Overview ¶
Package mockservice is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockServicer
- func (m *MockServicer) AddEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, description string) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) AddFavorite(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) ArchiveOldEvents(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockServicer) CreateEvent(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, name, description string, ...) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteAllNotifications(ctx context.Context, userID int) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEarmark(ctx context.Context, userID int, earmark *model.Earmark) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEarmarkByRefID(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EarmarkRefID) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEvent(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteNotification(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.NotificationRefID) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DeleteUserCredential(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, refID model.CredentialRefID) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) DisableRemindersWithNotification(ctx context.Context, email, suppressionReason string) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) EXPECT() *MockServicerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockServicer) GetApiKeyByUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.ApiKey, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmark(ctx context.Context, refID model.EarmarkRefID) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarkByEventItemID(ctx context.Context, eventItemID int) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarks(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksByEventID(ctx context.Context, eventID int) ([]*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Earmark, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEvent(ctx context.Context, refID model.EventRefID) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventByID(ctx context.Context, ID int) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItem(ctx context.Context, eventItemRefID model.EventItemRefID) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemByID(ctx context.Context, eventItemID int) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEvent(ctx context.Context, refID model.EventRefID) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEventID(ctx context.Context, eventID int) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByIDs(ctx context.Context, eventItemIDs []int) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsCount(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []int) ([]*model.EventItemCount, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsByIDs(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []int) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteByUserEvent(ctx context.Context, userID, eventID int) (*model.Favorite, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEvents(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetNotifications(ctx context.Context, userID int) ([]*model.Notification, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetNotificationsCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (int, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetNotificationsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int) ([]*model.Notification, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUser(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserRefID) (*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserByApiKey(ctx context.Context, token string) (*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserByID(ctx context.Context, ID int) (*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialByRefID(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.CredentialRefID) (*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialCountByUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) (int, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialsByUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) ([]*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserPWResetByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserPWResetRefID) (*model.UserPWReset, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUserVerifyByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserVerifyRefID) (*model.UserVerify, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) GetUsersByIDs(ctx context.Context, userIDs []int) ([]*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewApiKey(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.ApiKey, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewApiKeyIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.ApiKey, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewEarmark(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, eventItemID int, note string) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewNotification(ctx context.Context, userID int, message string) (*model.Notification, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewUser(ctx context.Context, email, name string, rawPass []byte) (*model.User, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewUserCredential(ctx context.Context, userID int, keyName string, credential []byte) (*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewUserPWReset(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.UserPWReset, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NewUserVerify(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.UserVerify, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) NotifyUsersPendingEvents(ctx context.Context, mailer mail.MailSender, tplContainer resources.TGetter, ...) error
- func (m *MockServicer) RemoveEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, eventItemRefID model.EventItemRefID, ...) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) RemoveFavorite(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) SetUserVerified(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, verifier *model.UserVerify) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, ...) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventItemRefID, ...) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEventItemSorting(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, itemSortOrder []int) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, euvs *service.UserUpdateValues) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUserPWReset(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, upw *model.UserPWReset) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUserSettings(ctx context.Context, userID int, pm *model.UserSettings) errs.Error
- func (m *MockServicer) WebAuthnUserFrom(user *model.User) *service.WebAuthnUser
- type MockServicerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) AddEventItem(ctx, userID, refID, description any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) AddFavorite(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) ArchiveOldEvents(ctx any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) CreateEvent(ctx, user, name, description, when, tz any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteAllNotifications(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmark(ctx, userID, earmark any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmarkByRefID(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEvent(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteNotification(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUserCredential(ctx, user, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DisableRemindersWithNotification(ctx, email, suppressionReason any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetApiKeyByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmark(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarkByEventItemID(ctx, eventItemID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarks(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksByEventID(ctx, eventID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvent(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventByID(ctx, ID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItem(ctx, eventItemRefID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemByID(ctx, eventItemID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEvent(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEventID(ctx, eventID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByIDs(ctx, eventItemIDs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsCount(ctx, eventIDs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvents(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsByIDs(ctx, eventIDs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteByUserEvent(ctx, userID, eventID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEvents(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotifications(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUser(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByApiKey(ctx, token any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByEmail(ctx, email any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByID(ctx, ID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialByRefID(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialCountByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialsByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserPWResetByRefID(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserVerifyByRefID(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUsersByIDs(ctx, userIDs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKey(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKeyIfNotExists(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewEarmark(ctx, user, eventItemID, note any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewNotification(ctx, userID, message any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUser(ctx, email, name, rawPass any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserCredential(ctx, userID, keyName, credential any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserPWReset(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserVerify(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NotifyUsersPendingEvents(ctx, mailer, tplContainer, siteBaseUrl any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveEventItem(ctx, userID, eventItemRefID, failIfChecks any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveFavorite(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) SetUserVerified(ctx, user, verifier any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEvent(ctx, userID, refID, euvs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItem(ctx, userID, refID, description, failIfChecks any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItemSorting(ctx, userID, refID, itemSortOrder any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUser(ctx, user, euvs any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserPWReset(ctx, user, upw any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserSettings(ctx, userID, pm any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) WebAuthnUserFrom(user any) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockServicer ¶
type MockServicer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServicer is a mock of Servicer interface.
