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight(child gxui.Control, weight float32)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged(splitter gxui.Control, wndPnt math.Point)
- type SplitterLayoutOuter
- type SuggestionAdapter
- type TextBox
- func (t *TextBox) Carets() []int
- func (t *TextBox) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (line TextBoxLine, container gxui.Control)
- func (t *TextBox) DesiredWidth() int
- func (t *TextBox) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) Font() gxui.Font
- func (t *TextBox) Init(outer TextBoxOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
- func (t *TextBox) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) LineEnd(line int) int
- func (t *TextBox) LineIndex(runeIndex int) int
- func (t *TextBox) LineStart(line int) int
- func (t *TextBox) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (t *TextBox) Multiline() bool
- func (t *TextBox) OnRedrawLines(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) OnSelectionChanged(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) OnTextChanged(f func([]gxui.TextBoxEdit)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) PaintMouseOverBackground(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *TextBox) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *TextBox) RuneIndexAt(pnt math.Point) (index int, found bool)
- func (t *TextBox) Runes() []rune
- func (t *TextBox) ScrollToLine(i int)
- func (t *TextBox) ScrollToRune(i int)
- func (t *TextBox) Select(sel gxui.TextSelectionList)
- func (t *TextBox) SelectAll()
- func (t *TextBox) SetDesiredWidth(desiredWidth int)
- func (t *TextBox) SetFont(font gxui.Font)
- func (t *TextBox) SetMultiline(multiline bool)
- func (t *TextBox) SetText(text string)
- func (t *TextBox) SetTextColor(color gxui.Color)
- func (t *TextBox) Text() string
- func (t *TextBox) TextAt(s, e int) string
- func (t *TextBox) TextColor() gxui.Color
- func (t *TextBox) WordAt(runeIndex int) string
- type TextBoxAdapter
- type TextBoxLine
- type TextBoxOuter
- type Tree
- func (t *Tree) Adapter() gxui.TreeAdapter
- func (t *Tree) CollapseAll()
- func (t *Tree) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (t *Tree) CreateExpandButton(theme gxui.Theme, node *TreeInternalNode) gxui.Button
- func (t *Tree) ExpandAll()
- func (t *Tree) Init(outer TreeOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (t *Tree) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *Tree) PaintChild(c gxui.Canvas, child *gxui.Child, idx int)
- func (t *Tree) PaintUnexpandedSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *Tree) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.TreeAdapter)
- func (t *Tree) Show(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- type TreeInternalNode
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) Child(i int) (parent *TreeInternalNode)
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) Collapse() bool
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) CollapseAll()
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) Expand() bool
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) ExpandAll()
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) FindByIndex(idx int) (parent *TreeInternalNode, childIndex int, depth int)
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) FindByItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) (parent *TreeInternalNode, childIndex int, depth int)
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) IsExpanded() bool
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) IsLeaf() bool
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) Item() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
- func (n *TreeInternalNode) OnExpandedChanged(f func(bool)) gxui.EventSubscription
- type TreeOuter
- type TreeToListAdapter
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Collapse(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Contains(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Count() int
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Create(theme gxui.Theme, index int) gxui.Control
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) DeepestVisibleAncestor(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Expand(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAllParents(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt(index int) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
- func (a TreeToListAdapter) Size(theme gxui.Theme) math.Size
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (w *Window) Close()
- func (w *Window) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (w *Window) Draw() gxui.Canvas
- func (w *Window) Focus() gxui.Focusable
- func (w *Window) Fullscreen() bool
- func (w *Window) Hide()
- func (w *Window) Init(outer WindowOuter, driver gxui.Driver, width, height int, title string)
- func (w *Window) IsVisible() bool
- func (w *Window) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent)
- func (w *Window) KeyStroke(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)
- func (w *Window) LayoutChildren()
- func (w *Window) OnClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnClose(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnDoubleClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyDown(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyRepeat(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyStroke(f func(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyUp(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseDown(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseEnter(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseExit(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseMove(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseScroll(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseUp(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnResize(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (w *Window) Parent() gxui.Container
- func (w *Window) Redraw()
- func (w *Window) Relayout()
- func (w *Window) Scale() float32
- func (w *Window) SetFocus(c gxui.Control) bool
- func (w *Window) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
- func (w *Window) SetScale(scale float32)
- func (w *Window) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (w *Window) SetTitle(t string)
