Easypki attempts to make managing a Certificate Authority very easy.
Serial, index, etc, are formatted in a way to be compatible with openssl,
so you can use openssl for commands not implemented by easypki.
Easypki usage is straighforward:
- Init the directory you will use
- Create the CA
- Create certificates
Create an env.sh that you can source later (or add to your .bashrc)
export PKI_ROOT=/tmp/pki
export PKI_ORGANIZATION="Umbrella Corp"
export PKI_LOCALITY="Agloe"
export PKI_PROVINCE="New York"
Before being able to create you certificates, you need to init
the root directory.
It creates files and directories required by easypki.
mkdir $PKI_ROOT
easypki init
Args passed to create make the Common Name, here: "Umbrella Corp Global Authority"
easypki create --ca Umbrella Corp Global Authority
Then you can choose between server and client certificate, by default server is implied, to generate a client certificate add --client
Generate a wildcard certificate for your web apps:
easypki create --dns "*.umbrella.com" *.umbrella.com
Another example, a certificate for wiki and www:
easypki create --dns "www.umbrella.com" --dns "wiki.umbrella.com" www.umbrella.com
For more info about available flags, checkout out the help -h
You will find the generated cert in issued
and private key in private
This is not an official Google product