Go Bitvavo API
This is the Go wrapper for the Bitvavo API. This project can be used to build your own projects which interact with the Bitvavo platform. Every function available on the API can be called through a REST request or over websockets. For info on the specifics of every parameter consult the Bitvavo API documentation
go get github.com/bitvavo/go-bitvavo-api
Run test:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/bitvavo/go-bitvavo-api/example
go run main.go
Rate Limiting
Bitvavo uses a weight based rate limiting system, with an allowed limit of 1000 per IP or API key each minute. Please inspect each endpoint in the Bitvavo API documentation to see the weight. Failure to respect the rate limit will result in an IP or API key ban.
Since the remaining limit is returned in the header on each REST request, the remaining limit is tracked locally and can be requested through:
var limit = bitvavo.GetRemainingLimit()
fmt.Println("The remaining rate limit is", limit)
The websocket functions however do not return a remaining limit, therefore the limit is only updated locally once a ban has been issued.
REST requests
The general convention used in all functions (both REST and websockets), is that all optional parameters are passed as map[string]string
, while required parameters are passed as separate values. Only when placing orders some of the optional parameters are required, since a limit order requires more information than a market order. The returned responses are all converted to an object, such that response.<key> = '<value>'
. The definition of the structs is supplied for every function, but the general convention used is that all variables in the struct are defined in UpperCamelCase (PascalCase). On top of the object we also return an error, this error should be checked before handling the response in the following manner:
response, err := bitvavo.Time()
if err != nil {
} else {
Getting started
The API key and secret are required for private calls and optional for public calls. The access window and debugging parameter are optional for all calls. The access window is used to determine whether the request arrived within time, the value is specified in milliseconds. You can use the time function to synchronize your time to our server time if errors arise. REST url and WS url can be used to set a different endpoint (for testing purposes). Debugging should be set to true when you want to log additional information and full responses. Any parameter can be omitted, private functions will return an error when the api key and secret have not been set.
import . "bitvavo"
bitvavo := bitvavo.Bitvavo{
ApiKey: "<APIKEY>",
ApiSecret: "<APISECRET>",
RestUrl: "https://api.bitvavo.com/v2",
WsUrl: "wss://ws.bitvavo.com/v2/",
AccessWindow: 10000,
Debugging: false}
Get time
response, err := bitvavo.Time()
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"time": 1548679180309
Struct Definition
type Time struct {
Time int `json:"time"`
Get markets
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.Markets(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, value := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", value)
View Response
"status": "trading",
"base": "ADA",
"quote": "BTC",
"market": "ADA-BTC",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "0.001",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "100",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "ADA",
"quote": "EUR",
"market": "ADA-EUR",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "10",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "100",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "AE",
"quote": "BTC",
"market": "AE-BTC",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "0.001",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "10",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "AE",
"quote": "EUR",
"market": "AE-EUR",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "10",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "10",
"orderTypes": [
Struct Definition
type Markets struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Base string `json:"base"`
Quote string `json:"quote"`
Market string `json:"market"`
PricePrecision int `json:"pricePrecision"`
MinOrderInQuoteAsset string `json:"minOrderInQuoteAsset"`
MinOrderInBaseAsset string `json:"minOrderInBaseAsset"`
OrderTypes []string `json:"orderTypes"`
Get assets
// options: symbol
response, err := bitvavo.Assets(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, value := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", value)
View Response
"symbol": "ADA",
"name": "Cardano",
"decimals": 6,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 20,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "0.2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "0.2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "AE",
"name": "Aeternity",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 30,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "AION",
"name": "Aion",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 0,
"depositStatus": "",
"withdrawalFee": "3",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "3",
"withdrawalStatus": "",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "ANT",
"name": "Aragon",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 30,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
Struct Definition
type Assets struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Decimals int `json:"decimals"`
DepositFee string `json:"depositFee"`
DepositConfirmations int `json:"depositConfirmations"`
DepositStatus string `json:"depositStatus"`
WithdrawalFee string `json:"withdrawalFee"`
WithdrawalMinAmount string `json:"withdrawalMinAmount"`
WithdrawalStatus string `json:"withdrawalStatus"`
