
v1.4.2-alpha1 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 10, 2018 License: BSD-3-Clause



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grpc-gateway is a plugin of protoc. It reads gRPC service definition, and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. This server is generated according to custom options in your gRPC definition.

It helps you to provide your APIs in both gRPC and RESTful style at the same time.

architecture introduction diagram

Check out our documentation!


gRPC is great -- it generates API clients and server stubs in many programming languages, it is fast, easy-to-use, bandwidth-efficient and its design is combat-proven by Google. However, you might still want to provide a traditional RESTful API as well. Reasons can range from maintaining backwards-compatibility, supporting languages or clients not well supported by gRPC to simply maintaining the aesthetics and tooling involved with a RESTful architecture.

This project aims to provide that HTTP+JSON interface to your gRPC service. A small amount of configuration in your service to attach HTTP semantics is all that's needed to generate a reverse-proxy with this library.


First you need to install ProtocolBuffers 3.0.0-beta-3 or later.

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
git clone
cd protobuf
make check
sudo make install

Then, go get -u as usual the following packages:

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u


Make sure that your $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH.

  1. Define your service in gRPC


    syntax = "proto3";
    package example;
    message StringMessage {
      string value = 1;
    service YourService {
      rpc Echo(StringMessage) returns (StringMessage) {}
  2. Add a custom option to the .proto file


     syntax = "proto3";
     package example;
    +import "google/api/annotations.proto";
     message StringMessage {
       string value = 1;
     service YourService {
    -  rpc Echo(StringMessage) returns (StringMessage) {}
    +  rpc Echo(StringMessage) returns (StringMessage) {
    +    option (google.api.http) = {
    +      post: "/v1/example/echo"
    +      body: "*"
    +    };
    +  }

    If you do not want to modify the proto file for use with grpc-gateway you can alternatively use an external gRPC API Configuration file. Check our documentation for more information.

  3. Generate gRPC stub

    protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
      -I$GOPATH/src \
      -I$GOPATH/src/ \
      --go_out=plugins=grpc:. \

    It will generate a stub file path/to/your_service.pb.go.

  4. Implement your service in gRPC as usual

    1. (Optional) Generate gRPC stub in the language you want.


    protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
      -I$GOPATH/src \
      -I$GOPATH/src/ \
      --ruby_out=. \
    protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
      -I$GOPATH/src \
      -I$GOPATH/src/ \
      --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=grpc_ruby_plugin \
      --grpc-ruby_out=. \
    1. Add the googleapis-common-protos gem (or your language equivalent) as a dependency to your project.
    2. Implement your service
  5. Generate reverse-proxy

    protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
      -I$GOPATH/src \
      -I$GOPATH/src/ \
      --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:. \

    It will generate a reverse proxy path/to/

    Note: After generating the code for each of the stubs, in order to build the code, you will want to run go get . from the directory containing the stubs.

  6. Write an entrypoint

    Now you need to write an entrypoint of the proxy server.

    package main
    import (
      gw "path/to/your_service_package"
    var (
      echoEndpoint = flag.String("echo_endpoint", "localhost:9090", "endpoint of YourService")
    func run() error {
      ctx := context.Background()
      ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
      defer cancel()
      mux := runtime.NewServeMux()
      opts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithInsecure()}
      err := gw.RegisterYourServiceHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, *echoEndpoint, opts)
      if err != nil {
        return err
      return http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
    func main() {
      defer glog.Flush()
      if err := run(); err != nil {
  7. (Optional) Generate swagger definitions

    protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
      -I$GOPATH/src \
      -I$GOPATH/src/ \
      --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:. \

Parameters and flags

protoc-gen-grpc-gateway supports custom mapping from Protobuf import to Golang import path. They are compatible to the parameters with same names in protoc-gen-go.

In addition we also support the request_context parameter in order to use the http.Request's Context (only for Go 1.7 and above). This parameter can be useful to pass request scoped context between the gateway and the gRPC service.

protoc-gen-grpc-gateway also supports some more command line flags to control logging. You can give these flags together with parameters above. Run protoc-gen-grpc-gateway --help for more details about the flags.