func NewMockServicer ¶
func NewMockServicer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockServicer
NewMockServicer creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockServicer) AddEventItem ¶
func (m *MockServicer) AddEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, description string) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
AddEventItem mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) AddFavorite ¶
func (m *MockServicer) AddFavorite(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
AddFavorite mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) ArchiveOldEvents ¶
func (m *MockServicer) ArchiveOldEvents(ctx context.Context) error
ArchiveOldEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) CreateEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) CreateEvent(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, name, description string, when time.Time, tz string) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
CreateEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteAllNotifications ¶
DeleteAllNotifications mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteEarmark ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEarmark(ctx context.Context, userID int, earmark *model.Earmark) errs.Error
DeleteEarmark mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteEarmarkByRefID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEarmarkByRefID(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EarmarkRefID) errs.Error
DeleteEarmarkByRefID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DeleteEvent(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) errs.Error
DeleteEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteNotification ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DeleteNotification(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.NotificationRefID) errs.Error
DeleteNotification mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteUser ¶
DeleteUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DeleteUserCredential ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DeleteUserCredential(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, refID model.CredentialRefID) errs.Error
DeleteUserCredential mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) DisableRemindersWithNotification ¶
func (m *MockServicer) DisableRemindersWithNotification(ctx context.Context, email, suppressionReason string) errs.Error
DisableRemindersWithNotification mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockServicer) EXPECT() *MockServicerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockServicer) GetApiKeyByUser ¶
GetApiKeyByUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmark ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmark(ctx context.Context, refID model.EarmarkRefID) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
GetEarmark mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmarkByEventItemID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarkByEventItemID(ctx context.Context, eventItemID int) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
GetEarmarkByEventItemID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmarks ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarks(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
GetEarmarks mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmarksByEventID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksByEventID(ctx context.Context, eventID int) ([]*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
GetEarmarksByEventID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmarksCount ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
GetEarmarksCount mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEarmarksPaginated ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEarmarksPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Earmark, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
GetEarmarksPaginated mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEvent(ctx context.Context, refID model.EventRefID) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
GetEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventByID ¶
GetEventByID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItem ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItem(ctx context.Context, eventItemRefID model.EventItemRefID) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
GetEventItem mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItemByID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemByID(ctx context.Context, eventItemID int) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
GetEventItemByID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEvent(ctx context.Context, refID model.EventRefID) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
GetEventItemsByEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEventID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByEventID(ctx context.Context, eventID int) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
GetEventItemsByEventID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItemsByIDs ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsByIDs(ctx context.Context, eventItemIDs []int) ([]*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
GetEventItemsByIDs mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventItemsCount ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventItemsCount(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []int) ([]*model.EventItemCount, errs.Error)
GetEventItemsCount mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEvents ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
GetEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventsByIDs ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsByIDs(ctx context.Context, eventIDs []int) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
GetEventsByIDs mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
GetEventsComingSoonPaginated mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventsCount ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
GetEventsCount mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetEventsPaginated ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetEventsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
GetEventsPaginated mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetFavoriteByUserEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteByUserEvent(ctx context.Context, userID, eventID int) (*model.Favorite, errs.Error)
GetFavoriteByUserEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetFavoriteEvents ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEvents(ctx context.Context, userID int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, errs.Error)
GetFavoriteEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsCount ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsCount(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.BifurcatedRowCounts, errs.Error)