- func (w *Window) Show()
- func (w *Window) Size() math.Size
- func (w *Window) Title() string
- func (w *Window) Viewport() gxui.Viewport
- type WindowOuter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BubbleOverlay ¶
func (*BubbleOverlay) Brush ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Brush() gxui.Brush
func (*BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*BubbleOverlay) Hide ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Hide()
func (*BubbleOverlay) Init ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Init(outer BubbleOverlayOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren()
func (*BubbleOverlay) Paint ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*BubbleOverlay) Pen ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Pen() gxui.Pen
func (*BubbleOverlay) SetBrush ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetBrush(brush gxui.Brush)
func (*BubbleOverlay) SetPen ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetPen(pen gxui.Pen)
type BubbleOverlayOuter ¶
type BubbleOverlayOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type Button ¶
type Button struct { LinearLayout parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) Click ¶
func (b *Button) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*Button) SetChecked ¶
func (*Button) SetType ¶
func (b *Button) SetType(buttonType gxui.ButtonType)
func (*Button) Type ¶
func (b *Button) Type() gxui.ButtonType
type ButtonOuter ¶
type ButtonOuter interface { LinearLayoutOuter IsChecked() bool SetChecked(bool) }
type CodeEditor ¶
type CodeEditor struct { TextBox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CodeEditor) Click ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
mixins.List overrides
func (*CodeEditor) CreateLine ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (TextBoxLine, gxui.Control)
mixins.TextBox overrides
func (*CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List
func (*CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) Init ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) Init(outer CodeEditorOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
func (*CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing() bool
func (*CodeEditor) KeyPress ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
func (*CodeEditor) KeyStroke ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
func (*CodeEditor) Line ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) Line(idx int) TextBoxLine
func (*CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider(provider gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider)
func (*CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers(layers gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers)
func (*CodeEditor) SetTabWidth ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
func (*CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider() gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider
func (*CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers() gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers
func (*CodeEditor) TabWidth ¶
func (t *CodeEditor) TabWidth() int
type CodeEditorLine ¶
type CodeEditorLine struct { DefaultTextBoxLine // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CodeEditorLine) Init ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) Init(outer CodeEditorLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, ce *CodeEditor, lineIndex int)
func (*CodeEditorLine) Paint ¶
func (t *CodeEditorLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
DefaultTextBoxLine overrides
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans ¶
func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders ¶
func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs ¶
func (t *CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
type CodeEditorLineOuter ¶
type CodeEditorLineOuter interface { DefaultTextBoxLineOuter PaintBackgroundSpans(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintGlyphs(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintBorders(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) }
type CodeEditorLinePaintInfo ¶
type CodeEditorOuter ¶
type CodeEditorOuter interface { TextBoxOuter CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List }
type CreateExpandButton ¶
type CreateExpandButton func(theme gxui.Theme, node *TreeInternalNode) gxui.Button
type DefaultTextBoxLine ¶
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) Init ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Init(outer DefaultTextBoxLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, textbox *TextBox, lineIndex int)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes(s, e int) math.Size
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
TextBoxLine compliance
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth(width int)
type DefaultTextBoxLineOuter ¶
type DropDownList ¶
type DropDownList struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropDownList) Adapter ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
func (*DropDownList) BubbleOverlay ¶
func (l *DropDownList) BubbleOverlay() gxui.BubbleOverlay
func (*DropDownList) Click ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*DropDownList) DataReplaced ¶
func (l *DropDownList) DataReplaced()
func (*DropDownList) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *DropDownList) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*DropDownList) HideList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) HideList()
func (*DropDownList) Init ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Init(outer DropDownListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*DropDownList) KeyPress ¶
func (l *DropDownList) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*DropDownList) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *DropDownList) LayoutChildren()
func (*DropDownList) List ¶
func (l *DropDownList) List() gxui.List
func (*DropDownList) ListShowing ¶
func (l *DropDownList) ListShowing() bool
func (*DropDownList) OnHideList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnHideList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) OnShowList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnShowList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) Select ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*DropDownList) Selected ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
