
command module
v0.7.10 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 10, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



zrepl is a one-stop ZFS backup & replication solution.

This project is a fork of zrepl.

Changes from upstream:

  • Go 1.22 and updated dependencies

  • last_n keep rule fixed. See #691 Merged.

  • Added support of shell patterns for datasets definitions. See #755. Configuration example:

      "zroot/bastille/jails</*/root": true

    This configuration includes zroot/bastille/jails/a/root, zroot/bastille/jails/b/root zfs datasets and so on, and excludes zroot/bastille/jails/a, zroot/bastille/jails/b zfs datasets and so on.

    See Match for details about patterns.

  • Added new log formatters: json and text. Both formatters use slog for formatting log entries. The new json formatter replaces old json formatter. Configuration example:

      - type: "file"
        format: "text"            # or "json"
        time: false               # don't prepend with date and time
          - "span"                # don't log "span" field
  • Added ability to log into a file. See #756. Configuration example:

      - type: "file"
        format: "text"            # or "json"
        time: false               # don't prepend with date and time
        hide_fields: &hide-log-fields
          - "span"                # don't log "span" field
        level:  "error"           # log errors only
        # without filename logs to stderr
      - type: "file"
        format: "text"
        hide_fields: *hide-log-fields
        level:  "info"
        filename: "/var/log/zrepl.log"
  • Replication jobs (without periodic snapshotting) can be configured for periodic run. See #758. Configuration example:

    - name: "zroot-to-server"
      type: "push"
      interval: "1h"
        type: "manual"

    Both pull and push job types support configuration of periodic run using cron specification. For instance:

    - name: "zroot-to-server"
      type: "push"
      cron: "25 15-22 * * *"
        type: "manual"

    See CRON Expression Format for details.

  • Added ability to configure command piplines between zfs send and zfs recv. See #761. Configuration example:

        # zfs send | zstd | mbuffer
        - [ "zstd", "-3" ]
        - [ "/usr/local/bin/mbuffer", "-q", "-s", "128k", "-m", "100M" ]
        # mbuffer | unzstd | zfs receive
        - [ "/usr/local/bin/mbuffer", "-q", "-s", "128k", "-m", "100M" ]
        - [ "unzstd" ]
  • Added Icinga/Nagios checks for checking the daemon is alive, latests or oldest snapshots are not too old. See #765. Configuration example:

        - prefix: "zrepl_frequently_"
          critical: "48h"       # 2d
        - prefix: "zrepl_hourly_"
          critical: "48h"
        - prefix: "zrepl_daily_"
          critical: "48h"
        - prefix: "zrepl_monthly_"
          critical: "768h"      # 32d
        - prefix: "zrepl_frequently_"
          critical: "48h"       # 2d
        - prefix: "zrepl_hourly_"
          critical: "168h"      # 7d
        - prefix: "zrepl_daily_"
          critical: "2208h"     # 90d + 2d
        - prefix: "zrepl_monthly_"
          critical: "8688h"     # 30 * 12 = 360d + 2d
        - prefix: ""            # everything else
          critical: "168h"      # 7d

    Example of a daily script:

    echo "zrepl status:"
    zrepl monitor alive
    zrepl monitor snapshots latest --job zdisk
    zrepl monitor snapshots oldest --job zdisk
    zrepl monitor snapshots latest --job zroot-to-zdisk
    zrepl monitor snapshots oldest --job zroot-to-zdisk
  • Removed support of postgres-checkpoint and mysql-lock-tables hooks.

  • Periodic snapshotting now recognizes cron specification. For instance:

      type: "periodic"
      cron: "25 15-22 * * *"

    type: "cron" still works too, just for compatibility. Both of them is the same type.

  • Fast skip "keep all" pruning.

    Instead of configuration like this:

        - type: "regex"
          regex: ".*"

    or like this:

        - type: "regex"
          regex: ".*"

    which keeps all snapshots, now it's possible to omit pruning: at all, or one of keep_sender: or keep_receiver:. In this case zrepl will early abort pruning and mark it as done.

    Originally zrepl requests all snapshots and does nothing after that, because pruning configured to keep all snapshots, but anyway it spends some time executing zfs commands.

  • Snapshots can be named using local time in timestamps, instead of UTC. Configuration example:

      type: "periodic"
      cron: "*/15 * * * *"
      prefix: "zrepl_frequently_"
      timestamp_format: "20060102_150405_MST"
      timestamp_local: true

    timestamp_local defines time zone of timestamps. By default it's UTC, but with timestamp_local: true it's local time zone. So instead of snaphot names like zrepl_frequently_20240508_140000_000 it'll be something like zrepl_frequently_20240508_160000_CEST.

  • Configurable RPC timeout (1 minute by default). Configuration example:

      rpc_timeout: "2m30s"

    sets RPC timeout to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

  • Configurable path to zfs binary ("zfs" by default). Configuration example:

      zfs_bin: "/sbin/zfs"

    sets zfs binary path to "/sbin/zfs".