GetFavoriteEventsCount mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int, archived bool) ([]*model.Event, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
GetFavoriteEventsPaginated mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetNotifications ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetNotifications(ctx context.Context, userID int) ([]*model.Notification, errs.Error)
GetNotifications mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetNotificationsCount ¶
GetNotificationsCount mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetNotificationsPaginated ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetNotificationsPaginated(ctx context.Context, userID, limit, offset int) ([]*model.Notification, *service.Pagination, errs.Error)
GetNotificationsPaginated mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUser ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUser(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserRefID) (*model.User, errs.Error)
GetUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserByApiKey ¶
GetUserByApiKey mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserByEmail ¶
GetUserByEmail mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserByID ¶
GetUserByID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserCredentialByRefID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialByRefID(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.CredentialRefID) (*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
GetUserCredentialByRefID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserCredentialCountByUser ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialCountByUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) (int, errs.Error)
GetUserCredentialCountByUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserCredentialsByUser ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUserCredentialsByUser(ctx context.Context, userID int) ([]*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
GetUserCredentialsByUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserPWResetByRefID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUserPWResetByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserPWResetRefID) (*model.UserPWReset, errs.Error)
GetUserPWResetByRefID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUserVerifyByRefID ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUserVerifyByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID model.UserVerifyRefID) (*model.UserVerify, errs.Error)
GetUserVerifyByRefID mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) GetUsersByIDs ¶
func (m *MockServicer) GetUsersByIDs(ctx context.Context, userIDs []int) ([]*model.User, errs.Error)
GetUsersByIDs mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewApiKeyIfNotExists ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewApiKeyIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.ApiKey, errs.Error)
NewApiKeyIfNotExists mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewEarmark ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewEarmark(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, eventItemID int, note string) (*model.Earmark, errs.Error)
NewEarmark mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewNotification ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewNotification(ctx context.Context, userID int, message string) (*model.Notification, errs.Error)
NewNotification mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewUser ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewUser(ctx context.Context, email, name string, rawPass []byte) (*model.User, errs.Error)
NewUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewUserCredential ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewUserCredential(ctx context.Context, userID int, keyName string, credential []byte) (*model.UserCredential, errs.Error)
NewUserCredential mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewUserPWReset ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewUserPWReset(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.UserPWReset, errs.Error)
NewUserPWReset mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NewUserVerify ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NewUserVerify(ctx context.Context, userID int) (*model.UserVerify, errs.Error)
NewUserVerify mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) NotifyUsersPendingEvents ¶
func (m *MockServicer) NotifyUsersPendingEvents(ctx context.Context, mailer mail.MailSender, tplContainer resources.TGetter, siteBaseUrl string) error
NotifyUsersPendingEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) RemoveEventItem ¶
func (m *MockServicer) RemoveEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, eventItemRefID model.EventItemRefID, failIfChecks service.FailIfCheckFunc[*model.EventItem]) errs.Error
RemoveEventItem mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) RemoveFavorite ¶
func (m *MockServicer) RemoveFavorite(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID) errs.Error
RemoveFavorite mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) SetUserVerified ¶
func (m *MockServicer) SetUserVerified(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, verifier *model.UserVerify) errs.Error
SetUserVerified mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateEvent ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, euvs *service.EventUpdateValues) errs.Error
UpdateEvent mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateEventItem ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEventItem(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventItemRefID, description string, failIfChecks service.FailIfCheckFunc[*model.EventItem]) (*model.EventItem, errs.Error)
UpdateEventItem mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateEventItemSorting ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateEventItemSorting(ctx context.Context, userID int, refID model.EventRefID, itemSortOrder []int) (*model.Event, errs.Error)
UpdateEventItemSorting mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateUser ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, euvs *service.UserUpdateValues) errs.Error
UpdateUser mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateUserPWReset ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUserPWReset(ctx context.Context, user *model.User, upw *model.UserPWReset) errs.Error
UpdateUserPWReset mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) UpdateUserSettings ¶
func (m *MockServicer) UpdateUserSettings(ctx context.Context, userID int, pm *model.UserSettings) errs.Error
UpdateUserSettings mocks base method.
func (*MockServicer) WebAuthnUserFrom ¶
func (m *MockServicer) WebAuthnUserFrom(user *model.User) *service.WebAuthnUser
WebAuthnUserFrom mocks base method.
