Running cloud workload can be expensive, especially on testing, qa and prod like environments.
Usually these resource are not required all the time and will consume your wallet for no reason.
This controller can scale and/or suspend cloud resources according the state of running pods or usage.
If a governing resource, for example a AWSRDSInstance
detects that no pods are running which match any of the selectors in .spec.scaleToZero
referenced AWS RDS instance will be temporarily terminated. If any pod starts given the selectors the instance will be resumed again.
This approach can work great in environments which already have automated pod scale down. Especially with serverless workloads (scale to zero) and controllers like k8s-pause.
This controller can be compared with tools like HPA and Keda but instead scaling pods on kubernetes it uses pod stats to scale resources pods
rely on.
Supported resources
If no pods are running matching either app: backend
or app: another-rds-client
the aws instance named rds-myname
will be terminated after
a grace period of 5 minutes.
Note: If no grace period is set the instance will be terminated immediately after the condition ScaledToZero is set to True
kind: AWSRDSInstance
name: rds-myname
instanceName: rds-myname # If instanceName is not set will be used
region: eu-central-2
gracePeriod: 5m
interval: 15m
name: aws-credentials
- matchLabels:
app: backend
- matchLabels:
app: another-rds-client
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws-credentials
type: Opaque
MongoDB Atlas
If no pods are running matching either app: backend
or app: another-mongodb-client
the atlas cluster named atlas-myname
will be terminated after
a grace period of 5 minutes.
kind: MongoDBAtlasCluster
name: atlas-myname
clusterName: atlas-myname # If clusterName is not set will be used
gracePeriod: 5m
interval: 15m
groupID: xxxx
name: atlas-credentials
- matchLabels:
app: backend
- matchLabels:
app: another-mongodb-client
apiVersion: v1
privateKey: c2VjcmV0=
publicKey: c2VjcmV0=
kind: Secret
name: atlas-credentials
type: Opaque
Observe reconciliation
Each resource reports various conditions in .status.condtions
which will give the necessary insight about the
current state of the resource.
Namely there are the conditions Ready
and ScaledToZero
ScaledToZero will give insigh whether the target rules have pods elected as up or down and Ready gives insight about
the reconcililation status itself.
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-11-30T12:01:52Z"
message: random cloud error
observedGeneration: 32
reason: ReconciliationFailed
status: "False"
type: Ready
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-11T14:03:31Z"
message: selector matches at least one running pod
observedGeneration: 3
reason: PodsRunning
status: "False"
type: ScaledToZero
Please see chart/cloud-autoscale-controller for the helm chart docs.
Alternatively you may get the bundled manifests in each release to deploy it using kustomize or use them directly.
The controller can be configured using cmd args:
--concurrent int The number of concurrent KeycloakRealm reconciles. (default 4)
--enable-leader-election Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
--graceful-shutdown-timeout duration The duration given to the reconciler to finish before forcibly stopping. (default 10m0s)
--health-addr string The address the health endpoint binds to. (default ":9557")
--insecure-kubeconfig-exec Allow use of the user.exec section in kubeconfigs provided for remote apply.
--insecure-kubeconfig-tls Allow that kubeconfigs provided for remote apply can disable TLS verification.
--kube-api-burst int The maximum burst queries-per-second of requests sent to the Kubernetes API. (default 300)
--kube-api-qps float32 The maximum queries-per-second of requests sent to the Kubernetes API. (default 50)
--leader-election-lease-duration duration Interval at which non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership (duration string). (default 35s)
--leader-election-release-on-cancel Defines if the leader should step down voluntarily on controller manager shutdown. (default true)
--leader-election-renew-deadline duration Duration that the leading controller manager will retry refreshing leadership before giving up (duration string). (default 30s)
--leader-election-retry-period duration Duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions (duration string). (default 5s)
--log-encoding string Log encoding format. Can be 'json' or 'console'. (default "json")
--log-level string Log verbosity level. Can be one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'error'. (default "info")
--max-retry-delay duration The maximum amount of time for which an object being reconciled will have to wait before a retry. (default 15m0s)
--metrics-addr string The address the metric endpoint binds to. (default ":9556")
--min-retry-delay duration The minimum amount of time for which an object being reconciled will have to wait before a retry. (default 750ms)
--watch-all-namespaces Watch for resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the runtime namespace. (default true)
--watch-label-selector string Watch for resources with matching labels e.g. ''.