  • Replication by default generates a stream package that sends all intermediary snapshots (zfs send -I), instead of every intermediary snapshot one by one (zfs send -i). If you want change it back to original slow mode:

      - name: "zroot-to-zdisk"
        type: "push"
          # Send all intermediary snapshots as a stream package, instead of
          # sending them one by one. Default: true.
          one_step: false

    Replication with one_step: true is much faster. For instance a job on my desktop configured like:

        steps: 4
        size_estimates: 8

    replicates over WLAN for 1m32s, instead of 8m with configuration like

      one_step: false
        steps: 4
        size_estimates: 4
  • Small cosmetic changes

User Documentation

User Documentation can be found at zrepl.github.io.

Bug Reports

  1. If the issue is reproducible, enable debug logging, reproduce and capture the log.
  2. Open an issue on GitHub, with logs pasted as GitHub gists / inline.

Feature Requests

  1. Does your feature request require default values / some kind of configuration? If so, think of an expressive configuration example.
  2. Think of at least one use case that generalizes from your concrete application.
  3. Open an issue on GitHub with example conf & use case attached.
  4. Optional: Post a bounty on the issue, or contact Christian Schwarz for contract work.

The above does not apply if you already implemented everything. Check out the Coding Workflow section below for details.

Building, Releasing, Downstream-Packaging

This section provides an overview of the zrepl build & release process. Check out docs/installation/compile-from-source.rst for build-from-source instructions.


zrepl is written in Go and uses Go modules to manage dependencies. The documentation is written in ReStructured Text using the Sphinx framework.

Install build dependencies using ./lazy.sh devsetup. lazy.sh uses python3-pip to fetch the build dependencies for the docs - you might want to use a venv. If you just want to install the Go dependencies, run ./lazy.sh godep.

The test suite is split into pure Go tests (make test-go) and platform tests that interact with ZFS and thus generally require root privileges (sudo make test-platform). Platform tests run on their own pool with the name zreplplatformtest, which is created using the file vdev in /tmp.

For a full code coverage profile, run make test-go COVER=1 && sudo make test-platform && make cover-merge. An HTML report can be generated using make cover-html.

Code generation is triggered by make generate. Generated code is committed to the source tree.

Build & Release Process

The Makefile is catering to the needs of developers & CI, not distro packagers. It provides phony targets for

  • local development (building, running tests, etc)
  • building a release in Docker (used by the CI & release management)
  • building .deb and .rpm packages out of the release artifacts.

Build tooling & dependencies are documented as code in lazy.sh. Go dependencies are then fetched by the go command and pip dependencies are pinned through a requirements.txt.

We use CircleCI for continuous integration. There are two workflows:

  • ci runs for every commit / branch / tag pushed to GitHub. It is supposed to run very fast (<5min and provides quick feedback to developers). It runs formatting checks, lints and tests on the most important OSes / architectures. Artifacts are published to minio.cschwarz.com (see GitHub Commit Status).

  • release runs

    • on manual triggers through the CircleCI API (in order to produce a release)
    • periodically on master Artifacts are published to minio.cschwarz.com (see GitHub Commit Status).

Releases are issued via Git tags + GitHub Releases feature. The procedure to issue a release is as follows:

  • Issue the source release:
    • Git tag the release on the master branch.
    • Push the tag.
    • Run ./docs/publish.sh to re-build & push zrepl.github.io.
  • Issue the official binary release:
    • Run the release pipeline (triggered via CircleCI API)
    • Download the artifacts to the release manager's machine.
    • Create a GitHub release, edit the changelog, upload all the release artifacts, including .rpm and .deb files.
    • Issue the GitHub release.
    • Add the .rpm and .deb files to the official zrepl repos, publish those.

Official binary releases are not re-built when Go receives an update. If the Go update is critical to zrepl (e.g. a Go security update that affects zrepl), we'd issue a new source release. The rationale for this is that whereas distros provide a mechanism for this ($zrepl_source_release-$distro_package_revision), GitHub Releases doesn't which means we'd need to update the existing GitHub release's assets, which nobody would notice (no RSS feed updates, etc.). Downstream packagers can read the changelog to determine whether they want to push that minor release into their distro or simply skip it.

Additional Notes to Distro Package Maintainers
  • Run the platform tests (Docs -> Usage -> Platform Tests) on a test system to validate that zrepl's abstractions on top of ZFS work with the system ZFS.
  • Ship a default config that adheres to your distro's hier and logging system.
  • Ship a service manager file and please try to upstream it to this repository.
    • dist/systemd contains a Systemd unit template.
  • Ship other material provided in ./dist, e.g. in /usr/share/zrepl/.
  • Have a look at the Makefile's ZREPL_VERSION variable and how it passed to Go's ldFlags. This is how zrepl version knows what version number to show. Your build system should set the ldFlags flags appropriately and add a prefix or suffix that indicates that the given zrepl binary is a distro build, not an official one.
  • Make sure you are informed about new zrepl versions, e.g. by subscribing to GitHub's release RSS feed.

Contributing Code

  • Open an issue when starting to hack on a new feature
  • Commits should reference the issue they are related to
  • Docs improvements not documenting new features do not require an issue.
Breaking Changes

Backward-incompatible changes must be documented in the git commit message and are listed in docs/changelog.rst.