type MockServicerMockRecorder ¶
type MockServicerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServicerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockServicer.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) AddEventItem ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) AddEventItem(ctx, userID, refID, description any) *gomock.Call
AddEventItem indicates an expected call of AddEventItem.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) AddFavorite ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) AddFavorite(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
AddFavorite indicates an expected call of AddFavorite.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) ArchiveOldEvents ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) ArchiveOldEvents(ctx any) *gomock.Call
ArchiveOldEvents indicates an expected call of ArchiveOldEvents.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) CreateEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) CreateEvent(ctx, user, name, description, when, tz any) *gomock.Call
CreateEvent indicates an expected call of CreateEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteAllNotifications ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteAllNotifications(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteAllNotifications indicates an expected call of DeleteAllNotifications.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmark ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmark(ctx, userID, earmark any) *gomock.Call
DeleteEarmark indicates an expected call of DeleteEarmark.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmarkByRefID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEarmarkByRefID(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteEarmarkByRefID indicates an expected call of DeleteEarmarkByRefID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteEvent(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteEvent indicates an expected call of DeleteEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteNotification ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteNotification(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteNotification indicates an expected call of DeleteNotification.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteUser indicates an expected call of DeleteUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUserCredential ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DeleteUserCredential(ctx, user, refID any) *gomock.Call
DeleteUserCredential indicates an expected call of DeleteUserCredential.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) DisableRemindersWithNotification ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) DisableRemindersWithNotification(ctx, email, suppressionReason any) *gomock.Call
DisableRemindersWithNotification indicates an expected call of DisableRemindersWithNotification.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetApiKeyByUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetApiKeyByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetApiKeyByUser indicates an expected call of GetApiKeyByUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmark ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmark(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmark indicates an expected call of GetEarmark.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarkByEventItemID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarkByEventItemID(ctx, eventItemID any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmarkByEventItemID indicates an expected call of GetEarmarkByEventItemID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarks ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarks(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmarks indicates an expected call of GetEarmarks.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksByEventID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksByEventID(ctx, eventID any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmarksByEventID indicates an expected call of GetEarmarksByEventID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksCount ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmarksCount indicates an expected call of GetEarmarksCount.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksPaginated ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEarmarksPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetEarmarksPaginated indicates an expected call of GetEarmarksPaginated.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvent(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetEvent indicates an expected call of GetEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventByID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventByID(ctx, ID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventByID indicates an expected call of GetEventByID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItem ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItem(ctx, eventItemRefID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItem indicates an expected call of GetEventItem.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemByID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemByID(ctx, eventItemID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItemByID indicates an expected call of GetEventItemByID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEvent(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItemsByEvent indicates an expected call of GetEventItemsByEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEventID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByEventID(ctx, eventID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItemsByEventID indicates an expected call of GetEventItemsByEventID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByIDs ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsByIDs(ctx, eventItemIDs any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItemsByIDs indicates an expected call of GetEventItemsByIDs.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsCount ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventItemsCount(ctx, eventIDs any) *gomock.Call
GetEventItemsCount indicates an expected call of GetEventItemsCount.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvents ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEvents(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetEvents indicates an expected call of GetEvents.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsByIDs ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsByIDs(ctx, eventIDs any) *gomock.Call
GetEventsByIDs indicates an expected call of GetEventsByIDs.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsComingSoonPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset any) *gomock.Call
GetEventsComingSoonPaginated indicates an expected call of GetEventsComingSoonPaginated.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsCount ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetEventsCount indicates an expected call of GetEventsCount.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsPaginated ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetEventsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetEventsPaginated indicates an expected call of GetEventsPaginated.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteByUserEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteByUserEvent(ctx, userID, eventID any) *gomock.Call