func (*DropDownList) SetAdapter ¶
func (l *DropDownList) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
func (*DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay ¶
func (l *DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay(overlay gxui.BubbleOverlay)
gxui.DropDownList compliance
func (*DropDownList) ShowList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) ShowList() bool
type DropDownListOuter ¶
type DropDownListOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type Image ¶
type Image struct { base.Control parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Image) AspectMode ¶
func (i *Image) AspectMode() gxui.AspectMode
func (*Image) ScalingMode ¶
func (i *Image) ScalingMode() gxui.ScalingMode
func (*Image) SetAspectMode ¶
func (i *Image) SetAspectMode(mode gxui.AspectMode)
func (*Image) SetExplicitSize ¶
func (*Image) SetScalingMode ¶
func (i *Image) SetScalingMode(mode gxui.ScalingMode)
func (*Image) SetTexture ¶
type ImageOuter ¶
type ImageOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type Label ¶
func (*Label) HorizontalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) HorizontalAlignment() gxui.HorizontalAlignment
func (*Label) SetHorizontalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) SetHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment gxui.HorizontalAlignment)
func (*Label) SetMultiline ¶
func (*Label) SetVerticalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) SetVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment gxui.VerticalAlignment)
func (*Label) VerticalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) VerticalAlignment() gxui.VerticalAlignment
type LabelOuter ¶
type LabelOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type LinearLayout ¶
type LinearLayout struct { base.Container parts.LinearLayout parts.BackgroundBorderPainter }
func (*LinearLayout) Init ¶
func (l *LinearLayout) Init(outer LinearLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*LinearLayout) Paint ¶
func (l *LinearLayout) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
type LinearLayoutOuter ¶
type LinearLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type List ¶
type List struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*List) ContainsItem ¶
func (l *List) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*List) DataChanged ¶
func (l *List) DataChanged()
func (*List) DataReplaced ¶
func (l *List) DataReplaced()
func (*List) IsItemVisible ¶
func (l *List) IsItemVisible(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*List) ItemClicked ¶
func (l *List) ItemClicked(ev gxui.MouseEvent, item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*List) ItemControl ¶
func (l *List) ItemControl(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.Control
func (*List) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *List) LayoutChildren()
func (*List) MajorAxisItemSize ¶
func (*List) MouseExit ¶
func (l *List) MouseExit(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*List) MouseScroll ¶
func (l *List) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
func (*List) OnItemClicked ¶
func (l *List) OnItemClicked(f func(gxui.MouseEvent, gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*List) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (l *List) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*List) Orientation ¶
func (l *List) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*List) PaintChild ¶
PaintChildren overrides
func (*List) PaintMouseOverBackground ¶
func (*List) ScrollBarEnabled ¶
func (*List) ScrollTo ¶
func (l *List) ScrollTo(item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*List) SelectNext ¶
func (l *List) SelectNext()
func (*List) SelectPrevious ¶
func (l *List) SelectPrevious()
func (*List) Selected ¶
func (l *List) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
func (*List) SetAdapter ¶
func (l *List) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
func (*List) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *List) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*List) SetScrollBarEnabled ¶
func (*List) SetScrollOffset ¶
func (*List) SizeChanged ¶
func (l *List) SizeChanged()
func (*List) UpdateItemMouseOver ¶
func (l *List) UpdateItemMouseOver()
func (*List) VisibleItemRange ¶
type PanelEntry ¶
type PanelEntry struct { Tab PanelTab Panel gxui.Control MouseDownSubscription gxui.EventSubscription }
type PanelHolder ¶
func (*PanelHolder) AddPanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanel(panel gxui.Control, name string)
gxui.PanelHolder compliance
func (*PanelHolder) AddPanelAt ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanelAt(panel gxui.Control, name string, index int)
func (*PanelHolder) DesiredSize ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*PanelHolder) Init ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) Init(outer PanelHolderOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*PanelHolder) LayoutChildren ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) LayoutChildren()
func (*PanelHolder) PanelCount ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) PanelCount() int
func (*PanelHolder) PanelIndex ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) PanelIndex(panel gxui.Control) int
func (*PanelHolder) RemovePanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) RemovePanel(panel gxui.Control)
func (*PanelHolder) Select ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) Select(index int)
func (*PanelHolder) SelectedPanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SelectedPanel() gxui.Control
type PanelHolderOuter ¶
type PanelHolderOuter interface { base.ContainerNoControlOuter gxui.PanelHolder PanelTabCreater }
type PanelTabCreater ¶
type PanelTabCreater interface {
CreatePanelTab() PanelTab
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar struct { base.Control parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ProgressBar) DesiredSize ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*ProgressBar) Init ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Init(outer ProgressBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*ProgressBar) Paint ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*ProgressBar) PaintProgress ¶