Networks []string `json:"networks"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Market Data
Get book per market
// options: depth
response, err := bitvavo.Book("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"nonce": 7831,
"bids": [
"asks": [
Struct Definition
type Book struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
Bids [][]string `json:"bids"`
Asks [][]string `json:"asks"`
Get trades per market
// options: limit, start, end, tradeIdFrom, tradeIdTo
response, err := bitvavo.PublicTrades("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, trade := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", trade)
View Response
"timestamp": 1548678622527,
"id": "d4e1c700-8432-4ec7-b141-cb6bcee7a613",
"amount": "2.36697512",
"price": "3001.8",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622520,
"id": "17c4ec15-7806-451e-8cc6-8ca48f1eef66",
"amount": "3.37614478",
"price": "3001.2",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622514,
"id": "eb9d8230-6c55-424b-be93-2d41d39ab092",
"amount": "3.27104588",
"price": "3000.2",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622506,
"id": "9ccc74d6-47d9-44f1-a51a-7dbbb3af5373",
"amount": "0.42395607",
"price": "2999.6",
"side": "buy"
Struct Definition
type PublicTrades struct {
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Side string `json:"side"`
Get candles per market
// options: limit, start, end
response, err := bitvavo.candles("BTC-EUR", "1h", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, candle := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", candle)
View Response
"Timestamp": 1548680400000,
"Open": "2989",
"High": "2991.1",
"Low": "2989",
"Close": "2989",
"Volume": "0.9"
"Timestamp": 1548676800000,
"Open": "2999.3",
"High": "3002.6",
"Low": "2989.2",
"Close": "2999.3",
"Volume": "63.00046504"
"Timestamp": 1548669600000,
"Open": "3012.9",
"High": "3015.8",
"Low": "3000",
"Close": "3012.9",
"Volume": "8"
"Timestamp": 1548417600000,
"Open": "3124",
"High": "3125.1",
"Low": "3124",
"Close": "3124",
"Volume": "0.1"
"Timestamp": 1548237600000,
"Open": "3143",
"High": "3143.3",
"Low": "3141.1",
"Close": "3143",
"Volume": "60.67250851"
Struct Definition
type Candle struct {
Timestamp int
Open string
High string
Low string
Close string
Volume string
Get price ticker
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.TickerPrice(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, price := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", price)
View Response
"market": "EOS-EUR",
"price": "2.0142"
"market": "XRP-EUR",
"price": "0.25193"
"market": "ETH-EUR",
"price": "99.877"
"market": "IOST-EUR",
"price": "0.005941"
"market": "BCH-EUR",
"price": "106.57"
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"price": "2991.1"
"market": "STORM-EUR",
"price": "0.0025672"
"market": "EOS-BTC",
"price": "0.00066289"
"market": "BSV-EUR",
"price": "57.6"
"market": "ETH-BTC",
"price": "0.032373"
Struct Definition
type TickerPrice struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Get book ticker
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.TickerBook(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, book := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", book)
View Response
"market": "XVG-BTC",
"bid": "0.00000045",
"ask": "0.00000046",
"bidSize": "28815.01275017",
"askSize": "38392.85089495"
"market": "XVG-EUR",
"bid": "0.004213",
"ask": "0.0043174",
"bidSize": "1699002.27041019",
"askSize": "638327.18139947"
"market": "ZIL-BTC",
"bid": "0.00000082",
"ask": "0.00000083",
"bidSize": "140980.13397262",
"askSize": "98568.18059098"
"market": "ZIL-EUR",
"bid": "0.0076771",
"ask": "0.0077744",
"bidSize": "320216.82744213",
"askSize": "157923.96870507"
"market": "ZRX-BTC",
"bid": "0.00001684",
"ask": "0.000016898",
"bidSize": "631.2417155",
"askSize": "1551.90609202"
"market": "ZRX-EUR",
"bid": "0.15766",
"ask": "0.15826",
"bidSize": "873.64460869",
"askSize": "1010.23609323"
Struct Definition
type TickerBook struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Bid string `json:"bid"`
Ask string `json:"ask"`
BidSize string `json:"bidSize"`
AskSize string `json:"askSize"`
Get 24 hour ticker
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.Ticker24h(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, ticker := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", ticker)
View Response
"market": "XTZ-EUR",
"open": "1.21",
"high": "1.2114",
"low": "1.0974",
"last": "1.1096",
"volume": "41994.8008",
"volumeQuote": "48041.67",
"bid": "1.1088",
"ask": "1.1155",
"timestamp": 1565775776174,
"bidSize": "175.05128",
"askSize": "138.519066"
"market": "XVG-EUR",
"open": "0.0043222",
"high": "0.0044139",
"low": "0.0040849",
"last": "0.0041952",
"volume": "1237140.82971657",
"volumeQuote": "5267.56",
"bid": "0.0042134",
"ask": "0.0043193",
"timestamp": 1565775776103,
"bidSize": "1698875.30729496",
"askSize": "638047.77525823"
"market": "ZIL-EUR",
"open": "0.0081618",
"high": "0.0082359",
"low": "0.0076094",
"last": "0.0077285",
"volume": "774485.99486622",
"volumeQuote": "6015.82",
"bid": "0.0076778",
"ask": "0.0077779",
"timestamp": 1565775776160,
"bidSize": "320186.06168593",
"askSize": "158553.66311916"
Struct Definition
type Ticker24h struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Open string `json:"open"`
High string `json:"high"`
Low string `json:"low"`
Last string `json:"last"`
Volume string `json:"volume"`
VolumeQuote string `json:"volumeQuote"`
Bid string `json:"bid"`
Ask string `json:"ask"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
BidSize string `json:"bidSize"`
AskSize string `json:"askSize"`
Place order
When placing an order, make sure that the correct optional parameters are set. For a limit order it is required to set both the amount and price. A market order is valid if either the amount or amountQuote has been set.