More Examples

More examples are available under examples directory.

  • proto/examplepb/echo_service.proto, proto/examplepb/a_bit_of_everything.proto, proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.proto: service definition
    • proto/examplepb/echo_service.pb.go, proto/examplepb/a_bit_of_everything.pb.go, proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.pb.go: [generated] stub of the service
    • proto/examplepb/, proto/examplepb/, proto/examplepb/ [generated] reverse proxy for the service
    • proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.yaml: gRPC API Configuration for unannotated_echo_service.proto
  • server/main.go: service implementation
  • main.go: entrypoint of the generated reverse proxy

To use the same port for custom HTTP handlers (e.g. serving swagger.json), gRPC-gateway, and a gRPC server, see this code example by CoreOS (and its accompanying blog post)


  • Generating JSON API handlers
  • Method parameters in request body
  • Method parameters in request path
  • Method parameters in query string
  • Enum fields in path parameter (including repeated enum fields).
  • Mapping streaming APIs to newline-delimited JSON streams
  • Mapping HTTP headers with Grpc-Metadata- prefix to gRPC metadata (prefixed with grpcgateway-)
  • Optionally emitting API definition for Swagger.
  • Setting gRPC timeouts through inbound HTTP Grpc-Timeout header.
  • Partial support for gRPC API Configuration files as an alternative to annotation.
Want to support

But not yet.

  • Optionally generating the entrypoint. #8
  • import_path parameter
No plan to support

But patch is welcome.

  • Method parameters in HTTP headers
  • Handling trailer metadata
  • Encoding request/response body in XML
  • True bi-directional streaming. (Probably impossible?)

Mapping gRPC to HTTP

  • How gRPC error codes map to HTTP status codes in the response
  • HTTP request source IP is added as X-Forwarded-For gRPC request header
  • HTTP request host is added as X-Forwarded-Host gRPC request header
  • HTTP Authorization header is added as authorization gRPC request header
  • Remaining Permanent HTTP header keys (as specified by the IANA here are prefixed with grpcgateway- and added with their values to gRPC request header
  • HTTP headers that start with 'Grpc-Metadata-' are mapped to gRPC metadata (prefixed with grpcgateway-)
  • While configurable, the default {un,}marshaling uses jsonpb with OrigName: true.




grpc-gateway is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE.txt for more details.


Path Synopsis
Package codegenerator contains reusable functions used by the code generators.
Package codegenerator contains reusable functions used by the code generators.
Command example-gateway-server is an example reverse-proxy implementation whose HTTP handler is generated by grpc-gateway.
Command example-gateway-server is an example reverse-proxy implementation whose HTTP handler is generated by grpc-gateway.
Command example-grpc-server is an example grpc server to be called by example-gateway-server.
Command example-grpc-server is an example grpc server to be called by example-gateway-server.
Package gateway is an example of grpc-gateway server
Package gateway is an example of grpc-gateway server
Package examplepb is a reverse proxy.
Package examplepb is a reverse proxy.
Command protoc-gen-grpc-gateway is a plugin for Google protocol buffer compiler to generate a reverse-proxy, which converts incoming RESTful HTTP/1 requests gRPC invocation.
Command protoc-gen-grpc-gateway is a plugin for Google protocol buffer compiler to generate a reverse-proxy, which converts incoming RESTful HTTP/1 requests gRPC invocation.
Package generator provides an abstract interface to code generators.
Package generator provides an abstract interface to code generators.
Package gengateway provides a code generator for grpc gateway files.
Package gengateway provides a code generator for grpc gateway files.
Package genswagger provides a code generator for swagger.
Package genswagger provides a code generator for swagger.
Package runtime contains runtime helper functions used by servers which protoc-gen-grpc-gateway generates.
Package runtime contains runtime helper functions used by servers which protoc-gen-grpc-gateway generates.
Package utilities provides members for internal use in grpc-gateway.
Package utilities provides members for internal use in grpc-gateway.

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