GetFavoriteByUserEvent indicates an expected call of GetFavoriteByUserEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEvents ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEvents(ctx, userID, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetFavoriteEvents indicates an expected call of GetFavoriteEvents.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsCount ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetFavoriteEventsCount indicates an expected call of GetFavoriteEventsCount.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetFavoriteEventsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset, archived any) *gomock.Call
GetFavoriteEventsPaginated indicates an expected call of GetFavoriteEventsPaginated.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotifications ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotifications(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetNotifications indicates an expected call of GetNotifications.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsCount ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsCount(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetNotificationsCount indicates an expected call of GetNotificationsCount.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsPaginated ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetNotificationsPaginated(ctx, userID, limit, offset any) *gomock.Call
GetNotificationsPaginated indicates an expected call of GetNotificationsPaginated.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUser(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetUser indicates an expected call of GetUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByApiKey ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByApiKey(ctx, token any) *gomock.Call
GetUserByApiKey indicates an expected call of GetUserByApiKey.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByEmail ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByEmail(ctx, email any) *gomock.Call
GetUserByEmail indicates an expected call of GetUserByEmail.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserByID(ctx, ID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserByID indicates an expected call of GetUserByID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialByRefID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialByRefID(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserCredentialByRefID indicates an expected call of GetUserCredentialByRefID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialCountByUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialCountByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserCredentialCountByUser indicates an expected call of GetUserCredentialCountByUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialsByUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserCredentialsByUser(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserCredentialsByUser indicates an expected call of GetUserCredentialsByUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserPWResetByRefID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserPWResetByRefID(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserPWResetByRefID indicates an expected call of GetUserPWResetByRefID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserVerifyByRefID ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUserVerifyByRefID(ctx, refID any) *gomock.Call
GetUserVerifyByRefID indicates an expected call of GetUserVerifyByRefID.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUsersByIDs ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) GetUsersByIDs(ctx, userIDs any) *gomock.Call
GetUsersByIDs indicates an expected call of GetUsersByIDs.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKey ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKey(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
NewApiKey indicates an expected call of NewApiKey.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKeyIfNotExists ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewApiKeyIfNotExists(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
NewApiKeyIfNotExists indicates an expected call of NewApiKeyIfNotExists.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewEarmark ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewEarmark(ctx, user, eventItemID, note any) *gomock.Call
NewEarmark indicates an expected call of NewEarmark.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewNotification ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewNotification(ctx, userID, message any) *gomock.Call
NewNotification indicates an expected call of NewNotification.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUser(ctx, email, name, rawPass any) *gomock.Call
NewUser indicates an expected call of NewUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserCredential ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserCredential(ctx, userID, keyName, credential any) *gomock.Call
NewUserCredential indicates an expected call of NewUserCredential.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserPWReset ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserPWReset(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
NewUserPWReset indicates an expected call of NewUserPWReset.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserVerify ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NewUserVerify(ctx, userID any) *gomock.Call
NewUserVerify indicates an expected call of NewUserVerify.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) NotifyUsersPendingEvents ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) NotifyUsersPendingEvents(ctx, mailer, tplContainer, siteBaseUrl any) *gomock.Call
NotifyUsersPendingEvents indicates an expected call of NotifyUsersPendingEvents.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveEventItem ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveEventItem(ctx, userID, eventItemRefID, failIfChecks any) *gomock.Call
RemoveEventItem indicates an expected call of RemoveEventItem.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveFavorite ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) RemoveFavorite(ctx, userID, refID any) *gomock.Call
RemoveFavorite indicates an expected call of RemoveFavorite.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) SetUserVerified ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) SetUserVerified(ctx, user, verifier any) *gomock.Call
SetUserVerified indicates an expected call of SetUserVerified.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEvent ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEvent(ctx, userID, refID, euvs any) *gomock.Call
UpdateEvent indicates an expected call of UpdateEvent.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItem ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItem(ctx, userID, refID, description, failIfChecks any) *gomock.Call
UpdateEventItem indicates an expected call of UpdateEventItem.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItemSorting ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateEventItemSorting(ctx, userID, refID, itemSortOrder any) *gomock.Call
UpdateEventItemSorting indicates an expected call of UpdateEventItemSorting.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUser ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUser(ctx, user, euvs any) *gomock.Call
UpdateUser indicates an expected call of UpdateUser.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserPWReset ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserPWReset(ctx, user, upw any) *gomock.Call
UpdateUserPWReset indicates an expected call of UpdateUserPWReset.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserSettings ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) UpdateUserSettings(ctx, userID, pm any) *gomock.Call
UpdateUserSettings indicates an expected call of UpdateUserSettings.
func (*MockServicerMockRecorder) WebAuthnUserFrom ¶
func (mr *MockServicerMockRecorder) WebAuthnUserFrom(user any) *gomock.Call
WebAuthnUserFrom indicates an expected call of WebAuthnUserFrom.