// optional parameters: limit:(amount, price, postOnly), market:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection),
// stopLoss/takeProfit:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// stopLossLimit/takeProfitLimit:(amount, price, postOnly, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// all orderTypes: timeInForce, selfTradePrevention, responseRequired
response, err := bitvavo.PlaceOrder("BTC-EUR", "buy", "market", map[string]string{"amount": "0.3"})
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"orderId": "2261cb7b-346f-4d81-ae36-189dc44f8a87",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681232827,
"updated": 1548681232827,
"status": "filled",
"side": "sell",
"orderType": "market",
"amount": "0.3",
"amountRemaining": "0",
"price": "",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "0",
"onHoldCurrency": "BTC",
"filledAmount": "0.3",
"filledAmountQuote": "898.107083735",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "2.247083735",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [
"id": "4ca1a839-2fe1-46d0-86dc-6582cf8d7456",
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"amount": "0.17416747",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"id": "99bc3431-604e-41ca-a4e6-610a7b0d1e7e",
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"amount": "0.12583253",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": false,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Update order
When updating an order make sure that at least one of the optional parameters has been set. Otherwise nothing can be updated.
// Optional parameters: limit:(amount, amountRemaining, price, timeInForce, selfTradePrevention, postOnly)
// untriggered stopLoss/takeProfit:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// stopLossLimit/takeProfitLimit: (amount, price, postOnly, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
response, err := bitvavo.UpdateOrder("BTC-EUR", "c2aa3b68-d72f-4a02-bb3d-30401f7d43ed",
map[string]string{"price": "4000"})
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get order
response, err := bitvavo.GetOrder("BTC-EUR", "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11")
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Cancel order
response, err := bitvavo.CancelOrder("BTC-EUR", "c2aa3b68-d72f-4a02-bb3d-30401f7d43ed")
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"orderId": "c2aa3b68-d72f-4a02-bb3d-30401f7d43ed"
Struct Definition
type CancelOrder struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Get orders
Returns the same as get order, but can be used to return multiple orders at once.
// options: limit, start, end, orderIdFrom, orderIdTo
response, err := bitvavo.GetOrders("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, order := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", order)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
"orderId": "2261cb7b-346f-4d81-ae36-189dc44f8a87",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681232827,
"updated": 1548681232827,
"status": "filled",
"side": "sell",
"orderType": "market",
"amount": "0.3",
"amountRemaining": "0",
"price": "",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "0",
"onHoldCurrency": "BTC",
"filledAmount": "0.3",
"filledAmountQuote": "898.107083735",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "2.247083735",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [
"id": "4ca1a839-2fe1-46d0-86dc-6582cf8d7456",
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"amount": "0.17416747",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"id": "99bc3431-604e-41ca-a4e6-610a7b0d1e7e",
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"amount": "0.12583253",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": false,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Cancel orders
Cancels all orders in a market. If no market is specified, all orders of an account will be canceled.
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.CancelOrders(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, order := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", order)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11"
"orderId": "5850bca1-8bbb-470b-80a3-06ca7ec0e4c9"
Struct Definition
type CancelOrder struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Get orders open
Returns all orders which are not filled or canceled.
// options: market
response, err := bitvavo.OrdersOpen(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, order := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", order)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
"orderId": "130e264c-dbb2-4535-9b5d-850498c2b923",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681473272,
"updated": 1548681484937,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.5",
"amountRemaining": "0.5",
"price": "3000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "1504",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get trades
Returns all trades within a market for this account.
// options: limit, start, end, tradeIdFrom, tradeIdTo
response, err := bitvavo.Trades("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, trade := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", trade)
View Response
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "0.12583253",
"side": "sell",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "0.17416747",
"side": "sell",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666586,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "2.59562705",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2995.8",
"taker": true,
"fee": "19.43048361",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666579,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "1.42331069",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2994.8",
"taker": true,
"fee": "10.659145588",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666574,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "2.79772289",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2993.7",
"taker": true,
"fee": "20.936984207",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
Struct Definition
type Trades struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Side string `json:"side"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get Account
Returns the fee tier for this account.
accountResponse, accountErr := bitvavo.Account()
if accountErr != nil {
} else {
View Response
"fees": {
"taker": "0.0025",
"maker": "0.0015",
"volume": "100.00"
Struct Definition
type Account struct {
Fees FeeObject `json:"fees"`
type FeeObject struct {
Taker string `json:"taker"`
Maker string `json:"maker"`
Volume string `json:"volume"`
Get balance
Returns the balance for this account.
// options: symbol
response, err := bitvavo.Balance(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, balance := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", balance)
View Response
"symbol": "EUR",
"available": "5003.5",
"inOrder": "7963.43"
"symbol": "BTC",
"available": "0.02605972",
"inOrder": "0.079398"
"symbol": "ADA",
"available": "3.8",
"inOrder": "1"
"symbol": "BCH",
"available": "0.00952811",
"inOrder": "0"
"symbol": "BSV",
"available": "0.00952811",
"inOrder": "0"
"symbol": "DASH",
"available": "22.36624125",
"inOrder": "0.63375875"
Struct Definition
type Balance struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Available string `json:"available"`
InOrder string `json:"inOrder"`
Deposit assets
Returns the address which can be used to deposit funds.
response, err := bitvavo.DepositAssets("BTC")
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"address": "BitcoinAddress",
"iban": "",
"bic": "",
"description": "",
"paymentId": ""
Struct Definition
type DepositAssets struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Iban string `json:"iban"`
Bic string `json:"bic"`
Description string `json:"description"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Withdraw assets
Can be used to withdraw funds from Bitvavo.