func (*ProgressBar) Progress ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Progress() int
func (*ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize(size math.Size)
gxui.ProgressBar compliance
func (*ProgressBar) SetProgress ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetProgress(progress int)
func (*ProgressBar) SetTarget ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetTarget(target int)
func (*ProgressBar) Target ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Target() int
type ProgressBarOuter ¶
type ScrollBar ¶
func (*ScrollBar) Click ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*ScrollBar) MouseDown ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) MouseDown(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*ScrollBar) OnScroll ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) OnScroll(f func(from, to int)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*ScrollBar) Orientation ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollFraction ¶
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollLimit ¶
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollPosition ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetAutoHide ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetBarBrush ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetOrientation ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*ScrollBar) SetRailBrush ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetRailPen ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetScrollLimit ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetScrollPosition ¶
type ScrollBarOuter ¶
type ScrollBarOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type ScrollLayout ¶
type ScrollLayout struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ScrollLayout) Child ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) Child() gxui.Control
func (*ScrollLayout) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*ScrollLayout) Init ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) Init(outer ScrollLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren()
func (*ScrollLayout) MouseScroll ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis() (horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollLayout) SetChild ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetChild(control gxui.Control)
gxui.ScrollLayout complaince
func (*ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis(horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset math.Point) bool
type ScrollLayoutOuter ¶
type ScrollLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type SplitterBar ¶
func (*SplitterBar) Init ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) Init(outer SplitterBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*SplitterBar) IsDragging ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) IsDragging() bool
func (*SplitterBar) MouseDown ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) MouseDown(e gxui.MouseEvent)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*SplitterBar) OnDragEnd ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragEnd(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*SplitterBar) OnDragStart ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragStart(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged(f func(wndPnt math.Point))
func (*SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor(c gxui.Color)
func (*SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor(c gxui.Color)
type SplitterBarOuter ¶
type SplitterBarOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type SplitterLayout ¶
func (*SplitterLayout) AddChildAt ¶
parts.Container overrides
func (*SplitterLayout) ChildWeight ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) ChildWeight(child gxui.Control) float32
func (*SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control
func (*SplitterLayout) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*SplitterLayout) Init ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) Init(outer SplitterLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren()
func (*SplitterLayout) Orientation ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt(index int)
func (*SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight(child gxui.Control, weight float32)
func (*SplitterLayout) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged(splitter gxui.Control, wndPnt math.Point)
type SplitterLayoutOuter ¶
type SplitterLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control }
type SuggestionAdapter ¶
type SuggestionAdapter struct {
func (*SuggestionAdapter) SetSuggestions ¶
func (a *SuggestionAdapter) SetSuggestions(suggestions []gxui.CodeSuggestion)
func (*SuggestionAdapter) Suggestion ¶
func (a *SuggestionAdapter) Suggestion(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.CodeSuggestion
type TextBox ¶
type TextBox struct { List gxui.AdapterBase parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TextBox) CreateLine ¶
func (*TextBox) DesiredWidth ¶
func (*TextBox) DoubleClick ¶
func (t *TextBox) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
func (*TextBox) MouseMove ¶
func (t *TextBox) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*TextBox) OnRedrawLines ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnRedrawLines(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnSelectionChanged(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) OnTextChanged ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnTextChanged(f func([]gxui.TextBoxEdit)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) PaintMouseOverBackground ¶
func (*TextBox) PaintSelection ¶
mixins.List overrides
func (*TextBox) ScrollToLine ¶
func (*TextBox) ScrollToRune ¶
func (*TextBox) Select ¶
func (t *TextBox) Select(sel gxui.TextSelectionList)
func (*TextBox) SetDesiredWidth ¶
func (*TextBox) SetMultiline ¶
func (*TextBox) SetTextColor ¶
type TextBoxAdapter ¶
type TextBoxAdapter struct { gxui.DefaultAdapter TextBox *TextBox }
func (*TextBoxAdapter) Count ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) Count() int
func (*TextBoxAdapter) ItemAt ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) ItemAt(index int) gxui.AdapterItem
func (*TextBoxAdapter) ItemIndex ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
type TextBoxLine ¶
type TextBoxOuter ¶
