Bitrise (offline) CLI
Discussion forum:
Run your Bitrise automations with this CLI tool on any Mac or Linux machine, and use the same configuration on (automation service, with a mobile app focus).
Part of the Bitrise Continuous Integration, Delivery and Automations Stack,
with stepman and envman.
For a nice & quick intro you should check:
Install and Setup
The installation is quick and easy, check the latest release for instructions at:
Installing with Homebrew:
brew update && brew install bitrise
Optionally, you can call bitrise setup
to verify that everything what's required for bitrise
to run
is installed and available, but if you forget to do this it'll be performed the first
time you call bitrise run
You can enable shell completion for the bitrise run
Tutorials and Examples
You can find examples in the _examples folder.
If you're getting started you should start with _examples/tutorials,
this should guide you through the basics, while you'll already use bitrise
(requires installed bitrise
You can find a complete iOS sample project at:
CLI commands support a --format=[format]
This is intended mainly for tooling support, by adding --format=json
get a JSON formatted output on Standard Output.
This is still work-in-progress, we're working on providing
the --format
param to every command except run
Every error, warning etc. message will go to StdErr; and on the StdOut
you should only get the valid JSON output.
An example calling the version
$ bitrise version --format=json
Will print {"version":"1.2.4"}
to the Standard Output (StdOut).
Share your Step
You can use your own Step as you can see in the _examples
, even if it's
not yet committed into a repository, or from a repository directly.
If you would like to share your awesome Step with others
you can do so by calling stepman share
and then following the
guide it prints.
We added some documents to make it a bit easier to get started with Bitrise CLI. The documentation includes a quick and a little longer guides for CLI, a React Native project workflow guide and an overview of the Step share process. You can find them in the _docs folder.
- Easy to use: the UX for the end-user, always keep it in mind, make it a pleasant experience to work with this tool (and all of the Bitrise tools)!
- Code should be kept simple: easy to understand, easy to collaborate/contribute (as much as possible of course).
- Compatibility: never do an incompatible change, unless you can't avoid it. Release new features as additional options, to not to break existing configurations.
- Stability: related to compatibility, but in general stability is really important, especially so in a CI/automation environment, where you expect fully reproducible outcomes.
- Flexibility: should also be kept in mind, but only if it does not affect the previous points.
Updating dependencies
To do a full dependency update use bitrise-tools/gows,
for a clean workspace:
gows clear && gows bitrise run dep-update
to test that all dependency is included:
gows clear && gows go test ./... && gows go install && gows bitrise run test
and/or with docker-compose
docker-compose build && docker-compose run --rm app go test ./...