// optional parameters: paymentId, internal, addWithdrawalFee
response, err := bitvavo.WithdrawAssets("BTC", "1", "BitcoinAddress", map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response)
View Response
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "1",
"success": true
Struct Definition
type WithdrawAssets struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Success bool `json:"success"`
Get deposit history
Returns the deposit history of your account.
// options: symbol, limit, start, end
response, err := bitvavo.DepositHistory(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, deposit := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", deposit)
View Response
"symbol": "EUR",
"amount": "1",
"address": "NL12RABO324234234",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1521550025000,
"status": "completed"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.099",
"address": "",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "0c6497e608212a516b8218674cb0ca04f65b67a00fe8bddaa1ecb03e9b029255",
"timestamp": 1511873910000,
"status": "completed"
Struct Definition
type History struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Address string `json:"address"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Get withdrawal history
Returns the withdrawal history of an account.
// options: symbol, limit, start, end
response, err := bitvavo.WithdrawalHistory(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, withdrawal := range response {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", withdrawal)
View Response
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.99994",
"address": "1CqtG5z55x7bYD5GxsAXPx59DEyujs4bjm",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00006",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548682993000,
"status": "awaiting_processing"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.09994",
"address": "1CqtG5z55x7bYD5GxsAXPx59DEyujs4bjm",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00006",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548425559000,
"status": "awaiting_processing"
"symbol": "EUR",
"amount": "50",
"address": "NL123BIM",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548409721000,
"status": "completed"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.01939",
"address": "3QpyxeA7yWWsSURXEmuBBzHpxjqn7Rbyme",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00002",
"txId": "da2299c86fce67eb899aeaafbe1f81cf663a3850cf9f3337c92b2d87945532db",
"timestamp": 1537803091000,
"status": "completed"
Struct Definition
type History struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Address string `json:"address"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Status string `json:"status"`
All requests which can be done through REST requests can also be performed over websockets. Bitvavo also provides six subscriptions. If subscribed to these, updates specific for that type/market are pushed immediately.
Getting started
The websocket object should be intialised through the bitvavo.NewWebsocket()
function. This function returns the websocket object as the first parameter and the error channel as second parameter. All other functions return a single channel which will be used to return all responses over. The only exception is the websocket.SubscriptionAccount()
function, which returns two separate channels. This is because the account channel might receive either an order event or a fill event. Each different response can be handled separately this way.
Best practice would be to listen to all channels in a single for loop and setup your response handling there.
websocket, errChannel := bitvavo.NewWebsocket()
timeChannel := websocket.Time()
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle your errors here", errorMsg)
case response := <-timeChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle your response here", response)
The api key and secret are copied from the bitvavo object. Therefore if you want to use the private portion of the websockets API, you should set both the key and secret as specified in REST requests.
Get time
channel := websocket.Time()
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"time": 1548679180309
Struct Definition
type Time struct {
Time int `json:"time"`
Get markets
// options: market
channel := websocket.Markets(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"status": "trading",
"base": "ADA",
"quote": "BTC",
"market": "ADA-BTC",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "0.001",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "100",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "ADA",
"quote": "EUR",
"market": "ADA-EUR",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "10",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "100",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "AE",
"quote": "BTC",
"market": "AE-BTC",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "0.001",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "10",
"orderTypes": [
"status": "trading",
"base": "AE",
"quote": "EUR",
"market": "AE-EUR",
"pricePrecision": 5,
"minOrderInQuoteAsset": "10",
"minOrderInBaseAsset": "10",
"orderTypes": [
Struct Definition
type Markets struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Base string `json:"base"`
Quote string `json:"quote"`
Market string `json:"market"`
PricePrecision int `json:"pricePrecision"`
MinOrderInQuoteAsset string `json:"minOrderInQuoteAsset"`
MinOrderInBaseAsset string `json:"minOrderInBaseAsset"`
OrderTypes []string `json:"orderTypes"`
Get assets
// options: symbol
channel := websocket.Assets(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"symbol": "ADA",
"name": "Cardano",
"decimals": 6,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 20,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "0.2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "0.2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "AE",
"name": "Aeternity",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 30,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "AION",
"name": "Aion",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 0,