Glossary & Naming Inconsistencies

In ZFS, dataset refers to the objects filesystem, ZVOL and snapshot.
However, we need a word for filesystem & ZVOL but not a snapshot, bookmark, etc.

Toward the user, the following terminology is used:

  • filesystem: a ZFS filesystem or a ZVOL
  • filesystem version: a ZFS snapshot or a bookmark

Sadly, the zrepl implementation is inconsistent in its use of these words: variables and types are often named dataset when they in fact refer to a filesystem.

There will not be a big refactoring (an attempt was made, but it's destroying too much history without much gain).

However, new contributions & patches should fix naming without further notice in the commit message.



See cmd package.


Path Synopsis
Package hooks implements pre- and post snapshot hooks.
Package hooks implements pre- and post snapshot hooks.
package trace provides activity tracing via ctx through Tasks and Spans
package trace provides activity tracing via ctx through Tasks and Spans
Package endpoint implements replication endpoints for use with package replication.
Package endpoint implements replication endpoints for use with package replication.
Package replication implements replication of filesystems with existing versions (snapshots) from a sender to a receiver.
Package replication implements replication of filesystems with existing versions (snapshots) from a sender to a receiver.
Package rpc implements zrepl daemon-to-daemon RPC protocol on top of a transport provided by package transport.
Package rpc implements zrepl daemon-to-daemon RPC protocol on top of a transport provided by package transport.
This integration test exercises the behavior of heartbeatconn where the server is slow at handling the data received over the connection.
This integration test exercises the behavior of heartbeatconn where the server is slow at handling the data received over the connection.
microbenchmark to manually test rpc/dataconn performance
microbenchmark to manually test rpc/dataconn performance
package timeoutconn wraps a Wire to provide idle timeouts based on Set{Read,Write}Deadline.
package timeoutconn wraps a Wire to provide idle timeouts based on Set{Read,Write}Deadline.
a tool to test whether a given transport implements the timeoutconn.Wire interface
a tool to test whether a given transport implements the timeoutconn.Wire interface
Package grpcclientidentity makes the client identity provided by github.com/zrepl/zrepl/daemon/transport/serve.{AuthenticatedListener,AuthConn} available to gRPC service handlers.
Package grpcclientidentity makes the client identity provided by github.com/zrepl/zrepl/daemon/transport/serve.{AuthenticatedListener,AuthConn} available to gRPC service handlers.
This package demonstrates how the grpcclientidentity package can be used to set up a gRPC greeter service.
This package demonstrates how the grpcclientidentity package can be used to set up a gRPC greeter service.
Package grpchelper wraps the adaptors implemented by package grpcclientidentity into a less flexible API which, however, ensures that the individual adaptor primitive's expectations are met and hence do not panic.
Package grpchelper wraps the adaptors implemented by package grpcclientidentity into a less flexible API which, however, ensures that the individual adaptor primitive's expectations are met and hence do not panic.
Package netadaptor implements an adaptor from transport.AuthenticatedListener to net.Listener.
Package netadaptor implements an adaptor from transport.AuthenticatedListener to net.Listener.
Package transportmux wraps a transport.{Connecter,AuthenticatedListener} to distinguish different connection types based on a label sent from client to server on connection establishment.
Package transportmux wraps a transport.{Connecter,AuthenticatedListener} to distinguish different connection types based on a label sent from client to server on connection establishment.
Package versionhandshake wraps a transport.{Connecter,AuthenticatedListener} to add an exchange of protocol version information on connection establishment.
Package versionhandshake wraps a transport.{Connecter,AuthenticatedListener} to add an exchange of protocol version information on connection establishment.
Package transport defines a common interface for network connections that have an associated client identity.
Package transport defines a common interface for network connections that have an associated client identity.
Package fromconfig instantiates transports based on zrepl config structures (see package config).
Package fromconfig instantiates transports based on zrepl config structures (see package config).
package chainlock implements a mutex whose Lock and Unlock methods return the lock itself, to enable chaining.
package chainlock implements a mutex whose Lock and Unlock methods return the lock itself, to enable chaining.
Package choice implements a flag.Value type that accepts a set of choices.
Package choice implements a flag.Value type that accepts a set of choices.
package devnoop provides an io.ReadWriteCloser that never errors and always reports reads / writes to / from buffers as complete.
package devnoop provides an io.ReadWriteCloser that never errors and always reports reads / writes to / from buffers as complete.
Package nodefault provides newtypes around builtin Go types so that if the newtype is used as a field in a struct and that field is zero-initialized (https://golang.org/ref/spec#The_zero_value), accessing the field will cause a null pointer deref panic.
Package nodefault provides newtypes around builtin Go types so that if the newtype is used as a field in a struct and that field is zero-initialized (https://golang.org/ref/spec#The_zero_value), accessing the field will cause a null pointer deref panic.
Package zfscmd provides a wrapper around packate os/exec.
Package zfscmd provides a wrapper around packate os/exec.

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