Under construction 🚧
- Backend built with Golang
- Frontend built with Vue3
git clone
What is Shed?
Shed is a web app that is just another web ui for LLMs.
This one is written in Go and Vue3 javascript, so if those are your favorite languages, please join in the fun.
Phase 1 (hopefully finished this weekend)
Get a working prototype with a two providers and a basic ui.
Phase 1.5 Finish finishing phase 1 =]
Phase 2 (hopefully in a few weeks)
- Add more basic features
- Make it pretty
- Add providers
Providers In Mind
- Ollama
- OpenAI
- Mistral
- Gemini
- lots of stuff I don't know about yet
TTS (need to research)
Image Gen
Web Search
User Accounts
Database integrations?
More to come this weekend. (also accepting contributions)