"depositStatus": "",
"withdrawalFee": "3",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "3",
"withdrawalStatus": "",
"networks": [
"message": ""
"symbol": "ANT",
"name": "Aragon",
"decimals": 8,
"depositFee": "0",
"depositConfirmations": 30,
"depositStatus": "OK",
"withdrawalFee": "2",
"withdrawalMinAmount": "2",
"withdrawalStatus": "OK",
"networks": [
"message": ""
Struct Definition
type Assets struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Decimals int `json:"decimals"`
DepositFee string `json:"depositFee"`
DepositConfirmations int `json:"depositConfirmations"`
DepositStatus string `json:"depositStatus"`
WithdrawalFee string `json:"withdrawalFee"`
WithdrawalMinAmount string `json:"withdrawalMinAmount"`
WithdrawalStatus string `json:"withdrawalStatus"`
Networks []string `json:"networks"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Get book per market
// options: depth
channel := websocket.book("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"nonce": 7831,
"bids": [
"asks": [
Struct Definition
type Book struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
Bids [][]string `json:"bids"`
Asks [][]string `json:"asks"`
Get trades per market
// options: limit, start, end, tradeIdFrom, tradeIdTo
channel := websocket.PublicTrades("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"timestamp": 1548678622527,
"id": "d4e1c700-8432-4ec7-b141-cb6bcee7a613",
"amount": "2.36697512",
"price": "3001.8",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622520,
"id": "17c4ec15-7806-451e-8cc6-8ca48f1eef66",
"amount": "3.37614478",
"price": "3001.2",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622514,
"id": "eb9d8230-6c55-424b-be93-2d41d39ab092",
"amount": "3.27104588",
"price": "3000.2",
"side": "buy"
"timestamp": 1548678622506,
"id": "9ccc74d6-47d9-44f1-a51a-7dbbb3af5373",
"amount": "0.42395607",
"price": "2999.6",
"side": "buy"
Struct Definition
type PublicTrades struct {
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Side string `json:"side"`
Get candles per market
// options: limit, start, end
channel := websocket.candles("BTC-EUR", "1h", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"Timestamp": 1548680400000,
"Open": "2989",
"High": "2991.1",
"Low": "2989",
"Close": "2989",
"Volume": "0.9"
"Timestamp": 1548676800000,
"Open": "2999.3",
"High": "3002.6",
"Low": "2989.2",
"Close": "2999.3",
"Volume": "63.00046504"
"Timestamp": 1548669600000,
"Open": "3012.9",
"High": "3015.8",
"Low": "3000",
"Close": "3012.9",
"Volume": "8"
"Timestamp": 1548417600000,
"Open": "3124",
"High": "3125.1",
"Low": "3124",
"Close": "3124",
"Volume": "0.1"
"Timestamp": 1548237600000,
"Open": "3143",
"High": "3143.3",
"Low": "3141.1",
"Close": "3143",
"Volume": "60.67250851"
Struct Definition
type Candle struct {
Timestamp int
Open string
High string
Low string
Close string
Volume string
Get price ticker
// options: market
channel := websocket.TickerPrice(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"market": "EOS-EUR",
"price": "2.0142"
"market": "XRP-EUR",
"price": "0.25193"
"market": "ETH-EUR",
"price": "99.877"
"market": "IOST-EUR",
"price": "0.005941"
"market": "BCH-EUR",
"price": "106.57"
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"price": "2991.1"
"market": "STORM-EUR",
"price": "0.0025672"
"market": "EOS-BTC",
"price": "0.00066289"
"market": "BSV-EUR",
"price": "57.6"
"market": "ETH-BTC",
"price": "0.032373"
Struct Definition
type TickerPrice struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Get book ticker
// options: market
channel := websocket.TickerBook(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"market": "XVG-BTC",
"bid": "0.00000045",
"ask": "0.00000046",
"bidSize": "28815.01275017",
"askSize": "38392.85089495"
"market": "XVG-EUR",
"bid": "0.004213",
"ask": "0.0043174",
"bidSize": "1699002.27041019",
"askSize": "638327.18139947"
"market": "ZIL-BTC",
"bid": "0.00000082",
"ask": "0.00000083",
"bidSize": "140980.13397262",
"askSize": "98568.18059098"
"market": "ZIL-EUR",
"bid": "0.0076771",
"ask": "0.0077744",
"bidSize": "320216.82744213",
"askSize": "157923.96870507"
"market": "ZRX-BTC",
"bid": "0.00001684",
"ask": "0.000016898",
"bidSize": "631.2417155",
"askSize": "1551.90609202"
"market": "ZRX-EUR",
"bid": "0.15766",
"ask": "0.15826",
"bidSize": "873.64460869",
"askSize": "1010.23609323"
Struct Definition
type TickerBook struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Bid string `json:"bid"`
Ask string `json:"ask"`
BidSize string `json:"bidSize"`
AskSize string `json:"askSize"`
Get 24 hour ticker
// options: market
channel := websocket.Ticker24h(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"market": "XTZ-EUR",
"open": "1.21",
"high": "1.2114",
"low": "1.0974",
"last": "1.1096",
"volume": "41994.8008",
"volumeQuote": "48041.67",
"bid": "1.1088",
"ask": "1.1155",
"timestamp": 1565775776174,
"bidSize": "175.05128",
"askSize": "138.519066"
"market": "XVG-EUR",
"open": "0.0043222",
"high": "0.0044139",
"low": "0.0040849",
"last": "0.0041952",
"volume": "1237140.82971657",
"volumeQuote": "5267.56",
"bid": "0.0042134",
"ask": "0.0043193",
"timestamp": 1565775776103,
"bidSize": "1698875.30729496",
"askSize": "638047.77525823"
"market": "ZIL-EUR",
"open": "0.0081618",
"high": "0.0082359",
"low": "0.0076094",
"last": "0.0077285",
"volume": "774485.99486622",
"volumeQuote": "6015.82",
"bid": "0.0076778",
"ask": "0.0077779",
"timestamp": 1565775776160,
"bidSize": "320186.06168593",
"askSize": "158553.66311916"
Struct Definition
type Ticker24h struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Open string `json:"open"`
High string `json:"high"`
Low string `json:"low"`
Last string `json:"last"`
Volume string `json:"volume"`
VolumeQuote string `json:"volumeQuote"`
Bid string `json:"bid"`
Ask string `json:"ask"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
BidSize string `json:"bidSize"`
AskSize string `json:"askSize"`
Place order
When placing an order, make sure that the correct optional parameters are set. For a limit order it is required to set both the amount and price. A market order is valid if either the amount or the amountQuote has been set.
