
A simple raytracer implemented in Go to explore the profiling and optimization tooling that is provided by Go.
Original source
The source was apdapted from C++ source obtained from www.scratchapixel.com; released under GPL V3 or later.
Running and Analysing
The following command will build and run the raytracer.
go build && time ./raytracer
Use the following command to build, run and then analyse the cpu.pprof profile file.
go build && time ./raytracer && go tool pprof -http=:8080 cpu.pprof
Building and running the C++ Raytracer
Conan package manager and CMake are required to compile and build the program.
Use the following commands to build and run the C++ version of the raytracer.
cd cpp # change directory into the cpp directory
conan install .
cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
time bin/raytracer ../scene.json
Useful resources and links
GopherCon 2019: Dave Cheney - Two Go Programs, Three Different Profiling Techniques
#22: using the Go execution tracer