Drone UI
Getting started
Clone this repository
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Copy .env.example and rename it into .env
cp .env.example .env.development.local
Fill required variables. For example:
REACT_APP_DRONE_SERVER= REACT_APP_DRONE_TOKEN=<your_drone_token> // find your token in your Drone account settings (click your Avatar in the UI).
Run the app in development mode, with hot reloading
npm run start
Build the app
npm run build
Run the built app
npm run serve
Run linters
npm run lint
Run linters and fix auto fixable problems
npm run lint:fix
Run your tests
npm run test
We use Conventional Commits for commit messages. You can read more about Conventional Commits here. Here you can find a useful Conventional Commits Cheat Sheet.
We try to make our commits "atomic". Here and here you can read more about Atomic commits.
Release procedure
Run the changelog generator
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone -p drone-ui -t <secret github token>
You can generate a token by logging into your GitHub account and going to Settings -> Personal access tokens.
Next we tag the PR's with the fixes or enhancements labels. If the PR does not fulfil the requirements, do not add a label.
Run the changelog generator again with the future version according to semver.
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone -p drone-ui -t <secret token> --future-release v1.0.0
Update the version in the ./package.json
"name": "drone-ui-react",
"version": "2.8.2", <--- update the version here
"private": true,
"scripts": {
Build the app and run go generate
npm run build
# change to the dist directory
cd dist
# run go generate
GO111MODULE=off go generate ./...
This will update the dist/dist_gen.go
Create the pull request for the release
Make sure you have updated and added the following files.
Look here for an example
Release the new version
Once your PR is reviewed and merged, you can release the new version of the main branch in github.
Please reference the updated changelog in your PR to update Drone
with the latest UI SHA.
Community and Support
Harness Community Slack - Join the #drone slack channel to connect with our engineers and other users running Drone CI.
Harness Community Forum - Ask questions, find answers, and help other users.
Report A Bug - Find a bug? Please report in our forum under Drone Bugs. Please provide screenshots and steps to reproduce.
Events - Keep up to date with Drone events and check out previous events here.