// optional parameters: limit:(amount, price, postOnly), market:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection),
// stopLoss/takeProfit:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// stopLossLimit/takeProfitLimit:(amount, price, postOnly, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// all orderTypes: timeInForce, selfTradePrevention, responseRequired
channel := websocket.PlaceOrder("BTC-EUR", "sell", "market", map[string]string{"amount": "0.3"})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"orderId": "2261cb7b-346f-4d81-ae36-189dc44f8a87",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681232827,
"updated": 1548681232827,
"status": "filled",
"side": "sell",
"orderType": "market",
"amount": "0.3",
"amountRemaining": "0",
"price": "",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "0",
"onHoldCurrency": "BTC",
"filledAmount": "0.3",
"filledAmountQuote": "898.107083735",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "2.247083735",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [
"id": "4ca1a839-2fe1-46d0-86dc-6582cf8d7456",
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"amount": "0.17416747",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"id": "99bc3431-604e-41ca-a4e6-610a7b0d1e7e",
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"amount": "0.12583253",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": false,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Update order
When updating an order make sure that at least one of the optional parameters has been set. Otherwise nothing can be updated.
// Optional parameters: limit:(amount, amountRemaining, price, timeInForce, selfTradePrevention, postOnly)
// untriggered stopLoss/takeProfit:(amount, amountQuote, disableMarketProtection, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
// stopLossLimit/takeProfitLimit: (amount, price, postOnly, triggerType, triggerReference, triggerAmount)
channel := websocket.UpdateOrder("BTC-EUR", "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type UpdateOrder struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get order
channel := websocket.GetOrder("BTC-EUR", "c5f419b3-65c8-4a4a-8f5f-4dd7c24c5172")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Cancel order
channel := websocket.CancelOrder("BTC-EUR", "c2aa3b68-d72f-4a02-bb3d-30401f7d43ed")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"orderId": "c2aa3b68-d72f-4a02-bb3d-30401f7d43ed"
Struct Definition
type CancelOrder struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Get orders
Returns the same as get order, but can be used to return multiple orders at once.
// options: limit, start, end, orderIdFrom, orderIdTo
channel := websocket.GetOrders("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
"orderId": "2261cb7b-346f-4d81-ae36-189dc44f8a87",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681232827,
"updated": 1548681232827,
"status": "filled",
"side": "sell",
"orderType": "market",
"amount": "0.3",
"amountRemaining": "0",
"price": "",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "0",
"onHoldCurrency": "BTC",
"filledAmount": "0.3",
"filledAmountQuote": "898.107083735",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "2.247083735",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [
"id": "4ca1a839-2fe1-46d0-86dc-6582cf8d7456",
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"amount": "0.17416747",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"id": "99bc3431-604e-41ca-a4e6-610a7b0d1e7e",
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"amount": "0.12583253",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": false,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Cancel orders
Cancels all orders in a market. If no market is specified, all orders of an account will be canceled.
channel := websocket.CancelOrders(map[string]string{"market": "BTC-EUR"})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11"
"orderId": "5850bca1-8bbb-470b-80a3-06ca7ec0e4c9"
Struct Definition
type CancelOrder struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Get orders open
Returns all orders which are not filled or canceled.
// options: market
channel := websocket.OrdersOpen(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"orderId": "4729e0c3-fb21-41cf-957c-4c406ea78b11",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681391351,
"updated": 1548681420120,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.4",
"amountRemaining": "0.4",
"price": "2000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "802",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
"orderId": "130e264c-dbb2-4535-9b5d-850498c2b923",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548681473272,
"updated": 1548681484937,
"status": "new",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "0.5",
"amountRemaining": "0.5",
"price": "3000",
"amountQuote": "",
"amountQuoteRemaining": "",
"onHold": "1504",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"filledAmount": "0",
"filledAmountQuote": "0",
"filledPrice": "",
"feePaid": "0",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"fills": [],
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true,
"disableMarketProtection": false,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false
Struct Definition
type Order struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
FilledAmount string `json:"filledAmount"`
FilledAmountQuote string `json:"filledAmountQuote"`
FeePaid string `json:"feePaid"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Fills []Fill `json:"fills"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
DisableMarketProtection bool `json:"disableMarketProtection"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
type Fill struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get trades
Returns all trades within a market for this account.
