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This magically simple tool was created to parse property list XML files from Xcode, more specifically the Info.plist files that contain various project related information.
It can be used to query for specific values or bump the version and build number automatically.
Apple provides the agvtool for this purpose, however the tool has various annoying limitations:
- bugs when working on projects with multiple targets
- no option to specify a path to a plist file of interest
- no option to increment the marketing version automatically
- no git integration
- source code of the tool is not available
Since parsing XML is not witchcraft, this is a simple and extensible implementation of the desired functionality in Go.
Future Plans
- add support for adding / updating entries in the dictionary
- format XML
Show version inside an Xcode project directory:
$ plistwizard -version
0.4.12 (117)
Show a table with elements of the data dictionary:
$ plistwizard -plist MyProject/Info.plist
| Key | Value |
| CFBundleDevelopmentRegion | $(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE) |
| CFBundleExecutable | $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) |
| CFBundleIconFile | |
| CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion | 6.0 |
| CFBundleName | $(PRODUCT_NAME) |
| CFBundlePackageType | APPL |
| CFBundleShortVersionString | 0.4.12 |
| CFBundleVersion | 117 |
| LSApplicationCategoryType | |
| LSMinimumSystemVersion | $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) |
| LSUIElement | true |
| NSHumanReadableCopyright | Copyright © 2018 Me. All rights reserved. |
| NSMainStoryboardFile | Main |
| NSPrincipalClass | NSApplication |
| NSUserNotificationAlertStyle | alert |
Lookup a value for the specified key inside the dictionary inside the plist:
$ plistwizard -plist MyProject/Info.plist -lookup LSApplicationCategoryType
Show the next version:
$ plistwizard -next-version
would bump version from 0.4.12 (117) to 0.4.13 (118)
Bump the major version number (works also when there are multiple targets inside the project):
$ plistwizard -bump-version -major
bumped version in MyProject/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 1.0.0 (118)
bumped version in MyProject Helper/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 1.0.0 (118)
This will set all targets to the same version and fatal if the versions are different.
Bump the minor version number:
$ plistwizard -bump-version -minor
bumped version in MyProject/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 0.5.0 (118)
bumped version in MyProject Helper/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 0.5.0 (118)
Bump the patch version number (default!):
$ plistwizard -bump-version
bumped version in MyProject/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 0.4.13 (118)
bumped version in MyProject Helper/Info.plist 0.4.12 (117) to 0.4.13 (118)
For usage in scripts, checkout the interactive bumping:
$ plistwizard -bump-version-interactive
This will ask which part of the version to bump in an interactive shell with tab completion!
$ plistwizard -h
plistwizard [-plist <path/to/plist>] [-next-version] [-bump-version] [-lookup <key>]
Usage of plistwizard:
print only build number
bump version interactive
bump version and build number
commit changes on plist file with git
-dir string
set directory (default ".")
abort if input file has a dirty state in git (default true)
recursively search for plists and list them all
recursively search for plists and list them all
-lookup string
lookup the value for a key in the property list dictionary
bump major version
print only marketing version
bump minor version
only print next version value and dont bump version
bump patch version (default true)
-plist string
path to .plist file (default "Info.plist")
print main Xcode project version in format 'marketingVersion (buildNumber)' and exit
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.