This is a Golang implementation of a Cisco Meraki Scanning API receiver. This server does not support HTTPS at this time, so it needs to be used in conjunction with a tool like grok, which can used as the URL where the Cisco Meraki cloud will send the POSTs.
This requires the gorilla/mux package and was built with Mac OS go version go1.12.4. It will likely work on Linux OSs but it remains untested for the moment.
- Run ngrok on the same machine the HTTP POSTs are going to be received, with
ngrok http <port>
. The terminal window will look something like the screenshot below.
- In the Cisco Meraki dashboard, configure the POST URL with the URL provided by ngrok, which may look something like
. With the free plan, ngrok will change this URL everytime it is started.
- Download and run this script with
git clone
cd ScanningAPIReceiver
go run receiver.go --validator <str>
The validator string is a required argument and can be found in the Cisco Meraki dashboard Network-wide > General page.
- receiver.go listens on TCP port 8080. Can be changed with
--port <n>
argument. This needs to match the port used by ngrok.
- The full content of the HTTP requests received is dumped to STDOUT and a log file "receiver.log". A different log file can be specified with
--logfile <path>
Example commands
go run receiver.go --validator <str> --port <p>
go run receiver.go --validator <str> --port 50000 --logfile sample.log