// options: limit, start, end, tradeIdFrom, tradeIdTo
channel := websocket.Trades("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"timestamp": 1548681232840,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "0.12583253",
"side": "sell",
"price": "2993.4",
"taker": true,
"fee": "0.937095302",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548681232832,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "0.17416747",
"side": "sell",
"price": "2993.9",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.309988433",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666586,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "2.59562705",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2995.8",
"taker": true,
"fee": "19.43048361",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666579,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "1.42331069",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2994.8",
"taker": true,
"fee": "10.659145588",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
"timestamp": 1548679666574,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"amount": "2.79772289",
"side": "buy",
"price": "2993.7",
"taker": true,
"fee": "20.936984207",
"feeCurrency": "EUR",
"settled": true
Struct Definition
type Trades struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Side string `json:"side"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Settled bool `json:"settled"`
Get Account
Returns the fee tier for this account.
channel := websocket.Account()
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"fees": {
"taker": "0.0025",
"maker": "0.0015",
"volume": "100.00"
Struct Definition
type Account struct {
Fees FeeObject `json:"fees"`
type FeeObject struct {
Taker string `json:"taker"`
Maker string `json:"maker"`
Volume string `json:"volume"`
Get balance
Returns the balance for this account.
// options: symbol
channel := websocket.Balance(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"symbol": "EUR",
"available": "5003.5",
"inOrder": "7963.43"
"symbol": "BTC",
"available": "0.02605972",
"inOrder": "0.079398"
"symbol": "ADA",
"available": "3.8",
"inOrder": "1"
"symbol": "BCH",
"available": "0.00952811",
"inOrder": "0"
"symbol": "BSV",
"available": "0.00952811",
"inOrder": "0"
"symbol": "DASH",
"available": "22.36624125",
"inOrder": "0.63375875"
Struct Definition
type Balance struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Available string `json:"available"`
InOrder string `json:"inOrder"`
Deposit assets
Returns the address which can be used to deposit funds.
channel := websocket.DepositAssets("BTC")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"address": "BitcoinAddress",
"iban": "",
"bic": "",
"description": "",
"paymentId": ""
Struct Definition
type DepositAssets struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Iban string `json:"iban"`
Bic string `json:"bic"`
Description string `json:"description"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Withdraw Assets
Can be used to withdraw funds from Bitvavo.
// optional parameters: paymentId, internal, addWithdrawalFee
channel := websocket.WithdrawAssets("BTC", "1", "BitcoinAddress", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "1",
"success": true
Struct Definition
type WithdrawAssets struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Success bool `json:"success"`
Get deposit history
Returns the deposit history of your account.
// options: symbol, limit, start, end
channel := websocket.DepositHistory(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"symbol": "EUR",
"amount": "1",
"address": "NL12RABO324234234",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1521550025000,
"status": "completed"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.099",
"address": "",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "0c6497e608212a516b8218674cb0ca04f65b67a00fe8bddaa1ecb03e9b029255",
"timestamp": 1511873910000,
"status": "completed"
Struct Definition
type History struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Address string `json:"address"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Get withdrawal history
Returns the withdrawal history of an account.
// options: symbol, limit, start, end
channel := websocket.WithdrawalHistory(map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
for _, entry := range result {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", entry)
View Response
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.99994",
"address": "1CqtG5z55x7bYD5GxsAXPx59DEyujs4bjm",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00006",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548682993000,
"status": "awaiting_processing"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.09994",
"address": "1CqtG5z55x7bYD5GxsAXPx59DEyujs4bjm",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00006",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548425559000,
"status": "awaiting_processing"
"symbol": "EUR",
"amount": "50",
"address": "NL123BIM",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0",
"txId": "",
"timestamp": 1548409721000,
"status": "completed"
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "0.01939",
"address": "3QpyxeA7yWWsSURXEmuBBzHpxjqn7Rbyme",
"paymentId": "",
"fee": "0.00002",
"txId": "da2299c86fce67eb899aeaafbe1f81cf663a3850cf9f3337c92b2d87945532db",
"timestamp": 1537803091000,
"status": "completed"
Struct Definition
type History struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Address string `json:"address"`
PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Ticker subscription
Sends an update every time the best bid, best ask or last price changed.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionTicker("BTC-EUR")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"event": "ticker",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"bestBid": "9370.4",
"bestBidSize": "0.3080136",
"bestAsk": "9369.3",
"bestAskSize": "0.10681936",
"lastPrice": "9369.3"
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionTicker struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Market string `json:"market"`
BestBid string `json:"bestBid"`
BestBidSize string `json:"bestBidSize"`
BestAsk string `json:"bestAsk"`
BestAskSize string `json:"bestAskSize"`
LastPrice string `json:"lastPrice"`
Ticker 24 hour subscription
Updated ticker24h objects are sent on this channel once per second. A ticker24h object is considered updated if one of the values besides timestamp has changed.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionTicker24h("BTC-EUR")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"open": "10065",
"high": "10082",
"low": "9265.4",
"last": "9371.8",
"volume": "308.06115709",
"volumeQuote": "2983934.09",
"bid": "9365.3",
"ask": "9369",
"timestamp": 1565776275740,
"bidSize": "0.10615797",
"askSize": "0.10895214"
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionTicker24h struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Data []Ticker24h `json:"data"`
type Ticker24h struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Open string `json:"open"`
High string `json:"high"`
Low string `json:"low"`
Last string `json:"last"`
Volume string `json:"volume"`
VolumeQuote string `json:"volumeQuote"`
Bid string `json:"bid"`
Ask string `json:"ask"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
BidSize string `json:"bidSize"`
AskSize string `json:"askSize"`
Account subscription
Sends an update whenever an event happens which is related to the account. These are ‘order’ events (create, update, cancel) or ‘fill’ events (a trade occurred).
