硕鼠Linux版 (Bigrats for Linux)
The official site of Bigrats(硕鼠下载器) is, which only provides Windows and Mac OSX version.
This project is the Linux version of Bigrats video downloader written in Golang with GUI by deploying GoQt. It will support Mac OSX in the future. This project has nothing to do with
The usage of bigrats-go is quite similar with the Windows version except that it uses avidemux to merge video segments.
Download bigrats-go binaries(x86_64 only) from and extract, e.g. to /opt. Change to the directory and:
chmod +x bigrats
Debian: sudo cp -d lib/* /usr/lib
CentOS/RHEL: sudo cp -d lib/* /usr/lib64
If you build from source, building GoQt with Qt5 is highly recommended to prevent crash on receiving signals.
Install Qt runtime libraries.
Install Firefox browser and flvcd-helper extension from
Edit ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/mimeTypes.rdf, ('xxxxxxxx' may be deferent in deferent systems)
add a new line
<RDF:li RDF:resource="urn:scheme:bigrats"/>
<RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:schemes:root">
And then add following lines (replace '/opt/bigrats-go' with the directory you extracted to):
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:scheme:bigrats" NC:value="bigrats">
<NC:handlerProp RDF:resource="urn:scheme:handler:bigrats"/>
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:handler:local:/opt/bigrats-go/bigrats" NC:prettyName="bigrats" NC:path="/opt/bigrats-go/bigrats" />
Open Firefox--Preferences--Applications, choose bigrats binary file in the 'Action' column:
Install avidemux for merging video segments. Avidemux is not included in the default software repositories of Debian or CentOS/RHEL.
Debian users should add deb-multimedia repository by the instructions in first, and run: sudo apt-get install avidemux avidemux-cli
CentOS/RHEL users should add Nux repository by the instructions in first, and run: sudo yum install avidemux avidemux-cli
Now you can use it like the official Windows version.
There is no documentation for this package.