type Tree ¶
func (*Tree) Adapter ¶
func (t *Tree) Adapter() gxui.TreeAdapter
func (*Tree) CollapseAll ¶
func (t *Tree) CollapseAll()
func (*Tree) ContainsItem ¶
func (t *Tree) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*Tree) CreateExpandButton ¶
func (*Tree) KeyPress ¶
func (t *Tree) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*Tree) PaintChild ¶
List override
func (*Tree) PaintUnexpandedSelection ¶
func (*Tree) Show ¶
func (t *Tree) Show(item gxui.AdapterItem)
type TreeInternalNode ¶
type TreeInternalNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateTreeInternalRoot ¶
func CreateTreeInternalRoot(node gxui.TreeAdapter) *TreeInternalNode
func (*TreeInternalNode) Child ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) Child(i int) (parent *TreeInternalNode)
func (*TreeInternalNode) Collapse ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) Collapse() bool
func (*TreeInternalNode) CollapseAll ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) CollapseAll()
func (*TreeInternalNode) Expand ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) Expand() bool
func (*TreeInternalNode) ExpandAll ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) ExpandAll()
func (*TreeInternalNode) FindByIndex ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) FindByIndex(idx int) (parent *TreeInternalNode, childIndex int, depth int)
func (*TreeInternalNode) FindByItem ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) FindByItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) (parent *TreeInternalNode, childIndex int, depth int)
func (*TreeInternalNode) IsExpanded ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) IsExpanded() bool
func (*TreeInternalNode) IsLeaf ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) IsLeaf() bool
func (*TreeInternalNode) Item ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) Item() gxui.AdapterItem
func (*TreeInternalNode) ItemAt ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
func (*TreeInternalNode) ItemIndex ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
func (*TreeInternalNode) OnExpandedChanged ¶
func (n *TreeInternalNode) OnExpandedChanged(f func(bool)) gxui.EventSubscription
type TreeToListAdapter ¶
type TreeToListAdapter struct { gxui.AdapterBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateTreeToListAdapter ¶
func CreateTreeToListAdapter(adapter gxui.TreeAdapter, ceb CreateExpandButton) *TreeToListAdapter
func (TreeToListAdapter) Collapse ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) Collapse(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.AdapterItem
func (TreeToListAdapter) Contains ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) Contains(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
Contains returns true if the TreeAdapter contains the specified item, regardless of whether the item is part of the expanded tree or not.
func (TreeToListAdapter) DeepestVisibleAncestor ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) DeepestVisibleAncestor(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.AdapterItem
func (TreeToListAdapter) Expand ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) Expand(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAllParents ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAllParents(item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt(index int) gxui.AdapterItem
func (TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex ¶
func (a TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
type Window ¶
type Window struct { parts.Attachable parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Container parts.Paddable parts.PaintChildren // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Window) Click ¶
func (w *Window) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*Window) DoubleClick ¶
func (w *Window) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*Window) Fullscreen ¶
func (*Window) KeyPress ¶
func (w *Window) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent)
func (*Window) KeyStroke ¶
func (w *Window) KeyStroke(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)
func (*Window) LayoutChildren ¶
func (w *Window) LayoutChildren()
func (*Window) OnClick ¶
func (w *Window) OnClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnClose ¶
func (w *Window) OnClose(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnDoubleClick ¶
func (w *Window) OnDoubleClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyDown ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyDown(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyRepeat ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyRepeat(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyStroke ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyStroke(f func(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyUp ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyUp(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseDown ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseDown(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseEnter ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseEnter(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseExit ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseExit(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseMove ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseMove(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseScroll ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseScroll(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseUp ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseUp(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnResize ¶
func (w *Window) OnResize(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) SetFullscreen ¶
type WindowOuter ¶
type WindowOuter interface { gxui.Window outer.Attachable outer.IsVisibler outer.LayoutChildren outer.PaintChilder outer.Painter outer.Parenter outer.Sized }
Source Files
- bubble_overlay.go
- button.go
- code_editor.go
- code_editor_line.go
- code_suggestion_adapter.go
- default_textbox_line.go
- drop_down_list.go
- image.go
- label.go
- linear_layout.go
- list.go
- panel_holder.go
- progress_bar.go
- scroll_bar.go
- scroll_layout.go
- splitter_bar.go
- splitter_layout.go
- textbox.go
- tree.go
- tree_internal_node.go
- tree_to_list_adapter.go
- window.go