zwitter is a micro blogging platform built with microservice architecture powered by go, grpc, envoy and reactjs.
Running locally
To run zwitter locally you will need to have go installed in your system first. Go to the official documentation for installing golang in your system and download.
Also install nodejs and install yarn in your system for js package management.
After that clone and build this project locally.
git clone
cd zwitter
## Create default config files for the services
make config
This will pull some docker images and build the images locally so it might take some time.
This will clone the project on your local machine, build the binaries of the microservices and build docker images for the services.
With this you can run the project using docker-compose
For that just run the following command
make run
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8080.
You should be see the home page of zwitter.
Setting up dev environment
To setup dev environment, just run following command
make dev
This will run webpack-dev-server so hot reloading is enabled in all the frontend files.
To reload after the changes made on go files, first build the service after making the changes and then restart the service.
for eg. If you do some changes in the posts service, first build the service with following commands
cd posts
Now restart he service with following command
make restart-service SERVICE=posts
You will also need to install go protobuf dependency along with grpc-gateway or the code generation on the server side. First you will need to have the protoc compiler for protobuf files. You can installit following this guide. After that install grpc-gateway and its required dependencies from here. With all the dependencies out of the way, you should be ready to go.
Zwitter is composed of five different microservice components. These services are containerized using docker and can be run using docker-composer to start the whole system.
Each of the services have an instance of envoy proxy running inside their containers, which provides the http entrypoint for the services. All the services then connect to an seperate instance of envoy proxy which provides access to all the services through an single http entrypoint. The web service is mounted at root whereas all the other services are mounted at the endpoint starting their own name.

Run make help
to get the list of other available make commands
➜ make help
Available commands
all Build the binaries and docker-images for all the services
build Build the binaries and docker-images for all the services
clean Clean the build products for all the services
config Create default configuraion files
dev Start the development environment
docker-run Run zwitter with vanilla docker-compose setup
envoy-run Run zwitter using docker-compose with envoy proxy
fmt Format the go code with gofmt
frontend-watch Start frontend dev environment
help Display this help screen
js-deps Install javascript dependencies
logs Show docker compose logs for service $SERVICE, shows all logs if $SERVICE is not set
restart-service Restart a service $SERVICE
service build the binary and docker image of $SERVICE service
stop Stop the services
To get the list of available make commands for each service, go into the service folder and run make help
➜ make help
Zwitter:Auth 1.0
Available commands
api Auto-generate grpc go sources
clean Clean all build products
dep Download go dependencies
docker-build Build the docker image of the service
docker-run Build and run the service in a docker container
docs Generate swagger documentation files
help List available make commands
server Build the server binary
Copyright (c) 2020 Dipak Acharya
Licensed under MIT License