orderChannel, fillChannel := websocket.SubscriptionAccount("BTC-EUR")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-orderChannel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
case result := <-fillChannel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"event": "order",
"orderId": "80b5f04d-21fc-4ebe-9c5f-6d34f78ee477",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"created": 1548684420771,
"updated": 1548684420771,
"status": "filled",
"side": "buy",
"orderType": "limit",
"amount": "1",
"amountRemaining": "0",
"price": "3000",
"onHold": "0.83",
"onHoldCurrency": "EUR",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false,
"selfTradePrevention": "decrementAndCancel",
"visible": true
"event": "fill",
"timestamp": 1548684420790,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"orderId": "80b5f04d-21fc-4ebe-9c5f-6d34f78ee477",
"fillId": "64cc0e3d-6e7b-451c-9034-9a6dc6c4665a",
"amount": "0.17228569",
"price": "2995.3",
"taker": true,
"fee": "1.282672743",
"feeCurrency": "EUR"
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionAccountOrder struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Side string `json:"side"`
OrderType string `json:"orderType"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
AmountRemaining string `json:"amountRemaining"`
AmountQuote string `json:"amountQuote"`
AmountQuoteRemaining string `json:"amountQuoteRemaining"`
Price string `json:"price"`
OnHold string `json:"onHold"`
OnHoldCurrency string `json:"onHoldCurrency"`
TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"`
PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"`
SelfTradePrevention string `json:"selfTradePrevention"`
Visible bool `json:"visible"`
type SubscriptionAccountFill struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Market string `json:"market"`
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
FillId string `json:"fillId"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Taker bool `json:"taker"`
Fee string `json:"fee"`
FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"`
Candles subscription
Sends an updated candle after each trade for the specified interval and market.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionCandles("BTC-EUR", "1h")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"event": "candle",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"interval": "1h",
"candle": [
"Timestamp": 1548684000000,
"Open": "2993.7",
"High": "2996.9",
"Low": "2992.5",
"Close": "2993.7",
"Volume": "8"
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionCandles struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Interval string `json:"interval"`
Candle []Candle `json:"candle"`
type Candle struct {
Timestamp int
Open string
High string
Low string
Close string
Volume string
Trades subscription
Sends an update whenever a trade has happened on this market. For your own trades, please subscribe to account.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionTrades("BTC-EUR")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"event": "trade",
"timestamp": 1548685870299,
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"id": "616bfa4e-b3ff-4b3f-a394-1538a49eb9bc",
"amount": "1",
"price": "2996",
"side": "buy"
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionTrades struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Price string `json:"price"`
Side string `json:"side"`
Book subscription
Sends an update whenever the order book for this specific market has changed. A list of tuples ([price, amount]) are returned, where amount ‘0’ means that there are no more orders at this price. If you wish to maintain your own copy of the order book, consider using the book subscription with local copy function.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionBookUpdate("BTC-EUR")
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"event": "book",
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"nonce": 484,
"bids": [],
"asks": [
Struct Definition
type SubscriptionBookUpdate struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Market string `json:"market"`
Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
Bids [][]string `json:"bids"`
Asks [][]string `json:"asks"`
Book subscription with local copy
This is a combination of get book per market and the book subscription which maintains a local copy. On every update to the order book, the entire order book is returned to the callback, while the book subscription will only return updates to the book.
channel := websocket.SubscriptionBook("BTC-EUR", map[string]string{})
for {
select {
case errorMsg := <-errChannel:
fmt.Println("Handle error", errorMsg)
case result := <-channel:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
View Response
"market": "BTC-EUR",
"nonce": 484,
"bids": [
"asks": [
Struct Definition
type LocalBook struct {
Book map[string]Book `json:"book"`
type Book struct {
Market string `json:"market"`
Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
Bids [][]string `json:"bids"`
Asks [][]string `json:"asks"`